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Thread: A Flawed Made in BC Plan For Salmon

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Port Alberni

    Thumbs down A Flawed Made in BC Plan For Salmon

    Quick action is critical to save wild salmon, but WSAC recommendations, with wording like B.C. “should consider” this, and “explore” that, foretell more indecisiveness, confusion, and delay.

    If we are “to learn from our mistakes” and improve on DFO performance, Horgan should reopen his made-in-B.C. plan to all legitimate stakeholders.


    Egotistical, Self Centered, Son of a Bitch Killer that Doesn't Play Well With Others.

    Guess he got to Know me

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    sadly, for now, the LM. Soon, Horsefly!!

    Re: A Flawed Made in BC Plan For Salmon

    When are we going to wake up and realize the DFO is the most inept, useless, and damaging federal ministry in history?
    They f***ed up the east coast fishery, and if they haven't done so on the west coast already they are damn close....

    Their policies, decisions, and "management" relating to (all of) our fisheries resources is, and has been, bordering on criminal.

    The WSAC is a joke. Horgan is an even worse joke....

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: A Flawed Made in BC Plan For Salmon

    Rape and pillage forest extraction, condos on every small stream, Fraser river an open sewer- there is a lot of blame to go around
    Last edited by saskbooknut; 01-21-2019 at 07:05 AM.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Away from people!

    Re: A Flawed Made in BC Plan For Salmon

    Full disclosure...I am employed by a federal government agency.

    My grandfather ran the fisheries department way back "in the day". That was when the focus was on salmon...not promotions and career development.

    I can tell you from first hand experience that the public service is not set up to achieve the the public's expectations or protect their interests. That's not even a consideration. The public service is it's own self serving program with the delivery of results and service to the public as a lucky by product of their "work". The Auditor General has identified this problem.

    Don't expect results in fisheries from the AO (executive) level (what folks would call "managers"); these "managers" have never even walked a salmon stream in their life. They get "management" roles with DFO simply because it's a "promotion" from their position from some other, completely unrelated, government department (say..."indigenous affairs'...the logic being that First Nations folks fish...right?). Their performance pay (bonus) is based solely on their ability to manage their doesn't even have to be effective management...just spend it and don't go over it, or under it...that's a"good" manager.

    I know my grandfather is rolling in his grave when sees what has become of his beloved salmon...and his beloved "Fisheries Department" (as it was known when it was actually effective).

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    sadly, for now, the LM. Soon, Horsefly!!

    Re: A Flawed Made in BC Plan For Salmon

    Quote Originally Posted by northernguy View Post
    Full disclosure...I am employed by a federal government agency.

    My grandfather ran the fisheries department way back "in the day". That was when the focus was on salmon...not promotions and career development.

    I can tell you from first hand experience that the public service is not set up to achieve the the public's expectations or protect their interests. That's not even a consideration. The public service is it's own self serving program with the delivery of results and service to the public as a lucky by product of their "work". The Auditor General has identified this problem.

    Don't expect results in fisheries from the AO (executive) level (what folks would call "managers"); these "managers" have never even walked a salmon stream in their life. They get "management" roles with DFO simply because it's a "promotion" from their position from some other, completely unrelated, government department (say..."indigenous affairs'...the logic being that First Nations folks fish...right?). Their performance pay (bonus) is based solely on their ability to manage their doesn't even have to be effective management...just spend it and don't go over it, or under it...that's a"good" manager.

    I know my grandfather is rolling in his grave when sees what has become of his beloved salmon...and his beloved "Fisheries Department" (as it was known when it was actually effective).
    Thanks for this post....

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: A Flawed Made in BC Plan For Salmon

    I’m just heading out to Sooke now to see if there are any winter springs around...this used to be a very predictable fishery with fish in the 8-12 lb range

  8. #7
    Join Date
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    Port Alberni

    Arrow Re: A Flawed Made in BC Plan For Salmon

    Quote Originally Posted by northernguy View Post
    ... Don't expect results in fisheries from the AO (executive) level (what folks would call "managers"); these "managers" have never even walked a salmon stream in their life. They get "management" roles with DFO simply because it's a "promotion" from their position from some other, completely unrelated, government department (say..."indigenous affairs'...the logic being that First Nations folks fish...right?). Their performance pay (bonus) is based solely on their ability to manage their doesn't even have to be effective management...just spend it and don't go over it, or under it...that's a"good" manager...
    I watched this devolution begin with dismay many years ago myself.
    The internal rot has now ascended well beyond the "manager" level, and infests the highest bureaucratic levels there are at Kent Street. These are the lifer's - bureaucrats who survive government after government, and who sole function appears to be to justify their own existence, and to hell with the resource.

    I strongly commiserate with your grandfather. The fall has been nothing short of shocking, and the resource suffers deeply as a consequence.


    Egotistical, Self Centered, Son of a Bitch Killer that Doesn't Play Well With Others.

    Guess he got to Know me

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: A Flawed Made in BC Plan For Salmon

    For the first time in 20 years I did not book my annual block of 10 fishing charters ...I love salmon fishing ,but I’m not sure if it’s even worth going anymore,this years winter spring fishery which used to be very predictable was dismal and if that’s the bellweather for the summer fishery were in serious trouble ...pretty sad when we’ve seen it coming and nobody listened
    Last edited by ratherbefishin; 02-14-2019 at 09:07 PM.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: A Flawed Made in BC Plan For Salmon

    Quote Originally Posted by northernguy View Post
    Full disclosure...I am employed by a federal government agency.

    My grandfather ran the fisheries department way back "in the day". That was when the focus was on salmon...not promotions and career development.

    I can tell you from first hand experience that the public service is not set up to achieve the the public's expectations or protect their interests. That's not even a consideration. The public service is it's own self serving program with the delivery of results and service to the public as a lucky by product of their "work". The Auditor General has identified this problem.

    Don't expect results in fisheries from the AO (executive) level (what folks would call "managers"); these "managers" have never even walked a salmon stream in their life. They get "management" roles with DFO simply because it's a "promotion" from their position from some other, completely unrelated, government department (say..."indigenous affairs'...the logic being that First Nations folks fish...right?). Their performance pay (bonus) is based solely on their ability to manage their doesn't even have to be effective management...just spend it and don't go over it, or under it...that's a"good" manager.

    I know my grandfather is rolling in his grave when sees what has become of his beloved salmon...and his beloved "Fisheries Department" (as it was known when it was actually effective).
    Good Post. While I agree with the premise of your statement I think something that is never given enough weight is the politics of these things. You can have the most dedicated and concerned people working for DFO, who have a good handle on the situation. But in the end a lot of the decisions end up being political vs based on science. DFO is in a tough spot. They can recommend conservation measures all they want. But when the rubber hits the road, the Politicians have to deal with a lot of user groups who see themselves as self entitled. The whole salmon fishing thing is a political night mare. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what their decision is, some one or a group will complain about their special circumstance and economic lose. As for the province, if they truly want to be part of the solution, they should take a hard run at fish farms and the logging/land management industry. The devastation and poor harvest practices I see in my neck of the woods is truly concerning. There are local streams out here that used to be great salmon and steelhead streams, that have been totally devastated by poor logging practises. The whole thing is a mess, and politics is at the root of the whole thing. Gota make that fast buck.

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: A Flawed Made in BC Plan For Salmon

    Logging and fish farm impacts notwithstanding,what we need RIGHT NOW is a massive input of salmon smolts into Juan de Fuca along with a seal cull or the sports fishery which is closer to collapse than most people think is going to be non existent.The winter spring fishery from Victoria waterfront to Sooke is a bell whether ,what traditionally was a consistent fishery has virtually collapsed ,these are the ‘feeders’ that produce the trophy summer chinook run that both locals and visitors target which support a large tourism industry. The west coast seems ok from what I can gather but the Sooke sports fishery is in serious decline and only massive intervention( not more ‘studies’) has a chance of restoring the runs( I realize volunteers have already started releasing pen held smolts in Sooke Harbour a couple of years ago but at best we are still two more years away to see results from returning fish) I greatly fear my days of having the thrill of a 30 or 40 lb spring taking my anchovy off Otter Point will only be a fading memory to be told to my granchildren instead of taking them with me on a charter.Pinks are a fine ‘fun fishery’ but is those big springs that keep the Charter boys booked up

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