Ive followed more than a few cougars on my snow shoes. Get out there really early and find a fresh set of tracks and get on them. I know Ive got close to a few but they always figure out that something is following them and once they figure it out they are gone. Closest I know I got was within 50yds in thick bush. I followed its tracks a few kms then it circled back over mine in a pretty tight circle, followed mine a few yds then it started to cover ground and put some distance between us. Followed another cat 9 km before it crossed over the coq, you could see where it was stopping and looking back on its trail to see what was following it. Cougars are the top of the food chain out here and they are as smart as animals get, I think more cougars come into calls than people think but they stay hidden and then disapear. Heres a good video that shows they will come in to calls, but they hide until they are certain of their quary. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xrzbqiurbus&t=104s