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Thread: Any Mission rod and gun members looking for a range buddy?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Re: Any Mission rod and gun members looking for a range buddy?

    When things return to normal, you can check out any of the 3D shoots held in the valley. There are a lot of excellent archers, many of which are more than willing to give advice. Also the shoots are fun and challenging.

    Also renew your membership at Mission in December and avoid the hazing. That's what I've done for years.


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Any Mission rod and gun members looking for a range buddy?

    I’ve been a member in Mission for the last 10-12 years, I often renew my membership a few months late and I never had to do any orientation. If you let it laps over a year then you’re considered a new member again.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Any Mission rod and gun members looking for a range buddy?

    Not sure why you are using a thread about Mission to hate on for Poco but let me respond since I'm the current President.

    We are a club that serves our members. #1. So if we see movement among our members who pay their dues to do something we do it and if the members don't like what we did they can vote at the AGM. Guess what, we had tremendous support for moving to members only on weekends. We're sorry people who don't want to put in to a club or join it are sad but that's what you get for not wanting to contribute. There is an old adage: membership has its privileges. Seems you realized it but want to complain. Sorry but we can't serve non members and members equally.

    There was certainly debate about wanting to preserve day-card access because we wanted shooting to be accessible to all. However, we got loads of pressure from members who were very dissatisfied with not getting places on the weekends and were wondering why their membership didn't allow them to shoot over people who did not contribute throughout the year.

    What you said about making more money from non-members is actually not the case at all. We ran the numbers before making the decision and went to members-only on a trial basis. We have not suffered at all economically and the loss of aggravation from the BS we used to get from day carders has been worth it. BS including flagging people, shooting the ceilings and walls, blatant stuff like pulling guns out of jackets, pretending not to understand the ROs. And when you try to raise it with the CFO they tell you it's on the club to educate people, even on blatant crap they tell you in the CFSC should get you arrested.

    We are a club which means for members. There are places for drop ins and that's DVC and Langley. Nothing wrong with that but they make money not just from drop ins but from rentals and ammunition sales. That is what they are geared for.

    There is room for all sorts of ranges including the more commercially oriented ones. I agree that LML shooters are under huge pressure. I would love there to be different types of ranges for all people including what you are looking for. The reality is, the cities are not wanting to support shooting ranges. The money for cities is in growing their population and they have little love for sports amenities. So we will be pushed out and eventually so will others who aren't situated in agricultural or commercially zoned land.

    Couple that with our need to follow CFO rules. Right now we have to spend tens of thousands of dollars and possibly more on redoing our berms. DVC and Langley don't have that problem since they are indoor facilities only. So yes I don't apologize for raising day card rates, or rental rates to law enforcement, because we have urgent costs and considerations that people who drop in once in awhile don't see.

    Please tell me what are the 10 different things we could have done to facilitate non members?

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Re: Any Mission rod and gun members looking for a range buddy?

    And all I was looking for was someone to meet up and shoot bows with and BS. This thread is a freaking joke.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    forbidden zone

    Re: Any Mission rod and gun members looking for a range buddy?

    To bad that your request for a archery partner went this route. Can’t help you since I left the lower mainland a while back. I used to live in Poco and the club there was nice. They had in indoor archery shoot in the evenings. And a outdoor 3D course as well. Good luck in finding a partner or mentor. Poco had a few guys that were real good at helping out new archers

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Re: Any Mission rod and gun members looking for a range buddy?

    Yes perhaps it’s time to move on from HBC.

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