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Thread: 33 years

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: 33 years

    Would make sense on once in a lifetime hunts actually be "once in a lifetime" if you win.
    A point system for folks who "always" apply "every year" to the "exact same hunt" should maybe get points towards having a "higher chance".

    Lets face it, some people put in this year, but than don't the following etc.
    Why not give the "diehards and truly committed" a higher chance.
    There must be some way, similar to the nhl as of late.
    (And yes, doesn't mean you will win regardless, but it's something)

    and no, my posts of late aren't whining etc.
    Just scratching my head as to what some are saying is happening is all.
    (I am calling a "glitch" in the system!)

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: 33 years

    The meaning of a random draw is not applying on a 30:1 odds hunt and being guaranteed a draw if you apply 30 times, it means having a 30 sided dice and rolling it 30 times. Some guys will hit multiple times, some never will. Not rigged, but random.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: 33 years

    Quote Originally Posted by Bugle M In View Post
    Would make sense on once in a lifetime hunts actually be "once in a lifetime" if you win.
    A point system for folks who "always" apply "every year" to the "exact same hunt" should maybe get points towards having a "higher chance".

    Lets face it, some people put in this year, but than don't the following etc.
    Why not give the "diehards and truly committed" a higher chance.
    There must be some way, similar to the nhl as of late.
    (And yes, doesn't mean you will win regardless, but it's something)

    and no, my posts of late aren't whining etc.
    Just scratching my head as to what some are saying is happening is all.
    (I am calling a "glitch" in the system!)
    I agree. A progressive draw would help create opportunities for everyone. As nobody can explain, some folks simply are luckier at leh than others. Been that way since I can remember. We’re blessed here in BC to have great options outside of leh.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: 33 years

    Been putting in for Island Elk since the LEH was invented, 1982 I believe never been drawn.

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    Re: 33 years

    Quote Originally Posted by Norwestalta View Post
    Keep building points until you're drawn or pick a zone where the priority you have built up will work. It will happen just need patience not luck.
    Oh, so is there no maximum priority points?

    So every year, everyone's odds decrease, assuming more people put in for the draw?

    Priority points systems only make for better odds until the year after the first group hits max priority points. Then your odds start to decrease again.

    Also, even if you have 10x increased odds (say you put in once, but it is 10 entries) could never be drawn. The guy who put in for the very first time and has only 1 opportunity could be drawn. That's how a random drawing works. Yes, the new guy has less chance, but he will still draw over guys with priority points. Then what? Is it still "not fair"?

    A truly random lottery is the most fair system. Everyone on even ground every year.

    "It will happen, just need patience, not luck."

    That means it's a queue, not a draw. And that's not how it works.
    Last edited by Squamch; 06-27-2019 at 07:27 AM.
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  6. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: 33 years

    Quote Originally Posted by bigben View Post
    Have put in shared group and individual hunts in this zone and believe it or not know of two locals that have been drawn four times by one and three times by the second one in same zone oh well i know its a crap shoot as i have not won the 6/49 yet for moose there is always next year lol
    In what zone?

    And here we go again..."we need progressive draws, point system...blah blah blah. I certainly don't understand why people aren't getting a moose draw, shit we got our second choice this hind sight I will never do that again because that group will now have reduced odds moving forward, but our second choice was an under prescribed interior boat in/fly in hunt which we have the ability to do, not sure we will but...I go on an LEH moose hunt every 3-4 years, there are 3 groups of 4 of us that put in every year. I will never complain that I didn't win the 1:100 or 1:40 draw, that is simply luck, but I will always ensure we get a moose draw simply by playing the numbers and finding that area where the odds aren't too terrible and the success rate is decent.
    Last edited by Darksith; 06-27-2019 at 08:41 AM.
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  7. #27
    Join Date
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    Re: 33 years

    Quote Originally Posted by shottyshooter View Post
    My son didn’t get his youth doe draw at .8:1 odds that’s (decimal)8!!! Better than 1:1 odds HTF does that happen?

    sad part is he’s a teen and seems to be losing interest in hunting what with girls and all hahaha. He was really discouraged and hinted at not coming this year because he feels it’s hopeless. Last three years have been hot strange weather and we just haven’t been seeing bucks so the doe tag was really encouraging for him.
    Those odds are from last year. Everyone saw those odds and applied this year, thinking wow what a sure thing! If you check the odds next year, you'll see the odds were really bad.

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  8. #28
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    Re: 33 years

    Quote Originally Posted by Ltbullken View Post
    Those odds are from last year. Everyone saw those odds and applied this year, thinking wow what a sure thing! If you check the odds next year, you'll see the odds were really bad.
    Well, one improvement is maybe when the results come out, that they also put in there what the odds actually turned out to be.
    Only say this because somewhere in one of these threads someone did say they called the ministry and got info on what the odds were, so the
    ministry does have them.
    Last thing I want to do is call to be honest.

    The thing with this lottery is, and some say it's not luck, but patience (which is a fair statement) is that we all know some win repeatidly where others
    And that's just "luck of the draw", and some are lucky.
    But the opposite could be said, that some are unlucky and even with patience, there is a chance they will "never win"!
    Remember, luck of the draw!!

    Nothing in there to help the "unlucky folks" have "assisted luck"!
    Only lucky folks to have some "restricted luck" for a couple of years and then back at par.

    Maybe it should be a "back of the line" system once you win.???? somehow???
    Just sounds like the system could be improved further, that's all.
    I get it, doesn't change anything about winning or not, but just a small improvement they could do.

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    Re: 33 years

    I'm in the same boat as Bigben
    been putting in for a Moose draw since '87 didnt get one yet, all in region 3-12, 3-19 and 8-10, 8-22 with and without groups...
    always put in between 3 and 5 applications for various species, in 32 years got a grizzly draw in a sheep area( never went, partner pulled out on the fly in)
    and a doe draw for insurance a few years ago ,never filled that one either , found a nice 4 point.
    obviously not getting the Kamloops sheep draw in that time inst a surprise but Moose.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: 33 years

    Quote Originally Posted by ryanb View Post
    I've said it before and I'll say it again, I wouldn't trade our system for any type of priority system. It's pure luck, and you have the same chance of drawing of its the first year or 50th year putting in for a tag. This is fantastic! Treat it for what it is, a lottery, pure and simple.
    I 100% agree. People are too quick to complain. I've always viewed LEH as a bonus opportunity. If I get drawn then great, if not there's still plenty of opportunity.

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