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Thread: 2019 Goat Hunt-Redemption Billy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    2019 Goat Hunt-Redemption Billy

    Slowly working my way through the timber right above the cliff edge, ever so often looking over. It wasn't long and I cut the anticipated goat tracks. It was completely flat and very gentle terrain inside the trees; completely out of sight from anything down below. I wouldn't of made it 50 yards along the tracks when I popped out to look into a bowl...A billy immediately popped into the open on the other side, not 70 yards away just inside the trees. It was obvious I startled him and by the time I had the gun up he was gone. I slowly work my way around the bowl and find two beds and tracks everywhere. Figured they'd pop back out in the cliffs below so I hung tight for 10 mins and viewed the cliffs from different angles. Well, musta really startled them because I soon spotted the billies going up the mountain on the opposite side of the valley. They wasted no time going up and out of sight, the slightly smaller billy leading the larger.

    Was pretty disappointed, I more or less expected to run into them but really just expected them to jump into the cliffs once bumped. But its not all gloom, as bummed as I was I was confident they would hold up where I lost sight of them. That area is few nice grassy knobs right near the ridge spine and they are perfect goat look outs; took a billy off them a couple years back. I worked my way back down to camp and met my dad. All he had to report was the yearling billy we spotted the day before made his way across the face and was heading straight towards the goats I spooked.

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  3. #2
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    Oct 2013

    Re: 2019 Goat Hunt-Redemption Billy

    Just to backtrack: the day before we had packed into my old goat hole and only seen a yearling billy, some nannies and some kids. We did cut a good goat track up high in some cliffs and after examining his beds it was clear he always bedded out of sight and rarely made himself visible to the valley bottom. His tracks went down a ravine (where we originally cut them) and up to the cliffs on the other side. I figured he was doing his same old routine and holing up in the timber above the cliffs so it looked like a good idea to go flush him out; hence the pushing bush.

    To backtrack farther: My dad and I went up north in early Oct to get a sheep. Day 7 along the route I planned out we were able to get my dad, 64 years old, his stone. Well the abysmal weather and physical nature of the hunt left us going back to town after and having a rest day to sip on some whiskeys. He wanted to go home after but I wanted a goat sooooo as the weekend came we shouldered our packs and made another trek into the mountains. It was cute, Thanksgiving weekend was always our goat trip growing up so it was nice to continue with tradition. It was a tight schedule with 3 days to get it done.
    Last edited by Kopper; 10-22-2019 at 09:42 PM.

  4. #3
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    Oct 2013

    Re: 2019 Goat Hunt-Redemption Billy

    The alarm came early the next day as we enjoyed coffee and fire in the dark. As daylight started to creep over the hills we pushed our way up the valley. Once we got to the base of ridge we had to pick a select route as you couldn't just hike up anywhere.

    I went ahead into the scree towards the cliff face and look down at my dad. This picture makes me think of something Warnniklz said in his recent thread about goat hunting with the old man haha.
    Last edited by Kopper; 10-23-2019 at 05:47 PM.

  5. #4
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    region 9

    Re: 2019 Goat Hunt-Redemption Billy

    Awesome start...

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: 2019 Goat Hunt-Redemption Billy

    This is going to be good!! Waiting patiently...

    That line from warrens thread will be stuck in my mind for life I think, I wonder how many dads have thought that same thing while goat hunting with their kids hahaha.

  7. #6
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    Re: 2019 Goat Hunt-Redemption Billy

    At the cliff it was super easy to skirt right along the bottom as they often have a small flat spot immediately adjacent to the base, working uphill as quick as the legs would go. It was only about 300m vertical and I had made it to the spine. Once up top the spine had a gradual but gentler incline towards the big mountain up valley. Shortly ahead there was a bulge in the spine which supported some trees. Once I made it there I cut the first goat tracks. 1, 2, atleast 3 different tracks...including an ok sized one. They were fairly fresh and clean looking but frozen. I got worried and worked the tree area right to the edges and found where they had jumped off the bulge and into the cliffs. The tracks seemed smallish but I was worried that little billie found the other two and continued to vacate the area from where I lost sight of them last night.

    I decided to continue working my way up the spine, up and out of the trees and into the sun; the whole time stepping on the goat tracks going in the opposite direction.

    Just don't have many scenery pics so the one with my mug will have to do. Notice the weather turned quite balmy.
    I was right around the point where I lost sight of them the day before and I gave up. The tracks came right from where I last saw them so I figured they must of doubled back some time last night after I left them. Disappointed, I headed back to the trees and ate lunch.

  8. #7
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    Re: 2019 Goat Hunt-Redemption Billy

    I had finished lunch and was basically pouting when my dad showed up. I explained the situation then he sat down and ate his lunch. Did alittle glassing and spotted an ok billy but he was a ways away and we had to lose a bunch of elevation so we were going to hang out here for a bit longer and come up with a plan. It was just after noon and ideally we were going to be on our way back to the truck in the next few hours. That's when my dad spotted a couple nannies and a kid on the face adjacent to us. They were working their way away from us but if you followed their trajectory back it would've lined up with that treed area we were sitting in. Now I'm thinking that when those billies hit the ridge top it sent that nanny/kid group back down our ridge and down the valley last night.
    I threw the pack on and sped right back up that ridge spine. It wasn't 100 yards farther than where I originally turned back and cresting over a rise I immediately notice the unmistakable form of a bedded goat on a little bluff. I drop to a knee to lose the sight line and lose the pack and grab the gun then sneak to the edge putting the gun stock onto the rocks. Binos up but it was turned away and then it gave me a super quick side profile; it was a respectable billie. A quick range at 255 yards and the goat gets up and stands broadside looking away from me.
    Last edited by Kopper; 10-23-2019 at 06:34 PM.

  9. #8
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    Oct 2013

    Re: 2019 Goat Hunt-Redemption Billy

    I think this spot may have a curse...only once have I missed an animal before and it was spitting distance from this spot, although it all worked out in the end.
    Anyways, I gave a warning shot to which the billie in confusion moved down the bluff he was on. The two other warning shots were obvious hits in the GROUND just behind his front legs. Quickly pulling the 3 spares off the gun butt I load them asap and put the cross hairs just above the goats back. The first being an obvious hit and the second puts the goat down. He fell off the bluff and into the chute as I watched him tumble for maybe 75 yards.

    My dad heard the shots so I only had to backtrack slightly to meet him. We then went to retrieve the goat.

    We may of argued a fair bit and got on each other’s nerves but hey, that stuff happens when you share a tent for almost two weeks. It was nice to have the guy along.
    Last edited by Kopper; 10-23-2019 at 08:06 PM.

  10. #9
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    Oct 2013

    Re: 2019 Goat Hunt-Redemption Billy

    The first part was decently steep, you'd definitely go for a tumble if ya slipped, just don't slip haha. We had some congrats took some pics and skinned out the whole thing. All the meat was perfect and the hide will make a nice rug. Unfortunately, the one horn took a beating but shit happens when ya hunt goats!

    As he lay

    The bluff he came off of. If you look closely you can see the blood in the snow all the way up to the bluff.
    But I did hike back up to the bluff and looked in the blood splatter where there was a nice chip in the rock face.

    First bullet I've ever been able to recover, the accubonds always pass through.
    Last edited by Kopper; 10-23-2019 at 06:50 PM.

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: 2019 Goat Hunt-Redemption Billy

    We finished up as quick as possible and made it back to camp and were packed up by dark. The 4 plus hours hiking out in the dark wasn't great but the both of us were looking forward to some ryes and a nice bed.

    9" goat for anyone who cares. Hope ya enjoyed and may get around to putting the sheep hunt up sometime!

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