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Thread: Region 2 3x3 down with a bow... 3 hour stalk!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Region 2 3x3 down with a bow... 3 hour stalk!

    Title sums it up, but I'll have pics and an insane story up soon (and video a little later down the road)

    Edit: Bunch of pics are up, might insert a video more and will post up the video on youtube sooner or later.
    Last edited by caddisguy; 09-05-2020 at 04:40 AM.

  2. Site Sponsor

  3. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: Region 2 3x3 down with a bow... 3 hour stalk!

    Way to go!! Now hurry up and get the story posted!

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Region 2 3x3 down with a bow... 3 hour stalk!

    Okay deer meat cooling in the fridge, Jeep finally unpacked, so here it goes I'm just going to let it rip. Pardon any typos or anything in advance.

    So I spent the last two weekends doing some casual scouting and hanging a few trail cams, making some videos, trying to suck a bit less at that. I wanted to make some videos to show what our trips look like. I posted those videos up on this thread for anyone with time to kill:

    For those who don't have time to kill or just can't stand watching the videos, in the first one we hung the trailcams and stumbled on a few deer.... a Region 2 whitetail 2x2, a whitetail doe and a benchleg looking 3x3 hanging out with them.

    Second trip, we accidentally bumped into a sow with cubs and I managed to dry fire my bow while doing some target practice. Ooops! Bow season (which will consist of a single weekend for us) is starting out bad.

    Anyway, I asked the boss man if I could take Friday off and he's happy to mark me off because he's an awesome guy and likes to see me get my downtime.

    We arrived at camp last night. I took my wife's bow. Even though Chilliwack Dart & Tackle checked out really good and he tied on a new peep sight for me, I didn't want to take a chance that the bow needed a significant sight in session or worse there was some subtle issue that would cause problems.

    I fired a few test shots last night. seemed an inch low and left at 20 yards, at least with me shooting it. I've shot it a bit before, so I know what to expect. There's no "kisser" on it (mine has a wad of serving string that "serves" as a kisser button) Anyway, I was fine with it and 20 yards is pretty much that zone where I'm not going to ever miss. 30 yards and the odd one might not be a kill.

    Woke up this morning and caddisgirl was already out with the binos. The whitetail 2x2 and doe made an appearance at the tree line adjacent to the little meadow. They were far from comfortable as they were 2 weeks ago. I wondered if the benchleg looking 3x3 was hanging back. We noticed previously he hangs back, but when he's out and the the whiteys start to get spooked, they key off his body language and calm down if he is calm.

    caddisgirl thought she caught a glimpse of the 3x3 before all the deer vanish back in the timber. Waited an hour or so and no deer action, but I thought I heard a couple snaps not too far back.

    Now there is absolutely no way for me to get down there without making tons of noise. I have zero chance going through the meadow, I have zero change popping in the timber to my right and working down towards them. The only way I MIGHT be able to slip in there is to head up the road about 1km where the road meets the timber, then navigate down and up a half dozen insanely steep draws, through ridiculously crunchy timber. One problem, watching on the cotton wood blowing, that (from the way I see it) 1 in 100 shot at sneaking up to these deer is the only way I could get to them without sounding like a bulldozer and the wind is the exact opposite of what I need.

    I was ready to sit out the day until I was confident they left, then slip down and wait... but then the wind shifted. I decided to give it a try. It was an absolute hail mary shot. caddisgirl stayed behind to watch the area so I would have a report when I get back from this ridiculous expedition.

    Sooo, I walk up the road half a kilometre... then realized I forget my cotton camo hoodie. I knew the skeeters and flies would drive me insane in there, plus I figured my arms would be spooky with just a black tshirt. I walked back for the hoody, then headed off again.

    I entered the timber about 1km away, climbed down the steep slope until it flattened out a bit and I could start to pick out logical paths to traverse across the seemingly endless serious of steep draws. After the first one or two, I started to regret the whole thing and almost turned back. This seems impossible and I am already getting exhausted. I would stop to rest near the ridge tops where I had a decent view, then slowly work my way down and up the next.

    Then I spot a black bear on the next ridge over. He's doing the same thing I am doing. He is looking down over the ridge. I sat and watched for about 20 minutes hoping the bear would move on, but no such luck.

    I don't have all day. I told caddisgirl it would be about 2 hours and have no radio or anything. I decided I would head way down towards drainage and get around him through there. So, that's what I did. I looked up when I figured he would be right above me. I was expecting him to take off and cause a commotion and blow this hole thing. Anyway I wasn't able to see him from down there and he never did make a peep.

    I headed back up a bit kept following the paths of least resistance/noise, down and up, down and up. In my mind what I thought would happen was I was going to just peek over a ridge and the deer would be there. Something changed my mind. I didn't want to come in like that, it seemed to spooky. At this point, the timber lower down towards the drainage was started to flatten out and didn't have too much debris, so I decided I would go down there before my final approach.

    Then suddenly I find myself locked in a stare with a doe. She went stiff and looked like she might be about to blow and stomp so I went all neutral, started pretending (well not really pretending but exaggerating) to scratch myself, make a little bit of foot noise, etc. She relaxed, but this stand off went on for around 10 minutes. I filmed her a bit, but then I'd pretend to itch myself more, move around a bit like I was just browsing around. Next thing I know, I look over and she's just gone. I wait and watch... nothing.

    I put and arrow in the rest and nock it, then I start to move on, eyes peeled for deer. I walk around a little bit... man, I must be close? Where the heck are they?

    Then suddenly I find myself face to face with the doe again. Crap. She's only 20 yards away. I went back to itching and scratching, then decided I would "bed down". That's what I did. I "bed down" 20 yards from her. A few minutes later, she beds down too. I am glancing at her occasionally trying to watch where she is looking and where her ears are pointing, hoping she will reveal something.

    It's been about 2.5 hours now. I told caddisgirl this stalk was probably going to take 2 hours. So now I'm getting worried she might be worried, as I am bed down next to a doe. I am just waiting for bucks to show up. I figure they will think the coast is clear?!

    During one of my glances over at the doe, I spot movement on the hill about 20 yards above her. Holy crap, it's a buck. He's been bedded there is this whole time. I have no binos. I am not sure which buck it is or even what species it is. I NEED to make sure it's not a whitetail. It does look like it has more headgear than that 2x2 whitetail though so that is a good sign.

    Now I am trying to figure out how the heck I am supposed to get to that buck. He is 40 yards away up on a hill and the doe is directly in between us. There's no way I can just walk up to that doe right? Right?? Okay well what if I don't walk "directly" up to her? Hmmm

    I've had about enough. I am in a seemingly impossible situation (like this whole thing was from the start). I figure if they spook we'll just set up there in the evening or the next day when they are not around and wait.

    So I walk not directly up to the doe, but in a trajectory that will put us about 5 yards apart, beside each other.... off I go.

    Holy crap. It's happening. I am standing 5 yards away from the doe, looking up at the buck which is clearly a 3x3. I still need verification it's not a whitetail. 3x3's can be hard to judge.

    He jumps up. I see some white on the rump, and I see a blacktail. Not too ropey like a muley either... kind of stubby and black all the way down... maybe a blacktail dominant benchleg? Well, we'll figure that out later.

    I quickly draw the bow pointing up the steep hill... no range finder here but I practice estimating distances all the time (when I am just walking places I guess how many yards and see if it checks out) It was 20 yards. I aimed a bit high with my 20 yard pin since I was shooting up pretty steep and let it rip.


    I can see the red nockturnal nock glowing just behind his shoulder as he takes off out of sight.

    Last edited by caddisguy; 09-05-2020 at 03:16 AM.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Region 2 3x3 down with a bow... 3 hour stalk!

    The doe is still just bed there 5 yards from me. Other than looking in my direction it doesn't really seem like she cared much so I just sat down there with her and waited about 30 minutes. Then I got up and started to walk away, looked back "Sorry I scared your boyfriend away" (I actually got that on film) and climbed back up to report back to caddisgirl.

    We gave it an hour before we went looking for him just in case. I was pretty darn happy with the shot. It was a little far forward than I would have liked, but was confident it was still double lung.

    We packed up all the gear we needed to process a deer. Seems I was out of game bags but we had some pillow cases. We decided to climb down, cut across the meadow and start searching the timber where I "think" I last heard him (he actually ran out of the timber across the meadow and sounded like he stopped at the timber on the other side)

    Well, we searched ALL OVER the timber around the meadow. Nothing. Not even a drop of blood. I was starting to think, gee maybe it would have been wise to glass down into the meadow during that hour we were waiting. Perhaps he's in the meadow somewhere among this waist high vegetation.

    I started looking around the meadow a little bit more (we had already looked a bit) ... I got myself up on a stump and did a 360. Holy smokes there he is!

    I called caddisgirl who was poking around in the timber. She went to fetch the packs and my hat/hoodie that I had ditched, only to find the doe sniffing my hat and hoodie that was hanging off a tree branch. This is just getting freaking weird.

    Anyway... after that the real work started (as if we hadn't had enough) ... We quartered him up leaving as much hide on as possible so the flies couldn't get at it. It took 2 trips from the bottom of the little meadow, up the steep hill, earth eroding under out feet as we try to climb making little progress with all the weight.

    Eventually, somehow, we got the job done, got the jeep all packed up and drove home.

    I am trying to figure out room for all this. I dont think I have enough room in the freezers, at least until I have it all boned out so most of it is in the fridge now. Was worried about the temp, especially after shooting it at 3pm and not getting it home until around 9pm, but the fridge temp is dropping back down... it was 10.5 for a while but now it's down to 8, getting close to what it needs to be and we can process it tomorrow. Everything still smells great.

    I left the head in the jeep in the parkade. I hope that doesn't stink too bad come morning. I have no room for it. I think tomorrow I will just find my saw (which I thought I had with me?) and take the skull cap, scrape off the rest of the velvet and call it done.

    Although if anyone around Langley happens to have beetles who can take it and do it up for me that would be pretty awesome.

    Anyway, I feel like I just did the impossible. Insane 1km stalk through some gnarly and ridiculously crunchy timber all the way down to a 20 yard shot on a respectable buck, with a doe bedding right where I need to shoot from to boot.

    I will try to get some pics/vids up here soon.
    Last edited by caddisguy; 09-05-2020 at 04:33 AM.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Region 2 3x3 down with a bow... 3 hour stalk!

    Here's one picture for now but I will try to get a bunch more pics/video up of the whole ordeal to add imagery to the rest of the story. I'll insert the pics inside the main story where I run into the doe the first time, and then "bed down" next to her the second time we bump into each other in the timber where the buck was also bedding up above.

    Last edited by caddisguy; 09-05-2020 at 02:37 AM.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Region 2 3x3 down with a bow... 3 hour stalk!

    Here's a shot of the tail. Definitely looks muley-ish to me.

    Last edited by caddisguy; 09-05-2020 at 04:53 AM.

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    49.2 kms from 10U 687884E 5617178N

    Re: Region 2 3x3 down with a bow... 3 hour stalk!

    Nice going. Quite the tail and the tale. What's with the fence wire?
    ".....It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of a Trudeau government than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their prime minister......​"

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Region 2 3x3 down with a bow... 3 hour stalk!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jagermeister View Post
    Nice going. Quite the tail and the tale. What's with the fence wire?

    Definitely no fence wire. Made me double check the pics though!! Lol there are a number of sticks / stems that seem to give a fence illusion. No fencing in about 30km though.

    I didn't stick a deer at the zoo in aldergrove, I swear (restraining order still in effect and I get caught around there with a bow I'm in big trouble)
    Last edited by caddisguy; 09-05-2020 at 02:51 AM.

  10. #9
    Join Date
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    49.2 kms from 10U 687884E 5617178N

    Re: Region 2 3x3 down with a bow... 3 hour stalk!

    I thought you went to bed. Your excess meat can be kept in a bag submerged in ice water if you are in a bind. Just keep adding ice as it melts. Probably get you a day or two. Try to get the air out of the bag, submerge it with the opening out of the water and then tie it off.
    BYTW, your story was worth staying up for. Now I am going to bed.
    ".....It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of a Trudeau government than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their prime minister......​"

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Region 2 3x3 down with a bow... 3 hour stalk!

    Here's a pic of the doe I just pulled from a video... this is about 30 minutes after I put an arrow in the buck and was filming and talking to her saying "Sorry I scared off you're boyfriend" She looked the same before, during and after the shot. Not a care in the world. I'm kinda thinking she disliked that buck and that she might have a crush on me. caddisgirl didn't seem to happy when she caught her sniffing my hat and some layers I left hanging from a branch while we looked for the downed buck.

    And what you see is only a small glimpse of the birds nest garbage I stalked through for 3 hours... up and dozen half a dozen steep draws full of that kind of stuff

    Last edited by caddisguy; 09-05-2020 at 04:21 AM.

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