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Thread: Solo Hunting: How did you get started?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Solo Hunting: How did you get started?

    I recently started a thread about my group's region 8 hunting trip in the beginning of October ( and a number of you suggested getting out there alone.
    It is something that I have considered, but I guess I enjoy the camaraderie and experiences that come with hunting with others. However, like fishing, which I have started doing solo as of a few years ago, I am feeling the itch to start hunting solo. Even if it is quite a drive out to where I want to go. I think I may end up a bit more successful this way and more likely to leave the truck and head into the farther reaches of my chosen areas to see what I see and, hopefully, bag what i can bag. My group, specifically 3 of us including my dad, have never bagged anything together as the 3 of us. This lack of success, as per the thread I've pasted into this one, is what is motivating me. I have drive to be more successful. I have a daughter and 3 boys who all want to get into hunting eventually, they are all 8yrs old to 22 months, and I want to be able to teach them as well and I feel that success, or at least seeing bucks, will help me learn so that I can teach them.

    Being that I am from a large family, it feels difficult to make the move to solo hunting, and perhaps its because I am not used to being alone and heading out into the unknown alone. I have learned to enjoy being alone and the peace and quiet it brings as well as being able to fully focus on my task.

    So, all that being said.....

    How/why did you make the move to solo hunting? Just always did it solo? Did your mentor or dad hunt alone? Is it because, like me, you have had to learn everything on your own?

    I am interested to hear about everything that led up to you guys hunting solo. As well as some stories perhaps...because....who doesn't like to hear a good hunting story?!

    I look forward to hearing from you all as always.



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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Tent city Victoria

    Re: Solo Hunting: How did you get started?

    I Mostly hunt alone although I do a big trip every year with a couple people (some days I hunt with them others I don’t). When I’m not on my week long hunt I hunt alone for a couple reasons. 1. Because it’s easier to be quiet and play the wind when you don’t have to worry about what your buddy is doing and 2. Because I don’t know anyone on the island who is serious about hunting who doesn’t already have partners etc.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Vancouver Island

    Re: Solo Hunting: How did you get started?

    Well to me there is going out together and hunting separately or leaving the house alone. I hunt with my sons and a couple of my brothers. I enjoy the BS on the drive out and back but we go our separate ways when out there with a plan to meet for lunch or time to be back at the truck. Will often drop a guy off or get dropped off some distance apart. I also like leaving by my self and having the whole day to go where I want. Don't really like actually stalking or hiking with someone else I'm more alert when alone.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Solo Hunting: How did you get started?

    Only my 2nd year of serious hunting, I'd say at least 60% of the time I'm alone. Started out of necessity as my uncle doesn't always want to get out nd I'm still new and very eager. I had reservations for sure wondered if I could do it or be successful think thats why drives me to prove I can do it on my own. Get out, have the proper gear more then you need till your comfortable.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    region 9

    Re: Solo Hunting: How did you get started?

    I never had family that hunted but a buddy that got me into it but I always enjoyed hiking alone so I started hunting alone...I do most of my hunting alone, and had most of my success alone, but now my 6 year old son is loving hunting and hiking so I've been taking him out the majority of my hunts which is a lot of fun but hard to keep them quiet or patient lol..still a,great time though..

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Solo Hunting: How did you get started?

    Quote Originally Posted by ekul246 View Post
    How/why did you make the move to solo hunting? Just always did it solo? Did your mentor or dad hunt alone? Is it because, like me, you have had to learn everything on your own?
    I like to drink a lot when I hunt. 99.99% of the hunters I know, won't touch a drop when they're in the field and leave it to "around" the campfire bullshite. Not me. But that's ok too. I still think of them as friends.
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  8. #7
    Join Date
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    Whonnock for 19 years, Mission for 46 years

    Re: Solo Hunting: How did you get started?

    For me it was an extension of other activities that I enjoyed being solo.
    When I was young, I usually hiked and back packed solo, preferring going at my own pace,
    usually faster than others in my circle of friends and relatives. I took up bicycle touring and
    except for two long trips, found it more enjoyable for the same reasons. When I first began
    hunting as a youth I was usually with my dad, and later with my brothers, but I still preferred
    going on my own where I didn't have to worry or consider others. I have taken many hunters
    out over the years and many of them have become lost when striking out on their own from camp.
    I find this extremely stressful, enough that on the odd occasion I still take someone along, they
    have to agree to stay with me. So many people just don't have the outdoor training needed to be
    safe in the woods now-a-days. Road hunting is a different matter. I will say that in this day and
    age with all the inexpensive technology available, anyone heading out into the wilds either by foot
    or conveyance should carry a tracking device with them so someone at home can keep an eye on
    where they are, especially if you have responsibilities like a wife and kids. We hear of hunters getting
    lost or not returning every year and often the rescue party or searchers aren't successful because they
    only have a vague idea where to look.

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Williams Lake, BC Canada

    Re: Solo Hunting: How did you get started?

    Hmm the insane schedule of being a Paramedic..2 days.then 2 my schedule was constantly changing..never matching my friends sit at home and wait...or get out and do..
    I chose to get out there and do...
    I enjoy hunting with friends..however when their work or family life preclude hunting together..I just go hunt.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Solo Hunting: How did you get started?

    I believe you may be overthinking it. Hunting solo could just be splitting up for the day as others have said. Share the camp or the drive out in the morning with your partners and then do your own thing for the day.

    other threads of yours likely made it seem like there was a convoy of 3 or 4 of you following each other single file in the woods which is not productive....

  11. #10
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Crofton BC

    Re: Solo Hunting: How did you get started?

    Quote Originally Posted by thick View Post
    I believe you may be overthinking it. Hunting solo could just be splitting up for the day as others have said. Share the camp or the drive out in the morning with your partners and then do your own thing for the day.

    other threads of yours likely made it seem like there was a convoy of 3 or 4 of you following each other single file in the woods which is not productive....
    I agree with Thick. The interpretation is there are 3 or 4 of you driving around and hiking around. You can still go hunting with people, just don't be a "herd".

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