I’m 72 and while never fished commercially,knew people who did.Trollers were independent guys who lived in coastal communities and raised their kids in a healthy outdoor lifestyle far from the city lights.It was a lifestyle choice .They made a good living for themselves and their communities. It’s all gone now,the big commercial interests are supported by fish farms and seiners ,the little guy is gone.Now its our turn...I’m not even sure if there is the political will to bring the recreational salmon fishery back....they did it south of the line by massive stream enhancement and hatcheries ( which we depend on, a tissue collection off sooke proved we were catching American fish ) meanwhile the Canadian government said ‘we were going a ‘diferent route’- the ‘wild salmon’,which basically said we were going to do nothing ,and guess what we got? Now that the fishery has collapsed,they finally say they are going to do what we said we needed all along,hatcheries, stream rehabilitations;and preditor controll ...gee whiz,now they tell us..

And even if they did bring it back, it will be years,maybe decades , how many sports guides can wait out the lean years? I know one thing for sure and that is I won’t be around to see it..