I truly enjoy sharing hunting help advice. .as its true no one gets there alone..nor ever have I.
I have had tremendous responses to my yearly offer..
More why and how..not so much..over by that tree...
I am getting ready for my wife and I holiday to Sheridan lake in a week..will then be hosting a bear client / friend from 30 years ago..when information was shared in writing..he actually still has my 30 year old reply...amazing. ..
I have several folks that sent emails and never caught up the JENNINGS lake area...
Couple on moose by 150 mile..
By August 10 I will be unavailable untill Detlef leaves mid Oct..then I will be busy mule deer, whitetail hunting for us.
Good luck to all, straight shooting and please be safe.
Hoping some of the chats have helped as LEH authorizations are becoming rare..and the opportunity to be cherished.