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Thread: 2019 Getting Up To Speed (Pic Heavy)

  1. #131
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    williams lake

    Re: 2019 Getting Up To Speed (Pic Heavy)

    Quick scan of the pictures revealed that I may have set my trail cam a little high... or didn't angle it down properly

    Although there was couple pictures I liked, but not really enough to hit it hard.

    Saturday morning we got an actual dump of snow. The first one for the year. We had got a little dusting before but... I was excited about the snow. My dad called me up Friday night,

    dad - "what's your plans for the weekend?"
    me - "last weekend for bowhunting"
    dad - "wanna go to that spot we got a flat the other year?"
    me - "yup"
    dad - "meet at your place at 4 tomorrow morning?"
    me - "done"

    Had a hard time sleeping that night with excitement. Up at 3am, sweating, this cold isn't going away. Made something to eat, tossed everything in my pack and laced up my boots. Kept my eye out the window. Dad can't knock on my door, and he can't call me from his non-existent cell phone. 4am rolls around. My phone starts ringing. Call display "Father". Answer the phone and it's my step mom.

    Step mom - "you awake?"
    me - "yeah"
    SM - "Your dad is still sleeping"
    me - "oh"
    SM - "don't think he's in any condition to go hunting... he went visiting with Ray and Joe"
    Me - "well if he gets up and wants to go..."
    SM - "I'll let him know"

    Waited around until about noon, no call from father. So I burned to super secret spot.

  2. #132
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    region 9

    Re: 2019 Getting Up To Speed (Pic Heavy)

    Too bad about the buck only being a 3 point but that's the way it goes...I have had that quite a few times, but no matter how hard you look, they just can't grow that extra tine lol...

  3. #133
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    williams lake

    Re: 2019 Getting Up To Speed (Pic Heavy)

    Saturday afternoon hit up super secret spot. There's many different ways to hunt this spot. Most people just drive around and hope to catch something crossing the open. I like to get into the thick stuff and push the bush... now that I say that, maybe people know that I'm pushing bush and taking advantage of the deer I may spook?

    So this time I start at the bottom of the mountain. I usually like to start at the top as it's easier to see deer downhill than it is uphill. But it's good to shake it up sometimes. I started up the hill. It had stopped snowing, but just stopped snowing. So picking up fresh tracks would be easy.

    The snow kept most things quiet... but it also kept the noisy dead bushes hidden. So slow and steady up the hill. Right away I found 3 beds. Considering there was no snow, they were just abandoned and the deer must have held up there for quite some time. I carried on and came across some fresh sign.

  4. #134
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    williams lake

    Re: 2019 Getting Up To Speed (Pic Heavy)

    Up the hill a little further I did bump 3 does. They didn't take off but they kept their distance. Luckily I was able to keep close tabs on them. I finally made it to the top of the hill. I started off towards a spot a had a blind and seen most my deer throughout the season. Not a track in the area. Even the one field I can overlook usually has a couple deer in it and nothing. So I decided to check out my blind. Not 10 yards from my blind...

    Well it's not very old, but could explain why there isn't a lick of deer sign up top here. I only had a little bit of light left. I started my way down. Picked up a trail that lead me to a ravine and I worked my way down. As I was headed down I heard a deer wheeze right close to my and I seen it taking off through the trees. But this deer just looked different.

  5. #135
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    williams lake

    Re: 2019 Getting Up To Speed (Pic Heavy)

    That night my dad called and asked if I wanted to go out the next day. Of course! He asked where we should go, and I figured somewhere closer to town (better chance of him getting up at 6:30 if he goes out partying). 7am rolled around and he was at my place. We were at a spot I wanted to check out before daylight. We park the truck and get out... right off the hop we see a wolf track. It came to the road, did a 180 and headed back into the timber... probably heard us pulling in?

    There wasn't much deer sign on the drive in. Plan was to give'r down the skid trail until we picked up sign or bump something. Got to the landing, we split up and took off two different directions. It wasn't a long walk but we had both came back to the rendezvous point at the same time. Neither of us had seen any sign. So we headed back to the truck and headed towards another spot. We went through a "residential" area (more of a road with some houses on it at the start) and right away I picked out 3 deer. 2 of them were bedded.

    Me - "I wonder if all the deer are down low"
    Dad - "I wonder if all the deer are bedded"

    As we were carrying on, we came across 5 deer right along the road. This created my "the deer will be down low and when we do find them, they'll be stacked up heavily"

    We headed up a forestry road and noticed all the deer tracks were headed down the mountain. We ended up coming to a tree across the road. My dad had the power saw and asked if we should buck it up and carry on or re-locate. I told him that being potentially my last day, and after not seeing any sign, we should relocate. So we hauled ass to another spot he wanted to check out. The spot was the same spot me and my brother posted up that one night. We got back there a ways and once again... not even a track. Once again my dad asked what I thought. I told him I've hunted this area long enough and talked to the rancher, and neither of us have seen shit for deer all season.

    So we headed to "Jurassic Park". I think it should be called "Jurassic Park... Sometimes". I've only ever been there with my dad and have yet to see a deer back there. Didn't take us long to decide to relocate.

    We're down to 3 hours of light. We can head to Super Secret Spot or Secret Spot. Knowing that I've seen deer in Super Secret Spot, I figured this would probably be the better choice. Even thought the night before I had only seen 4 deer... 4 deer is better than no deer. Plus! we could pincer move the area. I started in at the far end of the area, my dad parked the truck in the middle of the area and worked his way down the hill where i was the night before.

    I was in the thick timber.

    It was quiet and there was deer tracks going every which way. I went through the stand tactically and quietly and didn't bump a single deer. I came out to the open country and decided maybe I'll punch the poplar stands. Moose tracks going every which way. SHIT! Nothing. I found where my dad had parked the truck. Found the keys, did a quick loop around the top and headed to the bottom to wait for him to finish his hike.

    I get to the bottom and see him coming from the bush. Perfect timing. Got out

    Dad - "What did you see?"
    Me - "deer tracks going every which way"
    Dad - "but what did you see?"
    Me - "nothing... what did you see?"
    Dad - "Grab your bow"

    I grabbed my bow and we were headed up the ravine.

    Dad - "seen a shooter 4"
    Me - "like rifle shooter or"
    Dad - "yeah I'd shoot him with a rifle"
    Me - *thinking oh wow*
    Dad - "and a huge heavy 3. His back tines are probably 18" tall but he's heavy heavy"
    Me - "you spook him"
    Dad - "well I was working my way down and spotted 3 does. So I was looking looking, that's fine, then I just seen antlers moving. The does moved out and the buck just kind of fed the same direction. Had an arrow knocked and figure the buck should come out where the does are and he'll be dead. But he just kind of disappeared. So I quietly backed out and then spotted the 3 up high cutting across"

    We worked the ravine but I only ever caught a glimpse of an ass going over the top. It was noisy in there. We hung around until dark and then headed back to the truck. I figure either the 4 point or the 3 point is the deer that wheezed at me the night before

    Quote Originally Posted by warnniklz View Post
    ...I heard a deer wheeze right close to my and I seen it taking off through the trees. But this deer just looked different.
    I know my dad didn't head out after he got off work this morning as I seen his truck at the hardwear store just before nine. But may have to take tomorrow morning off and head out with him to see if we can't get the LAST CHANCE TO DANCE ENGLAND (watch Lamp Of God's Walk With Me In Hell DVD)

  6. #136
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Walnut Grove, Langley

    Re: 2019 Getting Up To Speed (Pic Heavy)

    Great thread, B-rad is in hunter heaven 3 animals 3 days, you spoil him! Haha

    hope you and pops managed to get one. Looking forward to the rest

  7. #137
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: 2019 Getting Up To Speed (Pic Heavy)

    OK….waiting for the "here comes the boom"!

  8. #138
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    williams lake

    Re: 2019 Getting Up To Speed (Pic Heavy)

    Quote Originally Posted by Bugle M In View Post
    OK….waiting for the "here comes the boom"!
    I friggin hope so... Should be headed out in 3 hours. Snow sure is squeaky this morning.

  9. #139
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: 2019 Getting Up To Speed (Pic Heavy)

    Quote Originally Posted by warnniklz View Post
    I friggin hope so... Should be headed out in 3 hours. Snow sure is squeaky this morning.
    What is up with that "squeaky snow"?????
    You described it on a past post to a T.
    Sometimes I would almost prefer crunchy snow over that.

    To be honest, hunting on ground with no snow is way better.
    Either the snow that is around is a few days old and crunchy, or like walling on Styrofoam.
    Neither is conducive to great hunting.
    How I miss powder snow like in Alberta!

    Snow is great for fresh sign, finding that rusty colored urine for a doe in heat and makes spotting them a whole lot easier.
    The patchy snow is the worst, imo.

    Good luck out there!
    Wish I was out there with you.
    Last edited by Bugle M In; 12-10-2019 at 11:41 AM.

  10. #140
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    williams lake

    Re: 2019 Getting Up To Speed (Pic Heavy)

    Well headed out yesterday afternoon. Hauled ass to my parking spot and I was off. Was going to half ass hunt to the top and seriously hunt to the bottom. The snow was loud in the morning, but it had warmed up to -3 or something by the afternoon. Dropped into the gully

    and started my way up. Found high traffic area and started follow a bunch of deer tracks. I then picked up man tracks. My boot is a size 12... not many people in this town that have boots this big

    This guy has the same idea as me. As if my dad told somebody else about how he hunted it the other day. I continued up a ridge that is paralleled on both sides by a ravines. There was beds all over the ridge...

    Next summer, I'm going to hammer the area with trail cameras. I'm also cutting trail all through there. Not really a trail trail, but go clear all that brown dead underbrush that makes all that noise. Anyways I work my way up the ridge some more...

    A boot that big and coppenhagen snuff drippings that fresh... my brother is hunting the area. I decided to split off a different direction so I wouldn't hunting on his heels. But ended up spotting him anyways. I couldn't get his attention, I thought I had at one moment. When I did end up talking to him back at the trailhead, I guess he had been seeing deer all over the area. But the everything was still jumpy. Probably why I never got to see any. There had been a side by side in the area. I know bighorn tires 64" wide when I see them. So I think someone else knows what was kicking around there.

    So in that, here's a sunset on my 2019 hunting season. I'm not a very good predator hunter, but I'll pack a rimfire ice fishing if I happen upon a lynx or bunnies. But other than a goat tag valid until the end of February, I won't be really hunting until 2020. Probably head out ice fishing this weekend if I kick this cold... or if I don't.

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