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Thread: moose cull to save caribou?? wtf

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: moose cull to save caribou?? wtf

    Quote Originally Posted by boxhitch View Post
    Good post Allday, some will see the logic

    Buglemin, do you know what has being going on in the way of wolf reductions in those caribou areas? Any idea of the effort and success and numbers that have been taken out over the last several years?
    Firstly, I was talking a little lower on the BC grid (granted this thread was on saving cariboo and removing moose vs wolves).
    And no, until I just read 2chodi's pdf, what was going on up there in Chetwynd country.
    BUT, that pdf shows that removing most of the wolves "does work and does benefit the Boo"!
    ALSO, scary how quickly the can "reproduce"! (wolves)
    AND, yes, removing moose may stop wolves from going back into the Boo country, BUT, "they will go somewhere"!!!!!

    So, isn't it just simpler to keep an "aggressive cull on WOLVES" rather then limit moose #'s and hunter opportunities? (in the long run).

    And, where I was talking, where they did add leh permits for Moose, they have done dick all on removing the dogs.
    And if they are, they sure could fool me from all the tracks I saw and the howling I heard...yet again....7 years straight now.
    And no, I aint seeing much moose sign, and if anything way less the last few years then ever before.

    So, can you tell me why they added tags for Moose????
    I sure hope they are counting more Moose and I am "completely wrong".
    I just worry that they are trying to slip in this "remove the prey source to make the preds go away" BS!!!
    Just drop the dogs to a # that works, and maintain it.

    The one thing that is forgotten in all this is there are other factors that contribute to all these problems,'
    It isn't just wolves, or by no means, we have too many Moose.
    We have logged the hell out of this province in some places.
    And from what I see, experience and look at it.
    These huge cutblocks, as far as the eye can see and beyond and over the entire plateau = "advantage wolf"!!!

    It's never going to be 1 issue that causes all these problems.
    Wolves are only one of the factors.
    But to remove Moose, when an area is under capacity anyways for Moose....well....that just leaves me scratching my head.

    Different then when trying to protect MD range from invasive WT.
    Totally different, and there, we try to eliminate the WT.

    This is just a big go around and round discussion.
    Big issue is the lack of Ministry support and funding availability.
    And it hasn't mattered which political party has/is been in power, they have done nothing.
    Dont expect things to change either.

    All this is, is someone trying to "re-invent the wheel" (the wheel of wildlife management)
    Why just not try to "manage it" for once and all.

  2. #122
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: moose cull to save caribou?? wtf

    Round and round we go!
    Here’s some food for thought.....Primary Prey Reductions are the perfect theory in the perfect world of caribou, moose and wolves.
    Throw in any wildcard of alternate prey such as elk, deer, sheep, goats or livestock and the plan goes sideways.
    Then there’s the protected iconic grizzly bear along with his cousin the black bear (who might be needing a new name soon on account of what’s going on with the BLM horseshit).....these bears are liking caribou meat as well...not just blueberries and dandelions.
    And don’t forget in some areas caribou soon become cougar the Tsenaglode ones did.
    For the most part, localized PP reductions along with pocket wolf removal is like pissing in the wind.
    You’re gonna get a warm feel good feeling but it’s going to come back at you....just like Mike Bridgers report showed.
    And by the present he’s the bio in this province making a difference.
    It sure would be great to see what the results would be if his entire 5 year budget was allocated in one year and the range of the wolf reduction greatly expanded.
    My bet is there’d be some real results.....then throw in a bear hunt that went down the tube.
    Bingo....there’d be caribou & moose......without killing cows & calves.

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: moose cull to save caribou?? wtf

    post # 121 and 122 are Exactly CORRECT ! GREAT Post's Guy's ! jmo RJ

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: moose cull to save caribou?? wtf

    When its comes to Cariboo, lets face it, they aint the brightest prey species.
    Not that I want to see them gone.

    We all talk about why we hunt, all the benefits, and that we are able, when done properly, "manage" the wildlife as a renewable resource.
    We talk about the ability to carry particular species in a particular area at a healthy capacity (not full, but healthy) and by doing it, it ensures a bountiful opportunity for everyone.
    If game is too low, we reduce the #'s harvested, and so they do not become sickly and "over abundant", we harvest then at a sustainable level.

    That's just great, but to do that, we have to manage "all the wildlife".
    And for a great many years, due to political reasons, we have not managed preds.
    (a lot of things we have not managed well, either not finding money or things out of our control like the beetle kill etc).
    But certain things we could have been doing, used to be doing and then had it stopped.

    We try to manage the prey, we try to manage us, but we aren't managing the preds, and we cant manage outside factors from other sectors etc.
    It shows.
    It's a total shit show.
    Look at the sports fishing around the LM for salmon this coming summer.
    It's a mess.

    Honestly, I am on the end stage of this hunting for me, slowly.
    Maybe I should stop saying what I think.
    Maybe it is time for the younger generation, who have many good years of hunting left inside them to decide how they want it managed.
    If they want to cull the Moose, to save the Boo, then go ahead.
    Then they can decide years from now "if" it was the right move.
    (personally, I am curious to know how much, or should I say, how little opportunity, imo, they will time???)

    I suppose as long as people care, regardless of method, maybe there will always be hope??

  5. #125
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    Mar 2008

    Re: moose cull to save caribou?? wtf

    Quote Originally Posted by ride red View Post
    with a prolific wolf population like bc has, it will only be a short matter of time before they reproduce to the surrounding food sources or transplant from different areas as they have been doing. Nocking off a few more cow/calf moose is strictly political ploy and squat to do with science. Government hired staff are in fear of job loss if they speak against the powers in charge. Again, this has been tried before and failed; how many times do we bang our heads against the wall to realize it feels good when we stop. Not sure what anti club you belong to, but i’m calling bullshit that you’re a hunter.
    i totally agree ! Rj

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: moose cull to save caribou?? wtf

    Quote Originally Posted by gcreek View Post
    IIRC, the numbers two years previous were nearly double. Also an interesting observation by those counting were most moose were in close proximity to ranches and hay yards. Safety maybe also?

    I was speaking tongue in cheek concerning percentages.
    yes same here just using your numbers as an example of how the numbers they are using can be misleading

  7. #127
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: moose cull to save caribou?? wtf

    Quote Originally Posted by wideopenthrottle View Post
    yes same here just using your numbers as an example of how the numbers they are using can be misleading
    Not that Government would ever mislead people..........

  8. #128
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    Dec 2011

    Re: moose cull to save caribou?? wtf

    Quote Originally Posted by wideopenthrottle View Post
    yes same here just using your numbers as an example of how the numbers they are using can be misleading
    In some jurisdictions of this province caribou numbers are just a guess.
    At present there are caribou that are being managed based on inventory work that hasn’t been upgraded in over 20 years.....
    Tough to make calls on what stays and what goes when it’s not known what you’re working with.
    Last edited by bearvalley; 06-24-2020 at 07:50 AM.

  9. #129
    Join Date
    Sep 2019
    Northern Rockies

    Re: moose cull to save caribou?? wtf

    Many of you on this forum were not even alive when it happened, but BC lost its ability to effectively manage wildlife back in the early 80's. That was when the province came under a controlled and systematic attack by international anti-hunting/wolf loving groups spear headed by Paul Watson of Greenpeace (at the time) and their movement Project Wolf. Dr. Elliott was a provincial biologist that was doing wolf control in NE BC, which was using poison originally, until he initiated the shooting from helicopters method.

    The international press went after the wolf cull like a dog with a bone and the general public lapped it up. This was also the period when trapping was also under attack globally and the anti-grizzly hunting movement, as well as the anti-trophy hunting push really started in earnest. Nothing has been the same since. The provincial government lost its backbone back then. It took a long time and pushes by the anti groups every few years, but their tactics have proven very effective. Along the way they have managed to create a situation where global hysteria erupts at the hunting of all charismatic mega know, wolves, big cats, pachyderms and bears. Wolf control and grizzly hunting has become a topic for the provincial government that seems to have the same effect as the topic of abortion to the federal government.

    All these years later we now see that grizzly hunting is no longer a legal activity in Canada except in the Yukon and to a very limited extent in the NWT and Nunavut. Any wolf control is done under a cloak of secrecy, because if word gets out to the wrong people the backlash can be swift, and is potentially both a political and career killer. Then when you factor in the Supreme Court of Canada decisions regarding First Nations and Metis "harvest" rights...well the province no longer really practices game management. They practice hunter control, but there again it really only amounts to control of "licensed" hunters.

    With the caribou, well it has become a global issue as caribou herds are experiencing huge declines in many places and the woodland caribou are just one of the various areas of focus with caribou management. In Canada there are not just the mountain caribou herds in BC in trouble, there are the woodland caribou across the country in the northern boreal forests (and we won't get into the problems with the central Canadian barren ground caribou herds, the Arctic Islands herds or the Quebec/Labrador herds...all of which are tanking).
    Fortunately for the woodland caribou in big chunks of northern Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec, there are lots of forested areas where muskeg limits access and the timber itself is of such poor quality and size that it is not worth harvesting. Those areas have next to no roads and limited access...unlike BC.

    Truthfully, there are a number of the so called mountain/woodland caribou herds in BC that are just not likely to survive. You can shoot the shit out of the wolves all you want but you cannot magically get rid of the hundreds of thousands of km's of resource extraction roads, cut lines and pipeline right-of-ways. We are/were blessed as a province with vast forests, outstanding mineral reserves for both hard rock and placer mining and oil and gas. But all of that resource extraction comes at a heavy price for some wildlife due to the access it creates and changes to the environment that result. Caribou do not do well around humans and our activity. You also can't magically replace the vast areas of old growth forest that have been levelled and were the key wintering areas for these caribou. To compound the problem many of those old growth forests were high elevation forests where the trees take a hundred to two hundred years to grow and much of the current silviculture practices do not work well in those areas.

    There is no easy fix to the caribou problem. One thing I do know is that lowering the moose population to control wolves and save the caribou is not going to work. It is being picked as a possible bandaid solution because it is cheap...let the hunters do it. Culling wolves by helicopter is expensive, the last figures I have seen seem to indicate a cost of about $4,300 per wolf but can clime to as high as $10,000 per wolf in some instances. Trapping them is problematic because there just aren't that many trappers out there any more that are really good at it and the same forces that want to protect the wolves killed off a viable trapping industry. Fur prices suck and no one is going to spend more money to trap a wolf than they can get back for selling the hide, even if you are just doing it for recreational purposes. Going in the hole monetarily gets old pretty quick. So a "bounty" is needed if you really want to get trappers out there and reducing the wolf population, but there is no way the government is going to talk about a "bounty" and suffer the onslaught of the global anti movement. No better to just let the "licensed" hunters take it on the chin reducing the moose population so it looks like they are doing something.
    Everyone is entitled to voicing an opinion, as long as it is a learned one.

    The power of accurate observation is frequently called cynicism by those who are bereft of that gift.

  10. #130
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: moose cull to save caribou?? wtf

    Retiredguy, great post and you nailed it.
    Some of us were around during the Greenpeace shenanigans and got in on part of that rodeo first hand.
    Getting back to caribou problems... there have been recent studies done in BC (currently unpublished) that have been undertaken to try and get to the root of what’s causing caribou declines. These studies were done in areas that are/were seeing industrial resource use and landscapes that were roadless with no resource extraction whatsoever.
    Samples were taken to determine if there were health issues....2 things came up.
    The caribou carried a mycobacterium that could cause abortions but most likely had built an immunity and this was not a major factor.
    The second flag was elevated “stress” levels in caribou populations from all herds sampled.
    When this showed up in caribou that were not in a resource extraction/human pressured area it pointed in one direction.
    Predator pressure.
    This was solidified through inventory work.....for example on caribou population showed 17:100 for a calf count but a year later the yearling count was 2:100.
    This is a crashing population.
    Were present wildlife managers are failing is that they’re bandaid patching and don’t deal with the big picture.
    In the case of many caribou herds that need recovery work...killing wolves and moose won’t get the job done if bears and other factors are ignored.
    I guess it’s just easier to kill “momma moose & baby moose” than it is to take the heat and get the job done right.

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