Considering how the M.O.E is encouraging hunters to get out and harvest black bears you’d think they’d let us bait to up our odds. Researchers back east have determined that baiting bears which allows for the removal of large boars, actually increases the bear populations. This is due to the fact that boars kill cubs to bring sows back into heat. Let’s face it you can’t just drive around, spot a bear and jump out and start shooting. The way it is now , one really has to spend considerable time observing to be sure of no cubs. I love spot and stalk no doubt. However; I don’t believe baiting is any less sporting, or exiting. Yet we can bait deer in bc, even though numbers are some what in decline. Go figure. I believe we have all of this ass backwards. No baiting deer and yes to baiting bears.
what’s every body’s thoughts on the subject is my question?