Thanks for the suggestions. I have been Youtubing and practice my geese call and duck call in the past 2 days, it is hard........ I suck at music, so I don't play any instruments. However, this is something I must learn..............

I'll try to hide better. I haven't decide to hide inside grass (so I have a 360 degree view) or hide inside a layout blind (only 120 degree view). Any comment or suggestion on this part?

Quote Originally Posted by deltawaterfowler View Post
Great job! Sounds like you had fun out there!

I've been hunting the bay for a few seasons now and you'll find your best days are a combination of high tide around sunrise with heavy wind/rain. Tide more than anything seems to be the most important so I always try to time my hunts around that. Early morning with a low tide can be good but you'll largely just get passing shots as the birds are simply on their way somewhere else.

Don't underestimate using your duck call. You'd be surprised how well it can work with practice. Sometimes you can turn ducks around and other times you can send birds towards your decoys from far off... once you start to get good with calling, its a real game changer.

Also, look into some basic ways of setting up your decoys. You don't want them all bunched up, ducks want a place to land. Do that and you'll have more success. There is nothing cooler than having a squadron of ducks come in with their feet down over top your decoys.

Motion is definitely your enemy. Birds have a sharp eye and can spot things that are off from miles away. Use whatever natural cover is around you and stay hidden.

Be safe and respectful out there and you'll have fun for years to come!
