Head down the trail following creek, splits, half goes left to a lake, right fork goes to swamp.. follow it in til i hit the edge of swamp, then start following tracks.. water 4" deep, no prob, wearing felt pack gumboots 12".. keep sneeking, water getting deeper, deeper.. see the cow at about 80 yards thru willow... keep sneeking, water getting deeper.. finally get within 50 yards of cow and she starts to move.. stayed still.. cow called, bull grunted, numerous times, they settled down.. waited a bit and started to close.. holy crap, thats deep, i am up to my nuts.. oh well cant get any wetter, kept going calling.. got a clear shot on cow but bull is a bit further back and in some willow... stood there up to my money maker for 20 minutes til the cow decided to leave.. bull started to follow, up came tge crossbow, guessed the range at 40 (rangefinder was in a pocket that got soaked and no longer worked).. stopped the bull with a grunt, safety off, steady crosshairs, squeeze...