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Thread: John Horgan - Hunting of Wolves

  1. #51
    Join Date
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    Re: John Horgan - Hunting of Wolves

    Quote Originally Posted by SeaScene View Post
    Well said... I agree. The only validation should (rightly) be at the dinner table...

    Sorry but I don’t agree with this. There are many reasons people hunt and some of those reasons are more important to them than others. My family has been raised on wild meat and I still have grown kids that do their meat shopping in my freezer, but I know of quite a few guys that hunt and their families won’t eat wild meat. Lots of bear hunters with families that won’t touch bear meat.
    Trying to convince anti hunters that we hunt for sustenance is a transparent lie in my opinion. So is trying to convince those same people that we have to kill wolves because they are evil non empathetic hunters that also kill babies. To me it’s about managing a resource and that resource is wildlife which includes both predators and prey animals.
    This is my opinion that I’ve shared before but here it is again.

    Re: Op-Ed in today’s Province paper

    using food as a reason is simply an excuse for recreational hunting for the vast majority of hunters.”

    This is the only thing in the article I actually agree with, and as a Hunter I will own it all day long.
    I’ve been hunting for a long time and in reality the last reason I have for going hunting is because of hunger.
    I hunt because the desire to find animals is strong in my DNA and my personality. I’m always hunting no matter whether I’m driving to work or walking with my wife in the park, I’m always looking for animals.
    I hunt because I love the challenge, love the training and preparation and completing the loop by processing my own meat and doing my own taxidermy.
    I would be an idiot to think I could convince somebody that I hire a float plane to drop me in the mountains, or take a jet boat, or take a large camp setup with RV’s, tents, quads, etc, all costing a lot of $$$$ to wherever I like to go, all because I want food. People aren’t that stupid. I think Hunters try too hard to justify hunting by selling it as something it’s not. It’s way to easy to see through the “hunting for sustenance” reasoning. Don’t get me wrong the meat is a great side benefit. I only kill animals that I choose to kill and I’m totally ok with having an unfilled tag and the reason I can do that is because it has very little to do with needing the food source.
    Hunting in Canada is a sport/lifestyle/passion/hobby,,,,,,,,,,,, and in my opinion that’s what we need to fight for because it’s honest and it describes most of what we do.
    Last edited by mod7rem; 02-14-2021 at 11:05 AM.

  2. #52
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    Re: John Horgan - Hunting of Wolves

    Quote Originally Posted by Redthies View Post
    I’m assuming you saw how fast California back pedalled away from its proposed bear hunting ban?
    I did see that and I think there is a really clear lesson there. My understanding is that there was an online petition, but I'm sure there were lots of calls and letter to elected reps as well. I think we need to up our game on both avenues.
    Rob Chipman
    "The idea of wilderness needs no defense, it only needs defenders" - Ed Abbey
    "Grown men do not need leaders" - also Ed Abbey

  3. #53
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    Re: John Horgan - Hunting of Wolves


    I'm not 100% with you - I spend lots of money on hunting in order to get food, but you're right, it ain't economical. It'd be tough for me to argue that I'm a sustenance hunter because of finances. I'll still argue that one of the reasons I hunt is for sustenance.

    That said, we face that question: why do you hunt?

    Best answer I've heard was Edurado Garcia's "I hunt because I'm human". Makes a lot of sense, and even though it's really short and sweet I think it demonstrates that Garcia has given the issue a lot of thought.

    Anyway, you make an important point, so good on you.
    Rob Chipman
    "The idea of wilderness needs no defense, it only needs defenders" - Ed Abbey
    "Grown men do not need leaders" - also Ed Abbey

  4. #54
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    Prince George

    Re: John Horgan - Hunting of Wolves

    Quote Originally Posted by Rob Chipman View Post

    I'm not 100% with you - I spend lots of money on hunting in order to get food, but you're right, it ain't economical. It'd be tough for me to argue that I'm a sustenance hunter because of finances. I'll still argue that one of the reasons I hunt is for sustenance.

    That said, we face that question: why do you hunt?

    Best answer I've heard was Edurado Garcia's "I hunt because I'm human". Makes a lot of sense, and even though it's really short and sweet I think it demonstrates that Garcia has given the issue a lot of thought.

    Anyway, you make an important point, so good on you.
    I agree with Eduardo Garcia. Makes perfect sense in my situation and the meat for myself and family has been a nice bonus.
    I just think the arguments we give to defend hunting should be honest, realistic and unapologetic. I don’t think people need to all agree with why hunting is important to a lot of people, but they need to accept that we aren’t all the same and the resource can work for all of us.
    I’ll admit I don’t know exactly how to accomplish that but I do know it pisses me off when someone thinks I’m required to justify to them why I enjoy hunting.

  5. #55
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    Jul 2011

    Re: John Horgan - Hunting of Wolves

    Quote Originally Posted by VLD43 View Post
    I would suggest that if the scenario you envision unfolds there would be a huge amount of opposition from the Guide Outfitter community. There is no justification for what they do other than money. They are definitely not hunting to sustain themselves by using the game harvested to feed their families.?

    There had better be a whole lot of opposition from every Canadian resident that enjoys freedom! If you don’t think the socialists program of social engineering such as wearing masks and staying in your house and reporting neighbors and all this other bullshit hasn’t got to do with disarming we the people you had better look real closely at the situation again.

    First we remove the grizzly hunt, then caribou, then kill off the moose to save caribou so they can shut down moose season, then black bear, cougar and wolves. Now what would you hunters need firearms for if you don’t have anything to hunt anymore?

  6. #56
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    Re: John Horgan - Hunting of Wolves

    Quote Originally Posted by Sitkaspruce View Post
    Maybe down in your area you have a "Manager" who has decided to allow the hunt to continue, but up here, we don't have that "Manager" and right now it is closed. The Bio who looks after the project was instead working in the Omineca instead of up here. The argument they are using is that the Contractors don't have the authority to use helicopters; they are saying the contractor is no different than you or me using a helicopter. Aerial gunning is not the issue, its who is who is doing the shooting that they are tying up the project with.

    I haven't talked to anyone in a couple weeks, so maybe it is back on again, but in mid January, it was not.

    All it takes to achieve the goal is for someone with enough balls and care for wildlife from higher up to sign a permit.

  7. #57
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    Re: John Horgan - Hunting of Wolves

    Quote Originally Posted by gcreek View Post
    There had better be a whole lot of opposition from every Canadian resident that enjoys freedom! If you don’t think the socialists program of social engineering such as wearing masks and staying in your house and reporting neighbors and all this other bullshit hasn’t got to do with disarming we the people you had better look real closely at the situation again.

    First we remove the grizzly hunt, then caribou, then kill off the moose to save caribou so they can shut down moose season, then black bear, cougar and wolves. Now what would you hunters need firearms for if you don’t have anything to hunt anymore?
    100% agree with your comments. My comments were directed more to the idea that the Government is showing some restraint and letting science rule the day regarding their response to the kick back their getting from the anti's over the facebook post about trapping wolves. My point was that they don't really have much choice in what they do, because they have painted themselves into a corner. Trying to fully appease the Anti's, will have negative financial impacts on other parts of the economy. The Government needs to step up and get on with responsible predator management, in spite of the Anti's. After all who is running this province, the government or the eco terrorists.

  8. #58
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    Jul 2011

    Re: John Horgan - Hunting of Wolves

    Quote Originally Posted by VLD43 View Post
    100% agree with your comments. My comments were directed more to the idea that the Government is showing some restraint and letting science rule the day regarding their response to the kick back their getting from the anti's over the facebook post about trapping wolves. My point was that they don't really have much choice in what they do, because they have painted themselves into a corner. Trying to fully appease the Anti's, will have negative financial impacts on other parts of the economy. The Government needs to step up and get on with responsible predator management, in spite of the Anti's. After all who is running this province, the government or the eco terrorists.
    We can hope, and Lobby.

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