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Thread: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2019

    WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

    whats everyone take on killing animals just for the sake of it, i know of a couple parties that had good years, filled the freezer with big game yet they bored so they go hunting and keep killing to fill there 25 dollar tags they bought. its bad enough fn have special rights can hunt and kill what ever they want when ever they want. Also I'm not not talking about the poaching that still probably keeps happening. Population is only getting bigger,, with the liberals at office mass immigration is most likely on the way. Everyone complaining about low game numbers. I would assume the next regulations changes will will be completely different or if not shut down the season completely like what happen this year to our fishing industry...

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10' ........................ nope

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

    Self control is lacking with some hunters there is 2 things that commonly have me shake my head. One you mentioned is those who take more than they needed and it goes to waste. Then there are those who complain about extremely low numbers and then go shoot a doe/cow in the area

    Just because it’s legal does not always make it right. Conservation mind ethics shown by example go farther then complaining about issues.

    I believe unregulated hunting is still a much bigger issue

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Surrey, BC

    Re: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

    If everyone took only what they need, we wouldn't be living in a society we live in today.
    We live in the scarcity mindset times.
    As our resources are on the decline nobody thinks about reducing their consumption for the benefit of the resource,
    but rather everyone wants to make sure they can get as much as they can because the resource might not be around tomorrow.
    It's human nature at the moment.
    That's why all prosperous societies collapse.
    Good times usually don't last long.
    You make a good point though.
    1. Human over population
    2. Government burden and overreach

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

    Quote Originally Posted by adriaticum View Post
    If everyone took only what they need, we wouldn't be living in a society we live in today.
    We live in the scarcity mindset times.
    As our resources are on the decline nobody thinks about reducing their consumption for the benefit of the resource,
    but rather everyone wants to make sure they can get as much as they can because the resource might not be around tomorrow.
    It's human nature at the moment.
    That's why all prosperous societies collapse.
    Good times usually don't last long.
    You make a good point though.
    This pretty much sums up humans^^^^
    Look at the size of some folks houses and what they drive, which are easy things to spot.
    Plenty of people make more than enough money to live a comfortable life, yet still carry tones of debt.
    What you describe is just people as they are......never enough.

    I understand your point, and know of an old friend or 2 over the years who if he had a tag for it, would fill it regardless if that was really what
    he was looking for.
    But remember, some folks will eat it all, so don't ever categorize some folks as "all folks".

    Would be nice if some who are freezer full but still have a tag or 2 to go out and hunt some preds, like wolf or coyote instead and not worry
    about the 20 or 30 $'s.
    Try something different if one has the time.
    Funny thing is, those folks that get out that often generally have easy access, plenty of extra time and a lot of spare cash!
    So why some, like that friend or 2 I mentioned from my past are so hung up on "I spent cash for the tag, so I am going to use it",
    is beyond me.

    All you can do is just worry about yourself and take your values and apply to yourself.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    N. Okanagan

    Re: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

    looking in ............hunters hating hunters...............double face slap.........moving on.......
    Never say whoa in the middle of a mud hole

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

    Yep, seeing too many immigrants in the bush these days - Hardly hear a word of english any more from my stand... They are such great hunters filling tag after tag - no clue how they do it when I put in so much time.

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Aldergrove, BC

    Re: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

    I'm an immigrant. I just wanna say thanks for letting me buy tags and shoot your animals

    We killed them all where I'm from so here we are

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Question Re: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

    Quote Originally Posted by skibum View Post
    Yep, seeing too many immigrants in the bush these days - Hardly hear a word of english any more from my stand... They are such great hunters filling tag after tag - no clue how they do it when I put in so much time.
    My own personal method is to rotate years. This year was a meat mission fill the freezer. Depending what’s left by next September will determine how I hunt. Had a great year for meat deer so typically I’ll hold a tag or two for next years November rut and only shoot one whitetail doe to top off my supply. Responsible Harvest.

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

    100% agree kosser. Over harvesting is a big problem. What really irks me is when people try to unload “last years” game meat on me for trap bait, just so they can go hunt again. I see it every single year.

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