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Thread: 2019 Getting Up To Speed (Pic Heavy)

  1. #101
    Join Date
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    williams lake

  2. #102
    Join Date
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  3. #103
    Join Date
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    williams lake

    Re: 2019 Getting Up To Speed (Pic Heavy)

    Last edited by warnniklz; 10-21-2019 at 04:35 PM.

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    williams lake

    Re: 2019 Getting Up To Speed (Pic Heavy)

    we left that day with no goats... not like we couldn't have got a goat. Just not the caliber we were looking for. Early November is better anyways. My dad also has a better appreciation for the work we put in to Tranquilizer's goat... even if it was a smaller goat.

    We made a burn for Shitters that night to day trip my area. Never did get to go in the past during October due to trade shows at work. Was hoping they would move more eastward. We found shitty ankle deep snow up in the goat area, but didn't see any goats or sign of goats. But I do know how me and my brother will do it when we get back there. Snow shoes our touring skis, joe rogan branded fanny pack for snacks and a cheap dora the explorer tobbagan. That way we can just skim the full critter across the snow and down the mountain.

    On the way out the next day I planned on shooting chickens on the way out. I've often hammered grouse on the road in particular... nothing that day. Got back to Williams Lake at roughly 1am on the 18th. That day was pretty much a write off. Saturday I burnt out to my bighorn spot. Spent most of the day glassing the mountain and farmers fields only to see deer upon deer upon deer. Nothing with the proper head gear I was looking for. So that night when I got home, went and checked my trail cams in my super secret spot.

  5. #105
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    williams lake

    Re: 2019 Getting Up To Speed (Pic Heavy)

    I got a bunch of does, cattle and the first buck(or 2) showing up

    No big boys yet except this herd bull

    Also have to stop baiting my area with Jack Links Jerky to keep Sammy the Squach from messin with my trail cam

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: 2019 Getting Up To Speed (Pic Heavy)

    Nice thread! Fully appreciate that kind of hunt with the old man; having just got back from 2 weeks sheepin and goatin myself.

    Hoping ya get the bill you’re holding for!

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: 2019 Getting Up To Speed (Pic Heavy)

    That looks like some wicked country your huntin!! Props to your dad for getting out there, I see a STUD in his future!! Great pics too!!

  8. #108
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    williams lake

    Re: 2019 Getting Up To Speed (Pic Heavy)

    Well because of a couple other threads posted on here... I'll post this up because... well why not.

    The 4 point season before the rut closure, I didn't really hunt too hard. Mostly because it's been relatively warm, full moon and clear skies. Not really the conditions for the deer hunting I liked. The Saturday of the long weekend, I went out and re-set my trail cameras in case I need to hunt archery season in December. Had a decent 2 point follow me around wheezing and stomping. He would come into the 30 yard markish and then run off wheezing then come back and do the same thing for 20 minutes.

    My brother went elsewhere and didn't see anything. So last day (November 10) we decided to go hit one of his hidey holes. The area has been logged pretty heavy and he knows most of the people that hunt it. We only seen some girls all day.

  9. #109
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    williams lake

    Re: 2019 Getting Up To Speed (Pic Heavy)

    That night my brother called and asked if I wanted to head to region 3 because it was still open. I said sure and he told me he'd be at my place just after 5. I was up at 4:30, had gear together and breakfast made. 5:10 rolled into 6:20... I think my brother slept in. I went back to bed for a bit and my brother finally got a hold of me at 9... we weren't making the day trip to region 3.

    Week rolled on and Thursday night I went over to my brothers to watch the hockey game. His buddy in Kelowna called and a plan of driving to Kelowna Friday night to hunt around there during the weekend took place. Friday I'm off work, brother is finishing up an oil change and he tells me his buddy has to work that weekend. But we could go stay at Jakeskin's in Kamloops

    Shit there's lots of hunting around Kamloops (I've never hunted around there).... so we head down to Kamloops. We roll in to young Jakey's just before 11 last Friday. We had a couple beer, but not too many as we would be up in a short time to head out hunting.

    6 am rolls around and my brother heads out to fire up his truck. I drag my ass a little trying to get my stuff organized to how I like it and head out the door. My brother ask if I have my pack with my binos and spotter... I sure do... but then I realize the tone in his voice.

    We hadn't even been there 7 hours and someone broke his window, stole his sub, amp and his sitka gear... which had his tags and my hunting knife. Called the non-emergency police line. Got the "that sucks" and our morning went from going hunting to walking around the north shore of Kamloops... well looking for leads.

    I've spent some time downtown Vancouver... but I think I'd rather walk around Vancouver than the north shore of Kamloops. Got to see some shit walking around Saturday morning. People shooting up around every other corner, some guy rode by on his bike and dropped his shank right in front of us. He even turned around and came back to pick it up. We have cousins that are first responders in that area... the stuff they must have to deal with.

    They tried to warn us... but we didn't see this at night.

    Pretty sure this is how the Ninja Turtles got mutated.

    That night we decided to go to On The Rocks, got kicked out by the server because she had "reserved" her table for her friends. So ended up at Tumbleweeds and had a good time.

    Sunday we decided we may as well head out hunting anyways because that's what we came for. Headed up the Coquihalla into the snow... found a road that looked like it went up into some decent country. Not even a kilometer down the road, CV lets go... no more 4 wheel drive. We tried climbing the mountain, but it wasn't happening in 2 wheel drive. Short hunting trip and we got drive back to town in 2 wheel drive.

    Beer-Rad is headed down Friday night and meeting up with ol'Tranquilizer and we're headed out deer hunting for the day possibly weekend.

  10. #110
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: 2019 Getting Up To Speed (Pic Heavy)

    Look like MacDonald park..... not surprising...

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