Quote Originally Posted by RobU View Post
thank you. I very reluctantly joined face book. Kicking and screaming all the way. I was persuaded otherwise to ensure a vehicle to reach hunters. Social media can be extremely toxic and damaging to hunting and must be used wisely. There are many other sources we are considering to reach hunters in bc. WSSBC and GOABC have launched campaigns to help hunter image. I can’t comment because I simply don’t know how effective they have been.

Hope I haven’t come across as anti petition. If worded, and used correctly in the right format they can be very effective. I’ve been cautioned about petition overload as electronic petitions are very common. My comment on zero petitions states hunters for bc has not launched a petion. The petitions posted on the working group forum were imported from elsewhere for all to see and read. No matter our beliefs we should all lobby the govt for much more funding and placing the right people in the right positions to effectively reverse the current trends.
You're welcome, and I agree...