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Thread: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

    Usually a butthurt responce to hunters who succeed when one doesnt, perhaps not but seems the norm .

    Our household for example .
    2 adults 3 children .
    We eat game 5-7 days out of the week .
    2-3 lbs a shot X up to 365 times a year . Thats up to 1000lbs of deboned meat per year .

    We are not wealthy whatsoever .
    We have great seasons we have bad seasons . But the freezers only hold so much .
    That being said people who harvest what they are aloud to dont always waste it . Some give it away to help others in need and or to make room for an approaching season .
    We take what we can . If we have a good season the year before . We dont continue to harvest "what we are aloud to" we hold out . Not every body wastes or kills becuase they can . Hell weve had bad seasons due to work and life and was glad we filled the freezers the season before .

    If its legal its legal . Some have morals and ethics some dont .

    The majority play by the rules personal ethics and legal seasons . There are so many factors when it comes to decline in areas. Predators ,unlicenced and ungoverned harvest of females, poaching the list goes on .

    United we stand devided we fall .
    If seasons shorten . Great . If some seasons close . Great . As long as there is opportunity to harvest we shouldnt complain! Historicly seasons have been shortened and leghtened opened and closed for the last 30 years .

    Most people have problems putting one deer in the freezer .
    Let alone cutting all the tags they can.

    "My biggest fear is that when I die, my wife sells all my hunting gear for what I told her I paid for it"

    "Take your boy hunting, and you won't have to hunt for your boy".

    "Ethical behavior is doing the right thing when no one else is watching- even when doing the wrong thing is legal.”

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Pemberton BC

    Re: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

    Quote Originally Posted by kosser View Post
    whats everyone take on killing animals just for the sake of it, i know of a couple parties that had good years, filled the freezer with big game yet they bored so they go hunting and keep killing to fill there 25 dollar tags they bought. its bad enough fn have special rights can hunt and kill what ever they want when ever they want. Also I'm not not talking about the poaching that still probably keeps happening. Population is only getting bigger,, with the liberals at office mass immigration is most likely on the way. Everyone complaining about low game numbers. I would assume the next regulations changes will will be completely different or if not shut down the season completely like what happen this year to our fishing industry...
    Have you filled your freezer yet?
    Knowledgeable shooters agree- The 375 Ruger is the NEW KING of all 375 caliber cartridges. ALL HAIL THE NEW KING!

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Surrey, BC

    Re: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

    Quote Originally Posted by boxhitch View Post
    looking in ............hunters hating hunters...............double face slap.........moving on.......

    Well you can frame it that way if you want, but what will happen when the resource runs dry is hunters killing hunters for what's left over.
    I'm sure the bison hunters in the late 1800s said the same thing when anyone asked them why they killed all those bison and left them to rot.
    Or just took the tongues.
    1. Human over population
    2. Government burden and overreach

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

    I would like to meet these hunters that are so successful they are overharvesting in your opinion. Most threads guys are complaining that they can not harvest anything because of low game numbers. Judging from the number of folks posting their successes on HBC i would say overharvesting by hunters is not a problem. Habitat loss and predators, big problems.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

    Quote Originally Posted by quadrakid View Post
    I would like to meet these hunters that are so successful they are overharvesting in your opinion. Most threads guys are complaining that they can not harvest anything because of low game numbers. Judging from the number of folks posting their successes on HBC i would say overharvesting by hunters is not a problem. Habitat loss and predators, big problems.
    and add "Unregulated" hunting to that..... There is you first place to go fix.... so to line this up with Boxhitch, yes "Hunters hating hunters" is NOT the way to go..... No matter what Adriacticum and Kosser think.... going after our own is the very last thing we need to do...

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

    Like others have mentioned we have much bigger problems that need attention. I know a lot of hunters , some are quite successful and i can assure you that any meat surplus to their needs is shared with those less fortunate. This seems to be another troll looking to cause division

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Jordan River

    Re: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

    Well i will chime in here as this thought came up at our hunting property in 6-04. First off last year i got a nice bull in archery season, weighted 565 lbs hanging at the butcher, it was the first time that we had kept a whole moose for ourselves. There were 4 bulls taken from our camp last year, 2 were immy's and the other was an average sized moose, these four bulls fed 6 families for the year. This year we had enough to last for this coming year so didn't target moose, passed on numerous deer, and after Oureo's whitetail thread it was the first time i have been able to watch some nice whities on the cams and watch them grow, i could have shot this one buck last year and this year and he would be by far the biggest to date, but as previously stated we still have moose in the freezer and i can hardly wait to see what he looks like next year if he makes it through the year.
    So my hunting buddy was hunting moose and i told him a spot where i knew a bull was, he goes in a tad late and a group shot it just as he arrived. So in talking to the group ( 1 family, father, daughter and 2 sons) who were from Vanderhoof, they tell him they had a group draw and had harvested 2 bulls already. The moose they shot ran into heavy timber and they chased it about 2 km and put it down. Then they proceeded to quarter it and left it to come back for packing out the next day. So my buddy goes into the same area the next day and runs into this group again, they tell him what i just told you about packing out the moose that morning, but they were out hunting for another moose first thing. He looks at them at says, lets see you have shot 3 already and you are looking for a fourth, how much meat do you need. they stated well we have more than enough meat but we have one more tag. You tell me greedy or not??
    Avatar is for all the conspiracy theory nut bars, for all the crow they have to eat when everything implodes

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    Why is it that rednecks from Alberta can't get enough of men in dresses, they simply lose their shit

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

    This is where organizations like BCWF etc used to fill the bill... Hunters donating time and money to Habitat and conservation. The we got caught up in all the politics and everyone pulled out from BCWF.
    Kosser, you want game? go make some....... if you cant make some donate to places that can...... Stuff your money where your mouth is before you go after our own.... and before you jump in and say " oh I do all that and have done so for the past 40 years.... " that really is easy to say online, know one will ever know the truth.........

    guess I used the 10' pole

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Yucatan Mexico

    Re: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

    Male harvest of ungulates follows the population trend. It doesn’t drive it.

    Well wrapped meat will last at least two years in a good deep freeze.

    In 2017 I found a 2014 mule deer roast that was in the bottom of the deep freeze. I cooked it side by side with a 2017 deer roast and it was every bit as good as the 2017 roast.


    I Give my Heart to my Family....
    My Mind to my Work.......
    But My Soul Belongs to the Mountains.....

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

    Quote Originally Posted by Piperdown View Post
    Well i will chime in here as this thought came up at our hunting property in 6-04. First off last year i got a nice bull in archery season, weighted 565 lbs hanging at the butcher, it was the first time that we had kept a whole moose for ourselves. There were 4 bulls taken from our camp last year, 2 were immy's and the other was an average sized moose, these four bulls fed 6 families for the year. This year we had enough to last for this coming year so didn't target moose, passed on numerous deer, and after Oureo's whitetail thread it was the first time i have been able to watch some nice whities on the cams and watch them grow, i could have shot this one buck last year and this year and he would be by far the biggest to date, but as previously stated we still have moose in the freezer and i can hardly wait to see what he looks like next year if he makes it through the year.
    So my hunting buddy was hunting moose and i told him a spot where i knew a bull was, he goes in a tad late and a group shot it just as he arrived. So in talking to the group ( 1 family, father, daughter and 2 sons) who were from Vanderhoof, they tell him they had a group draw and had harvested 2 bulls already. The moose they shot ran into heavy timber and they chased it about 2 km and put it down. Then they proceeded to quarter it and left it to come back for packing out the next day. So my buddy goes into the same area the next day and runs into this group again, they tell him what i just told you about packing out the moose that morning, but they were out hunting for another moose first thing. He looks at them at says, lets see you have shot 3 already and you are looking for a fourth, how much meat do you need. they stated well we have more than enough meat but we have one more tag. You tell me greedy or not??

    There are greedy people out there... there is no denying it.. but they need to be dealt with off line. otherwise we infight.... on a way larger platform... and that is more damage to us.

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