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Thread: Recovering an Animal after 36+ Hours

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    Region 2

    Recovering an Animal after 36+ Hours

    Some background information:
    My buddy and I (both relatively new hunters) have been hiking in to an area for bears over the past 3-4 weeks, and finally connected on one last night around 6:30pm. Buddy took the shot from inside of 75 yards (aiming vitals on full broadside) and the bear took off into some really nasty thick stuff. We waited an hour before starting on the track.
    The blood trail was good in the beginning - consistent drops on the ground, lots on pine boughs and tree branches etc. After crawling/bushwacking along the trail for about 50ft, we heard twigs snapping and something big moving away from us. We marked the spot and waited another hour.
    Fast forward, and basically the same thing happened again - follow the trail, bump the bear after ~50ft. At this point it was about 9:00pm and daylight was fading, and it started to rain.
    Concerned about losing the trail, we continued searching. At about 11:30pm, we came to a spot where we can hear heavy breathing and some rustling 15-20ft in front of us. Unfortunately visibility was basically zero due to the thick new growth and darkness, and we made the tough decision to leave the animal for the night rather than risk walking into an injured bear in close quarters.

    This decision was made harder because we knew we couldn't come back the next day due to work commitments, but we'll be heading back tomorrow to try and recover the animal. We have the location marked, and the hope is it didn't move much further from where we last heard it. My questions for those of you with some experience:
    1) What's the longest you've gone before recovering an animal, and how much meat spoilage was there? (Ours is in an area averaging ~10 degrees celsius and rain)
    2) Is there anything we should do immediately to the meat to try and salvage as much as we can (ie. vinegar)?

    I'm pretty torn up about potentially not being able to recover an animal, but we'll give it our best tomorrow.
    Thanks in advance.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Lower mainland

    Re: Recovering an Animal after 36+ Hours

    That is an unfortunate situation but I appreciate your honesty. It depends on the temperature where he is. If you do find him, get the hide off asap. Good luck

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Recovering an Animal after 36+ Hours

    If it wasn't a gut shot you might be able to salvage it.....
    Please keep us posted.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Recovering an Animal after 36+ Hours

    well go look if he is still alive it wood be good on ya to finish him.. table fair if he expired that night will not be good.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    Re: Recovering an Animal after 36+ Hours

    At least the temperatures aren’t extreme. I’d see if there is any water source near by you last spotted him. If he’s injured like that I’d think he would want some water, bears a biotch to track. Good luck I hope to hear you found him
    Member of CCFR

  7. #6
    Join Date
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    Re: Recovering an Animal after 36+ Hours

    If he is still kicking, then he should not be too bad. Probably good mix for some pepperoni or such. If he is dead, then he is worthless and your saving grace might be some other bear snacking on him. Bear that in mind and go with caution.
    Next time, don't pull the trigger at so late in the day unless you have the next day off to have a expedient follow up.
    Lesson learned.
    ".....It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of a Trudeau government than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their prime minister......​"

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Re: Recovering an Animal after 36+ Hours

    Quote Originally Posted by Jagermeister View Post
    If he is still kicking, then he should not be too bad. Probably good mix for some pepperoni or such. If he is dead, then he is worthless and your saving grace might be some other bear snacking on him. Bear that in mind and go with caution.
    Next time, don't pull the trigger at so late in the day unless you have the next day off to have a expedient follow up.
    Lesson learned.
    While I technically agree you should always have time planned for an expedient follow up, I feel like WetLeopard and his buddy did their best, and their intent is in the right place. Losing a bear to spoilage is never a good thing, but he was smart to not risk the danger, he was honest in asking for guidance, and above all you can tell he's got strong character.

    Lesson learned "yes", but ease-up a bit.

    Goodluck WetLeopard, hope you can recover and salvage.
    What goes around, comes around. Think first, and always act with respect.

  9. #8
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    May 2011
    Lower mainland

    Re: Recovering an Animal after 36+ Hours

    Quote Originally Posted by Jagermeister View Post
    If he is still kicking, then he should not be too bad. Probably good mix for some pepperoni or such. If he is dead, then he is worthless and your saving grace might be some other bear snacking on him. Bear that in mind and go with caution.
    Next time, don't pull the trigger at so late in the day unless you have the next day off to have a expedient follow up.
    Lesson learned.
    I don't think anyone plans to shoot an animal and also plans to look for it for the whole next day all in the same thought. The goal is to make a good shot so you don't have to search. I know that lots of guys on here shoot dimes at 500 yards every time and have never lost an animal. Never heard of someone stopping hunting early because they don't have the next day to search. Good on them for being honest about it.
    Last edited by cameron0518; 06-09-2020 at 09:28 PM.

  10. #9
    Join Date
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    Victoia BC when not at work, otherwise up North

    Re: Recovering an Animal after 36+ Hours

    You Guys did everything right. Go back as soon as possible in all likelihood he will be dead. While skinning your Nose will quickly tell you if the Meat is still eatable, if so de bone on the spot so it can cool quicker and pack out. If Meat is bad leave it behind for natural breakdown nothing in the Wild is ever wasted.

    Good Luck & Cheers

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    Be safe and happy Trails !

  11. #10
    Join Date
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    Re: Recovering an Animal after 36+ Hours

    That’s a heck of a first post Wet. I think you did everything you could, and sounds like you did things correctly. It would suck if it’s spoiled, but that’s hunting. Don’t beat yourself up too badly if it doesn’t work out. The only thing I would have tried to do differently, is call in sick and go back today. Good luck!
    If we’re not supposed to eat animals, how come they’re made out of meat?

    BHA, BCWF, CCFR, PETA, Lever Action Addict.

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