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Thread: Offensive ad...

  1. #21
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Offensive ad...

    Sorry but I am confused. What is the offensive part?

    I feel like this all goes back to "as hunters we need to watch what we say and do". No, as hunters we need to be proud of our accomplishments and embrace the the lifestyle and share/educate others on how a legitimate harvest takes place.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Changing diapers

    Re: Offensive ad...

    WSS displaying elk pics for their raffle? Not sheep?
    have to check the actual magazine i guess.
    "Just ask anybody who packs a 338... the 30-06 will bounce off a grizzly!"

    "I am not here to awaken sheep, I am here to awaken sleeping lions" Husky7mm

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Offensive ad...

    When i said "a picture can say a thousand words", a few paintings come to mind.
    A man, lost at sea, shipwrecked, struggling to stay alive from the heat and man eating sharks waiting for the boat to sink.
    Or the one with a early settler, probably headed to the Yukon during the goldrush, with a train of mules behind him on a
    sharp ledge of a 500ft cliff, and one mule beginning to buck. (which is jackass mtn by the way).

    Those images put you into the seen, and tells a lot in a way before a person gets to the "Exact moment in time"
    (does for me anyways)

    I just think "others" when they see a pic like that, "dont get the full story" as to "why we hunt".
    I bet if you ask those guys in the photo itself if that truly "reflects the hunt" that they were on when they got those elk, they
    would have to "describe the hunt", as that pic does not do that.

    May are right here, it is a hunting magazine, so the intended target i hunters and we all get it.
    And i agree with everyone saying the same.
    Bu then again, these magazines will never be found in your doctors offices either.
    And hunting is a "dying tradition".
    So, it is hard to gain membership other than just word of mouth as it surely wont come from a magazine anymore.
    Kind of limits the publication to if i dont mind saying.

    I would much rather see a pic of a goat hunter creeping up some sheer rock with pack on and a goat in the background.
    That says a lot more about hunting. (granted, that is a hard photo to capture!)

    I know how i feel on the subject, BUT, i also see the other side of the coin and why most everyone on this
    thread is scratching their head as to "why any hunter would consider it offensive".
    This type of pic to me reflects the end result, but really reflects so very little of the actual hunt that came before it.
    You know, the time most spent when out in the field hunting.

    Remember, there are a lot of non hunters that are not antis, BUT, they also always wonder "why is it we hunt".
    We don't need more Anti's, imo, but we need a lot more "pro hunting".
    So, shouldn't we be the ones giving that to them??
    That's why i look at that particular photo and think that this one falls more into the Antis court.
    But hey, lets not worry about tomorrow!, lets just live for today?

  4. #24
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Fort St. John

    Re: Offensive ad...

    I guess I'm not very popular with quite a few folks on this forum these days. I really was not trying to piss anybody off - merely commenting on one particular photo.
    I have been a hunter for 60 years now and have seen many dead animals. Pictures of dead animals have never bothered me until I saw the "offending" photo. Those skinned out heads with all the blood and gore and bits of skin and eyeballs just didn't appeal to me. I was a an outdoor magazine writer and photographer for many years.
    I would never have submitted a photo like this for publication. Unfortunately, in this day and age of anti-hunting sentiments, this is more important than ever. These days, most of the outdoor magazines out there (and I read them all), including BC Oudoors, have written articles about how we hunters should be careful about how we represent ourselves to the general public.. This is, of course, especially in terms of social media. I am NOT advocating that we should be be ashamed of what it is we do or try to hide it.
    I am proud to be a hunter! I have posted more than my share of dead animal pics on this forum. I, personally, don't even have a problem seeing such pictures on a hunting forum. It is when they appear in mainstream publications that I begin to worry.
    Thank you for all your comments, both pro and con...

  5. #25
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Fort St. John

    Re: Offensive ad...

    Quote Originally Posted by Rob Chipman View Post
    I have confirmed that we do not review any ad copy prior to publication.

    I can also add that we're working on our relationship with the publishers of BCO not that we're unhappy, but we can always improve.

    Do you want me to have your concern brought up and discussed with those doing that work?
    It would not hurt to mention it...

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    North Van

    Re: Offensive ad...


    I will forward your comments (as well as the counters).

    I think we're all clear- it's not that this pic grosses us hunters out. It's the question of whether we should worry about offending non-hunters and thereby not be open as open and honest about ourselves as we are when it's just other hunters, or whether we should tell non-hunters that this is who we are and what we do and they need to get used to it.

    That's a tough needle to thread, but I think everyone can rest assured that we're trying to thread it properly.

    Given the current state of outcry over protecting wolves and not following science I personally tend to be more aligned with you, but I sure would like to change the current tone so that we don't have to walk on eggshells.
    Rob Chipman
    "The idea of wilderness needs no defense, it only needs defenders" - Ed Abbey
    "Grown men do not need leaders" - also Ed Abbey

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Offensive ad...

    So, i decided to take the photo and go to the dog park and mingle with friends over the last 2 years now since i have a dog.
    They are great people, and all know i hunt thru plenty of discussions i have had with them.
    (I try to do my part to help inform the uniformed why I/we hunt whenever i can).
    Most of them have always been city folks, and most have never been exposed to hunting and a couple are even vegetarians.
    (not against eating meat but do the vegetarian lifestyle for health reasons)

    I asked them to tell me what kind of story, if any, the photo told them or how they looked at it.
    No surprise to me, but everyone basically saw it as a some guys that where happy they "killed something" and yes, some
    figured out they were also of "decent antler size.
    It told them nothing else and actually some felt like the elk where killed for their size.
    I wasn't surprised.

    Every time i talk to someone about hunting, who is "not opposed" to hunting, ALWAYS, say the same thing:
    "as long as the people hunting do it for the meat".
    Every time!
    I asked if they have any impression that it was for meat or anything else they could think of.
    "Not really" and didn't care to look at it more then needed to be.

    Then i showed them a photo of a hunt i did, and yup, there are antlers in the pic, and smiles too,
    but there are backpacks and bikes, and a lot of sweat.
    Now, maybe because i was in the photo and they know me??
    But, instantly they started to ask questions about the fact i hunt on mtn bike.
    Also they could see that it wasn't just a smile due to success, but a moment between friends and family.
    And, they could tell it was "hard work".
    (And please, i am not trying to say those fellows didn't work their asses off, it just doesn't particularly show in "that photo".

    Also, i am not trying to say that if we change things, that it will make any difference.
    It may not make one bit of difference.

    I will only add this.
    In the 70's my dad and his friends had no issues strapping their elk/moose/goat/deer to a car as they drove thru vancouver into
    tsawwassen, and never had many foul looks from folks as hunting was generally accepted by most.
    By the 90's, if you lived in the city, you had to start thinking twice, and was probably better to keep things under a tarp.
    Rural folks were still cool with seeing someone's success going thru town.
    But, how many of those towns are places some have to think twice about now???

    Since the 70's, hunters #'s have dropped.
    Yet BC's population has significantly increased.
    Very few Anti's at the time, and a lot of folks either supporting hunting or at least "unopposed".
    Now, hunter #s still decline as compared to population, anti's have increased because those that once were unopposed are now
    in the opposed camp.
    And worse, hunting opportunities and species that can be hunted are slowly declining as well (with more on the short list to come).

    So, does carrying the same mentality that others should "just accept it, or it is as it is and they have to get over it" going to help?
    Has it helped?
    It's been 50 years of this mentality.
    And i dont see it having been a benefit, at least when it comes to the #'s in the "support camp".
    And maybe nothing will, but it is at least worth "looking at ourselves" and changing ourselves if we ever expect others to see
    us differently and potentially for the better and accepted as a lifestyle worth considering and more importantly, allowing to
    Last edited by Bugle M In; 05-11-2021 at 07:42 PM.

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    Re: Offensive ad...

    Quote Originally Posted by Bugle M In View Post
    Most of them have always been city folks, and most have never been exposed to hunting and a couple are even vegetarians. (not against eating meat but do the vegetarian lifestyle for health reasons)

    And they didn't care to look at it more then needed to be.
    The last sentence clinched it for me. “They didn’t care to look at it more than needed be”. That says that it was not something that they could really explore to get the feel for the hunt. They were likely a bit uncomfortable looking at the blood covered bones with eyes looking out. I, as a hunter, get why it was done,but to the huddled masses, shiver never looked into taxidermy options, they could only see that as “gore”.

    There is a HUGE difference between the photo that led to all this discussion, and one like the one I’ve attached below. Both are photos of successful hunts, but one really warrants a long look to really soak it all in. You pick which one that is...

    If we’re not supposed to eat animals, how come they’re made out of meat?

    BHA, BCWF, CCFR, PETA, Lever Action Addict.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Offensive ad...

    Want people to see and somehow feel what it is to hunt.
    What it can offer, what captures us and draws us back time and time again.
    And no one bats 100% each time out, so there has to be something more to it.
    We know that, and they need to be exposed to that.

    Sadly, hunting and the recent gun law changes both have one thing in common.
    The majority of folks dont hunt, dont own guns.
    If majority did own guns, no government would ever consider introducing these new laws.
    And, the public would be "well informed" on why taking guns away from law abiding citizens isnt going to stop the bs we have
    seen around the LM this last week.
    But that is not the case...dont own, dont know.

    Same is for hunting, it is declining, it isnt even staying at par with the current % of increase in BC populations over the years.
    If most folks did hunt or supported it, they would get the photo 100%.
    But since they dont, and are #'s continue to decline, we need their support.
    We need to get them to "see".
    And that magazine photo wont cut it.

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    Re: Offensive ad...

    I don’t follow the media at all... what “BS” did we see in the lml? I did have to go to the island for work and there was a whole stac of BCO in the front row of the magazine rack in the on-board gift shop, so I opened it up and look, there was that photo. Not really sure why there is an elk photo in WSS ad in the first place?
    If we’re not supposed to eat animals, how come they’re made out of meat?

    BHA, BCWF, CCFR, PETA, Lever Action Addict.

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