Before I start I want state that i usually use a tight peat moss bail to check my poi of my broad heads, using my compound bows and X bow Micro 335. That's always worked well, and later I use the peat on a hedge, all good.

So while buying yet another X bow discharge target I saw a good price on a target block, yellow jacket, so I grab both. I usually shoot the sh1t out of the discharge blocks, just plain decent deal, using compound or recurve.

So I try out this YJ block with my PSE Treestand 70# and that's when I learned I bought a Broad Head target block. I wasn't wearing my reading glasses when I grabbed it. The arrows were very hard to remove.

So I try my micro 335 at 20yd with broad heads and they penetrate leaving about 5" sticking out. There was no way those bolts were budging.

After watching a YouTube by another sucker just like me, I saw that I would have to dismantle this block, which I did, and after removing my montecs I could with effort pull the shaft out the front. The name of the block is YJ350 just so you know to avoid.

But I would like to know if anyone could recommend a Broad head target block that really works, as in, allows an arrow to be retrieved. thanks.