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Thread: Are guided hunts all cancelled this year in B.C.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Are guided hunts all cancelled this year in B.C.

    Does COVID 19 restrictions put the Kibosh to guided hunts this years in B.C. (rules about hunting only with family/household members)? Can you get help with game retrieval of large animal taken by solo hunter ? If by some miracle I take a moose or elk, can I get help for some one in retrieving the meat if we social distance? I'm over 70 y.o. so don't tell me to do it all myself, my back wouldn't hack it, those days of 100lb packs are in my rear view mirror now.


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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    Re: Are guided hunts all cancelled this year in B.C.

    Are you a BC resident? There are no rules against hunting with whomever you like at present... Lots can change between now and the fall. Recommendations, yes, but no rules.

    The guided season is very questionable because 99% of clients are foreign and the current travel restrictions would make it impossible... Again much can change between now and then.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Are guided hunts all cancelled this year in B.C.

    i pack meat for old guys any time i come across it.
    learnt a trick or two buy helping the old buggers too...

    one time i think the old boy thought i was going to rob him and i am pretty sure he pooped his pants...

    i dont think i am a very scary looking dude but the neighbourhood he was hunting in had its issues.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Are guided hunts all cancelled this year in B.C.

    Yeah, I'm a B.C. resident. Buddy up north who was a long time guide told me that many outfitters are pretty much shutting down for the season.I have an auction hunt I bought two years ago and so far not getting clear answer from outfitter about the coming season.

    I also hunt in the Kootenays near a friend's farm and he and his son help me if I get something in the pack out usually, hence the questions.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Are guided hunts all cancelled this year in B.C.

    if most are it may be a great year for sheep hunting.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    N. Okanagan

    Re: Are guided hunts all cancelled this year in B.C.

    Must be tough for g/o's right now, not knowing whether to get geared up and staffed or not
    They will have a time getting in their tfw's let alone clients
    Depending on the type of hunt you bought, it still could happen
    Never say whoa in the middle of a mud hole

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Are guided hunts all cancelled this year in B.C.

    From the Gov't website re Covid regs, poor English and all:"If you hunt with people other then members of your household, ensure that you can maintain 2m physical distancing, including travelling in different vehicles."

    That sounds hard to do in a guided hunt or even in a group hunt/family hunt. It says "household" not relative.


  9. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    central saanich

    Re: Are guided hunts all cancelled this year in B.C.

    I think this is only a recommendation as it would be tough to enforce and prosecute in my mind. Even by the ministry putting these recommendations in print it will make some people not participate this year, which will reduce the chances of disease etc...

    Quote Originally Posted by bearheart View Post
    From the Gov't website re Covid regs, poor English and all:"If you hunt with people other then members of your household, ensure that you can maintain 2m physical distancing, including travelling in different vehicles."

    That sounds hard to do in a guided hunt or even in a group hunt/family hunt. It says "household" not relative.


  10. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    christina lake

    Re: Are guided hunts all cancelled this year in B.C.

    The 14 day isolation will also make it very hard for US clients. Turns a 10 day hunt into a 24 day trip

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Are guided hunts all cancelled this year in B.C.

    Quote Originally Posted by srthomas75 View Post
    I think this is only a recommendation as it would be tough to enforce and prosecute in my mind. Even by the ministry putting these recommendations in print it will make some people not participate this year, which will reduce the chances of disease etc...
    Please note, I'm Not trying to start an argument, just trying to avoid unpleasant encounters with armed men in uniforms. But if you and your buddy are going down the road in your truck, with a legally harvested tagged deer in the back, road check,C.O. says "hmmm you two don't live at same address, in fact you live in different towns. And.... you are in the same vehicle!?". ( My truck is a small Nissan so it would require one of us be riding back with the deer to get that 2m separation.) Again not trying to be difficult, but it would be good to know before the fact. Cause next the C.O. says, are you aware of the Covid 219 guidelines in the reg?

    what do you tell the C.O. at that time?

    Also keep in mind , come October/November Covid19 situation likely to be worse with the overlap with the flu season leading to difficult situation ( you come down with old fashion flu, your tests for Covid comes back positive, but in fact you happen to be an asymptomatic carrier who also happens to have the old fashion flu or just a really bad cold). I am a health care worker so I know a bit about this sort of thing. Don't really want to swerve into the politics of Covid,just trying to sort out my fall hunting plans. I am getting old, love to hunt, but I need to stay safe too. Okedokey?

    Thank you gentlemen.

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