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Thread: Something you don't see every day

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Something you don't see every day

    Quote Originally Posted by Foxton Gundogs View Post
    Good post BValley, image is becoming everything. It only takes a minor flinch by the shooter or the animal while the trigger is being squeezed for things to go south in a hurry. We once shot an emaciated old Buck with it's bottom jaw blown apart. Slow death by starvation is not pretty. I agree with the statement Boiler Room People much less chance of a terrible OOOPS
    Thanks know how I feel about the promotion of head shots.
    Theres too much room for error....and I’ve seen what happens to expert paper punchers when they’re throwing lead at a live target.
    If it had been shot a few inches lower that elk would have ran off missing a jaw to become maggot food.
    Head shots are not worth the risk.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: Something you don't see every day

    Food for thought. If you a numbers person there’s more animals wounded from “boiler room” shots than head shots.

    Biggest thing is be as proficient as possible with your weapon of choice.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Victoria BC

    Re: Something you don't see every day

    Quote Originally Posted by rageous View Post
    Food for thought. If you a numbers person there’s more animals wounded from “boiler room” shots than head shots.

    Biggest thing is be as proficient as possible with your weapon of choice.
    Only because statistically more shots are taken at the boiler room. If head shots were the norm we would see a lot more wounded animals. The boiler shot is beachball sized on an elk and the head shot is grapefruit sized. A boiler shot that's 12" or more off will destroy either the spine, liver, Break shoulders for an anchoring shot, or hit the edge of the lungs or the heart.

    Not it to mention the chest isn't attached to a muscular neck that is always swinging around and moving.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: Something you don't see every day

    Way too much info missing to judge what happened to this elk. Could of been a poacher, hunter, FN, or just a plain old idiot. We don’t even know if it was an intentional target

    Shot selection aside hunters need to stick within their honest skill level and not push their luck. It’s not just a matter of picking a chest or head shot being right or wrong. Angles, conditions, range, and what is the animal doing. Could get into all kinds of shot ethnics issues

    As for posting pics like this yes they can be beneficial for education but unfortunately once they are on the internet they also become tools against hunting. Personally I have mixed opinion on posting these kinds of pics so personally won’t. I am not going to blame anyone for posting pics like this for the purpose of education to improve hunter awareness either

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Re: Something you don't see every day

    Any and every shot has the potential to go sideways. I chased a bear out of the oats a few years back. It climbed a nearby tree before I shot it. When I went to skin it i found it was missing a front leg. The hair had grown over the shoulder like nothing ever happened to it. After talking to a neighbor he had said that another neighbor shot it a couple years before. I've also skinned a elk to find a 7mm bullet just inside the hide on the shoulder.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Something you don't see every day

    It’s amazing how tough animals are. I shot a three legged whitetail with my bow. He was doing fine... until the double lung arrow. His leg had about an inch of bone sticking out of a nicely calloused wound. We owe it to them to take the most ethical shot we can. I’d hate to take a low percentage shot that ends with an animal suffering. For a few people, in certain circumstances a head shot may be ethical. For me, I stick to the boiler room.

  7. #37
    Join Date
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    North Burnaby

    Re: Something you don't see every day

    I saw this pic before leaving a few hours ago to take my kid to hockey, and thought about it too while I was at the rink. I'm 100% with BearValley on this one that the optics do not play well in favor for those trying to promote ethical hunting. And I'm not throwing shade at the OP either, it's an amazing thought-provoking pic from his trail cam.. not like he can control what happened to that animal.

    Keep it to the boiler room boys, and be confident in your shot placement before squeezing.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    region 9

    Re: Something you don't see every day

    ^^^^I agree, I have been successful with head shots but I practice shooting on a regular basis, and am confident in my ability...that is an incredible pic OP...

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: Something you don't see every day

    Quote Originally Posted by ActionJackson017 View Post
    I saw this pic before leaving a few hours ago to take my kid to hockey, and thought about it too while I was at the rink. I'm 100% with BearValley on this one that the optics do not play well in favor for those trying to promote ethical hunting. And I'm not throwing shade at the OP either, it's an amazing thought-provoking pic from his trail cam.. not like he can control what happened to that animal.

    Keep it to the boiler room boys, and be confident in your shot placement before squeezing.
    Bear valley..... Irish creek road ? If we are talking the same area there is a high possibility you re correct

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Something you don't see every day

    exactly a teaching pic

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