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Thread: Quick Elk Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Quick Elk Question

    We're only in service for a few hours then back to the mountains. Spooked 2 nice bull elk today after taking a shot and killing a whitetail buck. Buddy didnt see the Elk 90 yards past him. We didnt pursue for about an hour, hiked in slowly and found their bedding areas and a few nice wallows. Tomorrow is our last day and were wondering if they would completely leave to the next range or stick around? Thanks in advance.
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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Quick Elk Question

    Every elk is different but form my experience, most elk will be in the same area later that day or the next day if they weren’t spooked too badly

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Quick Elk Question

    Likely will stay close by if you didn’t push them too much.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Quick Elk Question

    Yup, if you haven't pushed them too much looking around or smelled up the place.
    Go in early, before first light.
    Go in with the wind in your favour and not blowing towards the area the elk were hanging in.
    Also, the wind can change after the sun comes up, so "hopefully" you paid attention to the way it blows during the day?
    Yes, winds can change from day to day, but most days it will blow a typical way.
    Try to be in a spot that if the wind does change, it still plays in your favor.

    Then, just cow call.
    Especially just before first light or right at it.
    Then slow those calls down.
    If those bulls are just hanging together without any cows in the immediate area, they might just come in, maybe just one of them.
    And quite possibly very quiet.
    So listen for any little twigs snapping (movement sounds) and listen to squirrels if they start "barking away"
    (they can tell you a lot if something is passing by them, might be WT or might be an elk).

    Last day, what do you have to lose hanging in an area where you just spotted elk.
    Might take til evening for them to come in, just before dark, in which case, I might throw in some bugles during the day as bugles reach farther
    if you have bumped them a little, but cow calls will bring them in closer.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Re: Quick Elk Question

    Hey, thanks for the quick replies guys. Just got back from our trip to the koots and it was absolutely amazing hiking that area. The scenery is breathtaking deep into the rockies.

    So the Elk did stick around the area like you guys said, so thanks for that.

    Thanks Bugle, I paid attention to the wind, often using my wind checker and changing positions when it swirled. I got in and setup 1 hour before legal shooting time and 1-2 hours before sunset. In the morning I setup up higher knowing that thermals carry up and evenings down lower.

    5 day hunt

    We spent the first 3 days travelling far away from camp trying to get into elk, only to find on the last two days they were within 4-5 kms from our camp. Once we found them, we came up with a game plan and hit it hard. We decided to go back to that spot and setup early around the wallow but the closest I got was hiking out just before dark and hearing one chuckle about 100-150 yards from me in the direction I was going. Not sure if it was a "show yourself chuckle" or??? So not knowing how to respond, I slowly and quietly hiked out, giving him time to move on and trying not to spook him.

    I set up early this morning and checked my trail cams in that spot but didn't see anything, so after a few hours in there I moved up higher to another spot. I hiked in and setup. I did some calling with cow calls first then locator bugles after that, one every 30 mins or so. I heard a bunch of mews shortly after, so I hiked up the ridge where they were but spooked them as I got close to the top.

    Learned a bunch this trip and was happy to find a really good spot for the future. I might even drive the 6-7 hours next weekend to try again but not sure if it's too late? I really want my first Elk.

    Will the bulls still be in with the cows next weekend?

    Animals spotted:
    2 Grizzlies
    3 Black Bears each with 2 cubs
    7 Elk - 2 legal bulls, 5 cows
    Numerous Whitetails
    Plenty of Grouse and Rabbit
    1 Skunk
    Place witty signature here.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Quick Elk Question

    Yes, bulls will still be on the cows next week or very close by, and also satellites will be trying to tap some strays. Should be able to still get the bulls coming in to calling right up to Oct 6th if known how to call. Typically things cool right off after the 6th I find and then better to focus on still hunting and cow calling, spot/stalk or watching cut blocks or field edges in the eves if you know where they are hangin. Also prime time for moose so can always shift gears.

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Quick Elk Question

    I would say they will be with the cows for sure now.
    Sounds like if you had a bunch of mewing, you have a herd bull there.
    Which probably means the other 2 bulls you saw were "satellites" the day before.
    Good luck, sounds like you are doing it right.
    Just getting out there is half of it.

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