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Thread: "Alberta Elk Hunt Overload" Thanks Dad

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Red Deer A.B

    Re: "Alberta Elk Hunt Overload" Thanks Dad

    We knew there were more Elk to be found , this was a big area. All we had to do was get into the river valley behind the Road Hunters camps , after all we wouldn't have to compete with them.
    It wasn't Until Noon when Sepp's Bull answered Geoffs Bugles. Of Course it had to be on the very top of the river banks when Bull came to the challenge. All that long range practice was not necessary on this guy as he decided to come charging into the challenge at a mere 30 yds. Sepp pulled the trigger and when the Lead met flesh and passed through the other side he was dead on his feet . The Bull gave his life up easily but he wasn't going to make it easy for us . He went for cover at the Bottom of the river bank. Unfortunately he broke his Left main beam on the fall. No Way !! Another Bull down and lots of time to get him back to camp. Phil .....Ya I know go get the truck.LOL. I marked the location and headed for camp . Of course load the cooler with Cold drinks and food as this was going to be a Steep climb up the river bank with heavy packs. They searched for the broken piece but in that rats nest it was like a needle in a haystack.

    I managed to get the truck about 300 yds from the meat drop .I grabbed my empty pack and headed to the pinpoint. I just got it loaded up when i heard voices and here comes the Athletes again...Grinning all the way.

    We soaked in the moment had a Cold Beer , told lies then hopped into the truck on those Comfy seats. You all know that feeling after a hard day of hunting.
    The Deboned meat was stuffed into the remaining Cooler space and packed on ice and the lids squeezed shut...
    There was still enough daylight and they offered to make supper that evening so i buggered off for a little alone time and maybe connect on a Bear or one of this Whitetail Bucks that were ritually coming out.
    Sepp dropped me off at the end of the road and wished me luck. I walked to the same spot Geoff called the 3 Bulls the first night then down the fence line . I set my Montana Cow decoy up in a low spot but visible to anything coming out except other hunters...It seemed to be getting dark very early when i realized i was still wearing my prescription sunglasses dang it.... Like Clockwork the Bucks started to emerge but without proper vision i couldn't decide if the biggest was worthy of trying to shoot. I also didn't want to make a bad shot so i watched them through my binos. as best i could and enjoyed the moment. A couple Cow Elk came for a visit but when they got close enough to wind me they of course turned around and headed back from where they came. Between elk calls and the decoy which is like a magnet to them.
    I walked back in the dark fulfilled with my evening sit to a great meal and great company ..Tomorrow was Elk Hunting day again...this time for Pop's.

    Oh remember at the beginning of this thread i spoke about a shed that Sepp found. Well its possible it may have mysteriously attached itself to the broken beam .....Sepp does not know about this bizarre thing happening but when he comes back in November i bet he finds out ....

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Red Deer A.B

    Re: "Alberta Elk Hunt Overload" Thanks Dad

    I wonder how this story ends.... Is it possible there will be a third Bull killed to add to the mix. No way not 3 Bulls in 4 days... Besides the coolers were full where would we put the meat.....hmmm

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Port Alberni

    Re: "Alberta Elk Hunt Overload" Thanks Dad

    LOL! Left Hanging...

    Egotistical, Self Centered, Son of a Bitch Killer that Doesn't Play Well With Others.

    Guess he got to Know me

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Red Deer A.B

    Re: "Alberta Elk Hunt Overload" Thanks Dad

    Okay where was I , Oh yeah its my turn....
    It had been another great night in camp, Elk tenderloin, Good Company and good stories. I was Happy and so relieved that the Fellas had closed their tags . The pressure was off. We could find a Whitetail for them maybe ....But oh no their revved up to try for another Elk....I was already Content and i normally am used to coming home empty handed...The echoes of Geoffs Bull still were in my head and i thought hmm, You never know it could possibly happen...

    I always have the coffee pot set on the burner the night before and my alarm set 20 minutes before i intend to get up. The buzzer went off on my phone , I had a Great sleep due to the generator running all night and my cpap machine keeping me from snoring. The coffee was lit and i hopped back in the fart sack for another few minutes of sleep.... Well i wasnt going back to sleep with the thought of putting another set of antlers on the wall. I got up and whipped up another breakfast for us and we enjoyed a Baileys and coffee with it...
    Sepp said he would hang out in camp today but drop us off at the access gate and keep i

    his cell phone near by for the possible message " Need Help Got a Flat Tire"...code for Game down.In the darkness we headed for a different spot a little further down the river valley and try our Luck..It was the third week of Sept we were sure to hear some bugles. All was quiet and the sun rose like it always did but nothing but birds singing and Range Cows wanting to follow us around ...
    Again it was the most incredible views of the Valley so we burned some boot leather doing some exploring. still nothing. The odd jet boat drifting the river with the same hopes as me. They may have had better luck if they shut their motors off while using their thunder bugles....We sat on the river valley ridge just taking it in listening for rifle shots but nothing....

  5. #15
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    Aug 2008
    Red Deer A.B

    Re: "Alberta Elk Hunt Overload" Thanks Dad

    Geoff lets out a Bugle and we think we get a reply but we don't push it and overdo it. He says you know that sounds further down the valley , like where Sepp shot his. We put our packs on and headed North. Up and down the steep banks and through steep bush. I spot a cow heading up the river bank so we make our way that way maybe a lead Cow ??? but we only saw the one. We take another break and have a drink of water and a snack. we watch another river boat drift on By blowing his horn.....a few minutes pass and we hear a bugle in bottom, Man i wish those river boaters we give it a break....Geoff says that Boat is long gone , I think that was the real thing. It's 12:30 , middle of the day Geoff Bugles and so does the Bull somewhere in the Bottom. They play back and forth with each other . We get to the crest of the river bank and can hear him somewhere below us in the thick Bush.We park our asses behind some small bushes and wait for him to make the next move . Geoff spots movement and picks him out. I say he better be decent because im not packing a Dink Bull up this River bank man....
    Ok i can see movement now and he gets into an opening enough to see parts of His muddy body, You could tell he had been wallowing in his Rut Craze. Okay he's moving into a small clearing and i see he's a tight 6x6... Yes my mind is made up and i take the safety off the Ol 270 . Patience Phil we have all day. My heart is thumping i can see a clear path straight downhill to his shoulder and tell Geoff to plus his ears .....Kapow. This Bull absolutely drops on the spot and does not even flinch.
    I am stunned and Geoff Grins . We absorb the moment and then try to devise a plan on getting to the bottom safely. I send a message to Sepp with a Pinpoint " Need help got a Flat tire"...
    We put our packs on and zigzagged down to the bottom taking the long way but safe way... We encounter a Wallow that has seen a lot of traffic ... we each decide to split up and find a Game trail and see if we can find him...

    Its been 15 mins and Geoff hasn't found him and neither have I . Im baffled and i look way up to the ridge trying to figure out where i shot from and i tell myself you have gone way to far.... With a tear in my eye i say Dad , I need a hand help me out please...then that spiritual voice says just go another 30 yds up on that crest of the hill the trail leads right up there.....No way Dad im to far , Trust me son , follow the trail its not far now.
    Ok lets do this , I get to the crest and I can smell him, the ground is pawed up in a 6 foot circle and the large poplars totally raked by antlers , I look to the left and there he lays , surrounded by willows and thorny Rose Bushes ....No Way
    I look up to the sky and say Thanks Dad i know your still there for me . must have got an eyelash in my again as i get some tears again. I call out to Geoff and in a couple minutes he shows up with a 4 point Muley shed. His Big grin was priceless.

    We prep the area and cut the bushes down so we can work on what looks like a European stag with its small tight rack. Its not 50 mins when here comes Athlete number 2 with a Big smile, some Cold pop and some snacks....He gives us a hard time about not having this brute cut up yet... I do what i can while these boys start the gutless method and before long the deboned meat is in cheesecloth bags and into our packs. somehow we got it all stuffed in and i also have the Head and antlers on my shoulders. Im still blown away how professional these guys are with a knife .. They leave me in the dust but somehow i got to the top and took another look behind me from where we started and where we ended up killing him now were back up top the ridge.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Red Deer A.B

    Re: "Alberta Elk Hunt Overload" Thanks Dad

    Before long were back to the truck and we crack a Cold one. Meat is loaded and we head back for camp..

    Back in camp we realize theres no more room in the Coolers and we said we would figure it out if we got another one. It was supposed to get down to +2 so we hung the meat on the meat pole for the evening.
    We enjoyed another feast at the trailer and relived the success. We could have hunted Whitetails for a couple more days but where would we stuff them...
    The road hunters that were camped where the Elk come into the fields continually drove by rubber necking our camp to see if we got anything. So with some chuckles we put the racks and the deadhead in the box of the truck and backed it closer to the road to rub it in...We had killed 3 Bulls behind their camp all within about 1 km of each other. What a sweet feeling especially looking back that i almost threw in the towel but all my Hunting pals encouraged me to keep going and Don't Give up. man I Love all of those guys and their support.
    I also want to Thank geoff for pushing me Hard and further , He honestly is my Coach when it comes to these rewarding Hunts and i give him credit for " The Alberta Elk Overload"..

    See you soon Fellas as Theres many hunts to do together ...

    I also want to Thank Sepp for being with me very step of the way on our Caribou Hunt last year , You worked your ass of for me my Friend and i will always feel indebted to you..


  7. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: "Alberta Elk Hunt Overload" Thanks Dad

    Awesome write up of a great trip. Sorry for your loss.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Port Alberni

    Thumbs up Re: "Alberta Elk Hunt Overload" Thanks Dad

    Well worth the wait Buddy!
    One fine tale, and a rather cool spin with your Pa reaching out to you to guide you to that elk!
    He'll always be along your side Phil, especially so when enjoying what it is we do.

    Many Thanks for the share!

    Egotistical, Self Centered, Son of a Bitch Killer that Doesn't Play Well With Others.

    Guess he got to Know me

  9. #19
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: "Alberta Elk Hunt Overload" Thanks Dad

    Thanks for the story and pics Springer. What a fantastic hunt!

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: "Alberta Elk Hunt Overload" Thanks Dad

    HBC, where I get my dose of Alberta hunting stories!

    And a good reminder to listen to our inner voices.

    Great story Phil, thank for sharing.

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