First it was a couple of guys doubling on an ATV in Beaver Creek out near Beaverdell September 10. I was supervising one of our harvesting operations brushing out a grown in road when the ATV pulled up behind me as I was slowly moving up the road in my truck. I barely got out two words and the operator of the ATV started yelling and swearing at me about not having access around. Well little did that ignorant individual know, but I was about to tell him to wait a minute and I would clear the brusher equipment for his safe passage. Upon his starting his verbal tirade, I decided to hell with him if he wants to carry on like that.

Second event was this past long weekend when my adult son was out for a ride on his dirt bike up the roads above our acreage. He encountered more than one ignorant person, but the one standing out was a man and women on the road, the man on an ATV and the women standing beside who commenced to flip off my son and start yelling and swearing at him as he rode by. This is crown land and free for all to use. We have raised our family here and use these crown lands 12 months a year. And if you have the misconception that you will be anything close to successful as a great white doe hunter on a road side around here, good luck with all the pressure the animals are completely nocturnal and stay away from the road sides when the circus starts around here.

Just to let those of you know that think you have exclusivity to the crown lands in the Boundary, there are us locals here who live here, work and make our livelihoods in the working forest here and participate in recreational opportunities here and do not appreciate the tone that some out of town hunters bring to the area.

Come and visit and appreciate this country for all it has to offer, but leave the big city attitude in the city.

Happy Trails! BBR!