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Thread: LEH site not working

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    williams lake

    Re: LEH site not working

    On one hand, I hope they allow an extention because I kind of want my odds for rosies to go down even more. Don't really want that draw, but I'll still go if I get it.

    On the other hand, I hope they don't allow an extention. People know when the deadline is and have plenty of time to research and apply... even though the day we find out results, the internet is loaded with "I got ____ draw for region __... never been there, any info would be great" threads.

    On one foot... you should be able to apply up to and including the deadline. But on the other foot... I always apply last minute, but feel no remorse to those who wait and can't get in.

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Re: LEH site not working

    A lot of posters here seem to be missing the point.

    Though the lesson is clearly "apply earlier next time" that is self-evident and posting that is of zero value - unless those replying simply want to feel clever. (This is a form of the Scapegoating fallacy, since applicants could have applied earilier they are to blame for the LEH effectively closing hours before the official deadline.)

    The point is that since the government is restricting hunting rights through an LEH in the first place, and applying an arbitrary deadline to the process (in the silicon age LEH results could be calculated near instantly, not many days later) and as we are forced to "do business' with the government without competition, the government has an obligation to ensure that applicants are treated fairly.

    By denying applicants the ability to apply - hours earlier than the stated deadline - the government has failed in it's obligation serve hunters equitably and in "good faith".

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: LEH site not working

    Some people think the government should spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on software to handle a surge in traffic for a couple hours every year. Those same people would be crying foul if the government spent hundreds of thousands to replace software that handles traffic just fine 99.999999% of the time.

    If you knew leaving for work at 8am would put you smack in the middle of rush hour and make you late for work, would you leave earlier or tell your boss it's his fault for making you start too early?

    Leaving anything to the last minute rarely goes without a few hiccups. LEH is no different, especially when this has been the norm every year since it went online. Have some accountability, it's no ones fault but your own for procrastinating.
    "The farther one gets into the wilderness, the greater is the attraction of its lonely freedom."

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: LEH site not working

    ^^^^go back and read post 82.....if you don’t understand it read it again.....and again.

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: LEH site not working

    Quote Originally Posted by Five View Post
    A lot of posters here seem to be missing the point.

    Though the lesson is clearly "apply earlier next time" that is self-evident and posting that is of zero value - unless those replying simply want to feel clever. (This is a form of the Scapegoating fallacy, since applicants could have applied earilier they are to blame for the LEH effectively closing hours before the official deadline.)

    The point is that since the government is restricting hunting rights through an LEH in the first place, and applying an arbitrary deadline to the process (in the silicon age LEH results could be calculated near instantly, not many days later) and as we are forced to "do business' with the government without competition, the government has an obligation to ensure that applicants are treated fairly.

    By denying applicants the ability to apply - hours earlier than the stated deadline - the government has failed in it's obligation serve hunters equitably and in "good faith".
    Absolutely Correct ! Some others on here should figure that out too ! RJ

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Re: LEH site not working

    Quote Originally Posted by HighCountryBC View Post
    If you knew leaving for work at 8am would put you smack in the middle of rush hour and make you late for work, would you leave earlier or tell your boss it's his fault for making you start too early.
    You're almost there, you just have your characters mixed up.

    I don't know about you, but I don't pay my boss for me to show to work on time each day. You go to work to be paid in exchange for a service, and part of that agreement is that you will do whatever you need to do in order to show up on time and perform your job each day. When you know that there is going to be traffic, you dedicate extra time (at your cost) to your commute to ensure you can still arrive on time and uphold your end of the deal.

    We (hunters, campers, BC taxpayers) are the "boss" in your scenario, paying the government to show up for work when they said they would, regardless of traffic.
    Last edited by grantk; 06-01-2020 at 08:12 PM.

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: LEH site not working

    funny guys make time to come on here but couldnt make the time to apply.

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: LEH site not working

    Quote Originally Posted by LBM View Post
    funny guys make time to come on here but couldnt make the time to apply.
    No kidding, it's always got to be someone else's fault.

    Funny, outside of the people that waited to apply at the absolute last minute, the service was smooth and quick for everyone else.
    "The farther one gets into the wilderness, the greater is the attraction of its lonely freedom."

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Re: LEH site not working

    Like I said at the start, I don't particularly care that I missed the LEH deadline... there's a 98% probability that it would have made absolutely no difference to my hunting season anyways... I am still legitimately pissed-off about the camping reservation experience last week though, that's some BS.

    It's the principle of it that's upsetting, and the attitude on here that we should just accept repeated failures on systems that we all pay into (not just LEH). It's not hard to imagine up a scenario were someone is screwed out of entering their LEHs becuase of the poor performance, through no fault of their own. Maybe you just completed your CORE, finally got your FWID and license, and are only eligible to log in on the last day. Maybe you work in a remote exploration camp with only satellite phone comms and just get back to civilization. Should they not be able to enter right up until the deadline and have a fair chance? You could probably argue that when the government specifies a to-the-minute 11:59pm deadline, and then warns not wait until the "last minute", that could reasonably be interpreted to mean don't wait until 11:58pm, otherwise you're good!

    And truthfully, I just enjoy arguing with you guys.

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: LEH site not working

    Quote Originally Posted by Five View Post
    A lot of posters here seem to be missing the point.

    By denying applicants the ability to apply - hours earlier than the stated deadline - the government has failed in it's obligation serve hunters equitably and in "good faith".

    I do not understand the folks on this site that blame those applying "late", there is not such thing as "late" here, deadline was midnight,
    When one side fails to honor the contract, adjustment has to be made in one form or the other.
    Like allowing LEH for another week.

    You guys are missing the point big time, you are so short sighted, next time it could happened to you, on this site or some other.
    Me personally just lost LEH for Elk, everything else was in order few weeks ago, but feel sorry for those who missed it especially this year as many used to do paper work all those years.

    Having web site that can't scale with the load increase is BAD, not fixing the issue is worse and not dealing with consequences is horrible example how to treat customers (in this case tax payers)

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