Hey Guys,

Hope everybodys opening weekends treated them well. Have some permission to hunt a farmers field in the Fraser Valley Special Area, but have been running into some issues with a neighbour. There are about 5 residences within 500-1000 meters of our blind, with most of the locals being super friendly and interested in how we have done. They are always enjoyable to talk to after a morning hunt, and are always surprised/impressed with how much time and effort we put into it.

This is one house is another story, and we finally got to talk to them today.. We have hunted this same field for the last three years now, and every once in a while we would hear faint yelling, and constant horn honking. Multiple times we would try and find out where it was coming from and try and have a reasonable discussion with them. I understand a shotgun going off on your weekend isn’t what some people want to wake up to, but at the same time we put in a lot of time, effort, and are always following with in the laws. It had gotten to the point that they will repetitively honk their horn to try and scare birds, which is illegal.

Have any of you guys had issues with something like this? How did you deal with it? At this point I would almost rather them call the police, and sort it out with them present. Constantly interfering with our hunt is becoming a bit of a drag