
You're missing the point. I'm telling you that private property isn't quite the trump card some think it is. As you know (or should know) Indigenous title, once established, is thought to be incompatible to fee simple (which you seem keep calling "deeded land"). That's why I bring it up. DL being in talks with local bands is great. Good for them. If they don't negotiate something that makes both sides happy? They'll get what's given to them. IT's a government to government issue. Again, fee simple private property isn't as closed a case as you seem to think. As you've said "There are many in this province who would say [adriacitum is] the one with mistaken ideas" about private property in BC - that clearly applies to you as well. That's all I'm saying.

It was an appeals court decision. That's a change from a lower court made by a mid level court. It is clearly baked into the cake that an appeals court judgement is not always the end of the story or definitive.

Anything I ate today that was produced by a farmer was bought and paid for. I didn't thank a single one of them. And guess what? None of them thanked me for my money. Fair exchange between free capitalists. I love it.

No, I don't have a status card. Why does that matter? Or is this the time when you say "Thanks for the honesty" and then go dark like you do when you ask who pays someone?