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Thread: rodents in a wall tent

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Lake Cowichan

    rodents in a wall tent

    Was moose hunting in a wall tent this year in the middle of October.First night was quiet and slept well.Second night there was a bit of a wind storm and we learned why people use a long stove pipe as the wind blew the smoke back into the tent a few times.So near daylight a feel a new weight on my legs.Then I feel it has hopped up farther.The next hopp it was on my ass so all in one motion I kick him off.As it is dark I try to figure out which way I kicked it and realize I did kick it to the open side and not the side my son his friend and dad are sleeping.So I go back to sleep after stating that there had been a rodent on me. Next morning we get up and my buddy is getting the fire going and says what the hell was that.He then says he thinks a chip munk just ran thru his legs. So the next night after everyone has fallen asleep I hear a noise and say did you hear that to my son.He says yes so I turn on my flashlight and we see it.We both say look and say what is that and look how big it is.It jumps down and runs straight towards us and goes underneath my cott.We are both yelling and bannging on my cott.2 hours later he is back.This time my son's buddy is waken as well.Flash light on again and he runs under my cott again.this time buddy is banging my cott.We all agree we won't be able to sleep again till he is gone.My son grabs a axe his buddy grabs a long steel flashlight.A hour goes by and he returns.Everybody is ready I turn the flashlight on and he is right below me so I pit lamp him and yell he is right there.My son see's him and throws the axe and hits the critter it does a flop and starts to do the funky chicken.I grab the axe and he jumps back up and does a jump towards the flashlight.Buddy comes flying across snd gets a shot in on the critter.It nocks it down and I am able to finish it off with the axe.The critter was a large pack rat.We were able to sleep again if anybody has any stories please post

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: rodents in a wall tent

    Rodents in wall tents and floorless shelters are a legitimate hassle. I used to bring rat traps and would catch pack rats, mice, voles etc.
    I have a wall tent listed on here that has a full bathtub floor, awesome with no bugs or rodents.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Tent city Victoria

    Re: rodents in a wall tent

    Few years back my buddy and I were spring bear hunting, my dad and one of his buddies came along to fish on the lake we were at. Night time comes, we all settle in to sleep and soon after the last headlamp goes out we hear scurrying. I turn my headlamp on and look at my buddy, he’s all bundled in and he’s looking at me with an annoyed expression and there’s a friggin mouse just sitting on his head staring at me.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: rodents in a wall tent

    Hahaha yup mice in the wall tent is a yearly occurrence. Had one bite me once when I grabbed him by the tail to throw him out the door. Stupid little things

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: rodents in a wall tent

    I think it's just part of the experience, keeping a tidy tent with no food or crumbs left out will help...but mostly I just pull down the toque and zip up the bag, sleep through it.....the dog will usually catch one or two and then they seem to smarten up a bit

    I sleep in the back of the truck a lot in the early season, and in a few of my spots the porcupines are a big issue! I have a lot less tolerance for big rodents chewing on my truck, then I do for the little buggers crawling on me in the tent hahaha
    Unfortunately, the rifles are getting lighter because we are getting heavier and more unfit as a society. This is the key to the mainstream acceptance of the short magnums. - Nathan Foster

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Re: rodents in a wall tent

    Like mosquitoes, they seem to be part of the hunting landscape. I swear pack rats get lonely and seek human company.

    I find a clean trailer makes a big difference.

    Lucky for me, one of my hunting buddies is a really light sleeper so he is on critter patrol all night. I usually manage a pretty good sleep.
    Is Justin Competent, or just incompetent?

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: rodents in a wall tent

    One year we had a determined mouse that kept coming into the tent at night. He destroyed the foam in my motorbike helmet, chewed my brother's boot liners and made a nest out of a roll of TP. My brother ground up some Tylenol 3's that he had. In the morning all of it was eaten and no more mouse problem.

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Central Interior of our beautiful british columbia.

    Re: rodents in a wall tent

    I make one of these!

    I fill my bucket with water! Best night was 6 of them. No more mice in the kitchen or tent! Moosin
    "A good day hunting is mud on your truck or blood on your hands"

    “Some people go to church and think about hunting……………others go hunting and think about God!”

    It's actually called the 375 "ouch and ouch"!!

    "Not asking for any spots or anything like that............................................"

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Yucatan Mexico

    Re: rodents in a wall tent

    Quote Originally Posted by moosinaround View Post
    I make one of these!

    I fill my bucket with water! Best night was 6 of them. No more mice in the kitchen or tent! Moosin
    We were camping this past April. Not far from home as Covid rules just hit.

    After the first night I had to run home and make that trap.

    The next morning there was a dozen mice in there!
    I think we caught 25 in a couple days.
    No wall tent. We were in our 26’ trailer.

    I Give my Heart to my Family....
    My Mind to my Work.......
    But My Soul Belongs to the Mountains.....

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Williams Lake, BC Canada

    Re: rodents in a wall tent

    Hmm on the Teslin river over 25 in 1 nite..
    This year killed one with poison..a BOONER.
    5 WITH new plastic mouse traps..
    One mouse tail..
    None in the main part of travel trailer all in roof system..
    Only second series of events in 21 years in travel trailer use.9 years apart both on same road.?
    Hate mice..

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