I have had a honey hole since 1976 that never let me down, we always got one or two moose out of there every year.
For years there was no one going in there except us, then gradually as Tumbler Ridge population grew and hunters explored there were signs of people going into my honey hole. But only a small number of people as it is quite difficult to get in there.
Well this year I was shocked to see a very large tree house about 12'x12' with a front porch, roof, door, and four walls built with tongue and grove cedar. Large enough for two to three people to sleep overnight.
CO I ran into asked where I was hunting, when I told him he told me that there was someone that they were interested in going into that spot with "his friends" and he has never shot anything there. The CO got a number of one of his friends who lives in Chetwynd and when they phone him he always says he never got anything. The CO is highly suspicious of illegal guiding. He also warned us that we were camped where (the poacher) likes to park and that there has been vandalism to trucks parked there.
Needless to say we were worried about what might happen when we were away from the camper.
Hunting etiquette has gone to $HIT in a handbasket.