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Thread: Lifetime BCWF Members

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    North Van

    Re: Lifetime BCWF Members

    Clubs have to collect and remit from every member that they want on the BCWF list that apportions votes to the club. The club is free to give a different membership to a lifetime member that does not include a payment to BCWF, but the club has to accept that it will be doing a little extra work by adding some sort of additional membership class and may be missing out on one extra vote at the AGM if the lifetime member is at the 100/101 threshold (or the 200/201, 500/501, etc).

    The BCWF does not say the issue is anyone's fault. The BCWF leadership, again, for about the third time, introduced a measure that would make it easier to satisfy members like yourself without going through a whole constitutional amendment. Members voted that resolution down. Your fellow members, not the BCWF leadership, did not seem to think this needed to be addressed.

    There is not, as far as I understand, in fact a method that will fix your concern aside from the very time consuming comparison of multiple reports in multiple formats from multiple sources by staff who already say they are over-tasked. The comparison idea was the very first one I explored long ago when one of my own club members brought the issue to me. It is not simple, it is not easy and we do not have the means or wherewithal to do it unless we sacrifice other work.

    It's nobody's fault. It's a bug in the structure of the BCWF constitution and local club constitutions and the bug is triggered when a member buys two different products from two different vendors. It was never planned and it's not easy to fix.
    Last edited by Rob Chipman; 11-26-2021 at 07:26 PM.
    Rob Chipman
    "The idea of wilderness needs no defense, it only needs defenders" - Ed Abbey
    "Grown men do not need leaders" - also Ed Abbey

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Re: Lifetime BCWF Members

    Rob, I was going to reply to your last email however after reading it several times, I can see no point in yours and my continual "he said she said they said it said them said " ( does that cover all this new gender stuff????). Your comment " The moral judgements you continue to pass which are based on your incorrect assumption are, as a result, flawed. Being flawed they are also a bit offensive." kinda summed up for me where BCWF is on this issue, and that's fine. I didn't pass judgement on you as a Director but rather in the manner in which BCWF runs, so I don't think its correct to pass judgement on me, considering you don't even know me. Am I offended, nah, taken more crap in my time than most others put together! All my "thank you's" and "appreciate that" in all my correspondence with you have been sincere, but this would seem to be all to no avail in my attempts to sincerely carry on a member to member conversation, and that's ok too, like I said, debate is good.

    In any event, as I have mentioned, BCWF appears to have taken their stand on this issue, Rob is still exploring another option for me and I will await that outcome. In the meantime, again as I have mentioned, I will continue to look into the matter further via local Clubs to get a reading from them on the whole situation, it seems only fair to get their side of the story as well. Thats what a good investigator does, get both sides of the story. I'd have to say that judging by the input and numbers of readers to this post, that it has been more than worthwhile and provides valuable information to others...................

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Re: Lifetime BCWF Members

    UPDATE: Over the last couple months I have sent correspondence to various Clubs, big and small, a total of 8. Out of the 8, only two did not respond at all, so be it. Out of the other 6 Clubs, I received various "answers" as to the overcharging of not just Lifetime Members but Direct Members as well (those that wish to belong to more than one Club). Of the 6, the two largest Clubs, and lets just use the size of the Kelowna Club as an example, said that's the policy (overcharging) but we'll get back to you, and they haven't. Two of the smaller Clubs said they ran into exactly the same problem but "refused" to double charge the Members in the a/m circumstances. What that meant I'm not sure but they disagreed with the policy and didn't adhere to it. Of the remaining two smaller Clubs, one said that they too were trying to find a way around this but have been unable to get any "help" on the issue as how to go about it. The remaining Club. which is the one I belong to and whom I have been in touch with the most, obviously, did finally send me a reply only a week or so ago. They are having a Club meeting in March, at which time they are amending their ByLaws to potentially waive the portion of the BCWF for those that belong to another BCWF recognized Club AND a further amendment to waive the fee's for those with a Lifetime Membership in the BCWF. Originally they had not addressed the Lifetime Membership scenario as they weren't aware of the problem. According to them, BCWF has been doing something in the background to allow them to make this change, but they were not sure what.
    In any event, it would appear things are now in motion to stop this "overcharging" of Club members. I forgot to ask the Clubs if you could join their Club without joining the BCWF but that's for someone else to take on, 3 years just to get a simple solution on this issue is enough for me, enjoy...............Sherm

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Re: Lifetime BCWF Members

    Well, a new year and a new local Club membership and yes, still double charged with respect to the BCWF end of it. Had a extra 5 minutes on my hands so figured I should update the crowd, no point complaining if you don't follow up on things.
    So, I spoke to our Club officials about this "double charging", again, (seems some don't like the term double dipping) and it was explained like this. What the local Club's achieve from signing up with BCWF is insurance coverage at the range, that's about it. There was apparently a meeting not to long ago regarding insurance and this double charging however, talk is about as far as it went, as usual. It would appear that there are quite a few other Clubs that are encountering this "problem" over insurance with BCWF and those Clubs, including mine, are now looking elsewhere for insurance and will opt out of the BCWF link, unfortunate for the BCWF. Our Club alone could save up to 25K by going elsewhere for insurance, one Club in LMD saved 100K by opting out of the BCWF link., again, very unfortunate for BCWF. I was told that even though I am a Lifetime Member, my BCWF membership will only cover me at the Club that I am affiliated with, and no other one. Strange, when you consider the BCWF membership insurance covers me anywhere I go for fishing and hunting....hmmmmm.
    There is another meeting coming up this Spring with the Clubs and BCWF and this "item" will again be brought up, I hope, and perhaps some resolution can be achieved, just keeping you-all in the loop!! The Sherm

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Re: Lifetime BCWF Members

    I just got the minutes of the last meeting of our Club, and they have moved ahead and opted away from BCWF. The BCWF dues were coming up so they proceeded to obtain their own insurance from a private source (the insurance I'm assuming being the reason for them being affiliated with BCWF). So, rather than paying the $37 to BCWF the Club members will now pay only $7 for the insurance, that extra $30 going into the Club bank account which can be utilized for a ton of different things. I should mention that this new insurance via the private source does not have any ATV coverage as the BCWF insurance did for when your engaged in hunting or fishing.
    Bottom line is that the BCWF just lost 900+ members from this one little Club. I have no doubt that there will be some that will join the BCWF on their own and good on them for doing that, it is a valuable and much needed organization. It is just unfortunate that the BCWF could not resolve "my problem" simply because of a software issue that was to expensive to fix. I'm thinking Clubs opting out of BCWF is going to cost allot more in the long run...........Sherm

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: Lifetime BCWF Members

    After a few more clubs start leaving maybe they will get the hint and resolve the issue.
    a bad day hunting is awwwwwwww who cares as long as your hunting.

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Lifetime BCWF Members

    Quote Originally Posted by Shermanator View Post
    I just got the minutes of the last meeting of our Club, and they have moved ahead and opted away from BCWF. The BCWF dues were coming up so they proceeded to obtain their own insurance from a private source (the insurance I'm assuming being the reason for them being affiliated with BCWF). So, rather than paying the $37 to BCWF the Club members will now pay only $7 for the insurance.
    That's rather sad don't you think?

    It really only means one of two things:
    1 - The BCWF wasn't advocating for the things your club finds important.
    2 - The only thing your club cares about is insurance.

    I mean... from your own comments it seems like it's number 2 (you said "the insurance I'm assuming being the reason for them being affiliated with BCWF" in your post). Isn't that a sad reason for a hunting/fishing/firearms club to be part of an advocacy group? Just for the insurance?

    I'm not blaming your club... I don't even know which club it is... and it may very well be that the BCWF could have done a better part of demonstrating their relevance to the people in your club.

    But from your post the club didn't leave because of your double dipping issue. (since your post said you got the minutes, I'm gathering that you weren't at the meeting when they voted to leave). I just find it sad is all.

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Lifetime BCWF Members

    I have to wonder if the lifetime membership issue was the determining factor or just one of many issues the club members found not worthwhile.

    If it was brought up and then not thought worth solving with the BCWF then I am at a complete loss as to how absolutely dumb the BCWF was in not addressing the issue.

    Add a record on each club member with a spot to put their BCWF life membership number and reduce the club per capita by an amount that recognizes the life membership, ie: 10 life members in the club then the per capita BCWF dues reduced by 10 units. I am sure there are not that many life members and it would take little time for it to be manually correlated if they do not know how to do custom db queries.

    Sometimes the unwillingness of people to address technology issues with simple solutions is absolutely exasperating. To lose 800 members of a concordant club is no small thing and will no doubt impact BCWF revenue significantly. Not a good picture being painted for sure.

    Be well.../B
    Quote Originally Posted by wetcoastwillie View Post
    In general.... sometimes I may come across as being a prick.... but I'm human.... and cant always express my views as best as I should

  9. #89
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Lifetime BCWF Members

    Could clubs buy insurance through an agency, or maybe through CCFR membership?
    When in doubt, just pin it.

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    Lone Butte

    Re: Lifetime BCWF Members

    When I joined my local club it was with BCWF, shortly after the members voted to leave and go with NFA. I don’t know the reason they decided to leave BCWF.

    We just switched again, this time to CCFR because they are the ones fighting for us to keep our firearms.

    Public hanging need to be brought back, starting with the biggest criminals in this country, the politicians.

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