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Thread: BCWF gives hunters the middle finger

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: BCWF gives hunters the middle finger

    Quote Originally Posted by ElectricDyck View Post
    In this day and age the structure for conservation takes care of itself through legal hunting fishing methods enforcdd by the law...

    The real fight is for the right to hunt, posess firearms and to fish..

    I dont come from a hunting family but at age 30 i took the core course i thought the ethics portion taught us to be ashamed of hunting. Its my understanding the bcwf wrote the core?

    Whos fighting for hunting and fishing?
    I don’t have the same faith in our wildlife management but not into debates on that at this time

    I did grow up in a hunting family and no doubt a generation of hunters thought flying under the radar, hiding from the public and doing what they could to not offend the public would keep their hunting heritage safe. Well in my opinion this backfired big time. I don’t blame the BCWF for this or the ethnics portion in the core. Trappers took the same approach when being faced with antis and now pay for it

    As for who is fighting for hunting in BC said it many times we have no true voice. Till the hunting community can all admit this and focus on building one we are screwed

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Pemberton BC

    Re: BCWF gives hunters the middle finger

    Quote Originally Posted by ElectricDyck View Post

    I dont come from a hunting family but at age 30 i took the core course i thought the ethics portion taught us to be ashamed of hunting. Its my understanding the bcwf wrote the core?
    Quote Originally Posted by Wild one View Post
    I don’t have the same faith in our wildlife management but not into debates on that at this time

    I did grow up in a hunting family and no doubt a generation of hunters thought flying under the radar, hiding from the public and doing what they could to not offend the public would keep their hunting heritage safe. Well in my opinion this backfired big time. I don’t blame the BCWF for this or the ethnics portion in the core. Trappers took the same approach when being faced with antis and now pay for it

    I sorta agree with the ethics part of the core course almost teaching us to be ashamed. Wild one explained it pretty well.

    There was a time when the prevailing attitude was "be discrete" about hunting and shooting. People thought that would get anti hunters and gun people to forget about them, when all it really did was turn hunting and shooting into a "dirty little secret" which always makes people fear and loathe you.

    The only way to make advancements is use the same tactics as women, minorities and gays used- Be visible, blow your own horn and control the dialogue.
    Knowledgeable shooters agree- The 375 Ruger is the NEW KING of all 375 caliber cartridges. ALL HAIL THE NEW KING!

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Re: BCWF gives hunters the middle finger

    very accurate, totally agree.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Langley BC

    Re: BCWF gives hunters the middle finger

    Quote Originally Posted by Wild one View Post
    I don’t have the same faith in our wildlife management but not into debates on that at this time

    I did grow up in a hunting family and no doubt a generation of hunters thought flying under the radar, hiding from the public and doing what they could to not offend the public would keep their hunting heritage safe. Well in my opinion this backfired big time. I don’t blame the BCWF for this or the ethnics portion in the core. Trappers took the same approach when being faced with antis and now pay for it

    As for who is fighting for hunting in BC said it many times we have no true voice. Till the hunting community can all admit this and focus on building one we are screwed
    Couldn't agree more! How are we as a community supposed to protect what we hold dear, when we don't have a unified voice? The infighting and posturing with regards to each individual group is what is splitting the hunting/fishing community apart. We all need to band together and present one voice loud and proud!
    Tight groups Safe hunts

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: BCWF gives hunters the middle finger

    might be time to have a responsible harvester parade in every majour city in bc...

    agreed take the head out of the sand...

    my daughter took deer antlers for show and tell.... the vigian kids went actually physically violent over it...

    my daughter did not back down she said this is how we live i do not judge how you live...
    i had to tell my son to back down saying my food poohs on your food...

    time to head up a responsible harvester parade.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Kootenays, BC

    Re: BCWF gives hunters the middle finger

    Quote Originally Posted by Gateholio View Post
    Be visible, blow your own horn and control the dialogue.
    I agree. It's important to be prepared for meaningful discussions. On that note, I hope everyone has commented on the BC Gov't Engage website on the path forward for wildlife and habitat management.

    Many hunters and fishers can run circles around 'enviros' when it comes to knowledge of wildlife and conservation. It's important to incorporate this information and not get caught up in the emotional, non-rational debates.

    I've always admired Steve's response to a vegan zealot in the exchange below.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Re: BCWF gives hunters the middle finger

    environmentalists prefer to get their protein from tofu grown on former South American rainforest lands
    TOFU is made not grown

  8. #28
    guest Guest

    Re: BCWF gives hunters the middle finger

    More BCWF drama ......... Way to go.
    For those that think BCWF is their own saviour to our hunting and fishing rights as residents of BC , get your head outa your backside.
    BCWF is a non profit organization that along with several others that are trying to help Fish and Wildlife province wide.
    It also represents outdoors folk from hunters to hikers, fishermen and women to gold panners, boaters to rock climbers. It also attempts to help keep access to the back country, rivers and lakes for all of us. Hunters and Non hunters included.

    Its NOT a Sole hunting club as so many think or should I say expect. What a joke.

    Over too many years to remember, the BCWF has done more for Habitat, for conservation, for fish and wildlife, Province wide than any other organization.

    Its not not called the BCHunter Federation. Maybe the OP can start a new Fed that can SAVE all things threatening hunters and fishers way of life and all the bitchers and complainers that have nothing else to do with there time then slam those trying to make a differance with our Fish and Wildlife.

    It it may be hard for some or several to wrap your head around, BUT ........ It's not all about you..... It's about Fish and Wildlife for generations to come, for all to enjoy ........ And the fine line walked for its use, and its future.

    If you think you can do bigger better things ....... Take your head outa your butt and get involved.

    I say again, thanks to the BCWF for all you've done in the past, and continue to do.

    The self righteous attitude of many never seems surprise me.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: BCWF gives hunters the middle finger

    Quote Originally Posted by curly top View Post
    More BCWF drama ......... Way to go.
    For those that think BCWF is their own saviour to our hunting and fishing rights as residents of BC , get your head outa your backside.
    BCWF is a non profit organization that along with several others that are trying to help Fish and Wildlife province wide.
    It also represents outdoors folk from hunters to hikers, fishermen and women to gold panners, boaters to rock climbers. It also attempts to help keep access to the back country, rivers and lakes for all of us. Hunters and Non hunters included.

    Its NOT a Sole hunting club as so many think or should I say expect. What a joke.

    Over too many years to remember, the BCWF has done more for Habitat, for conservation, for fish and wildlife, Province wide than any other organization.

    Its not not called the BCHunter Federation. Maybe the OP can start a new Fed that can SAVE all things threatening hunters and fishers way of life and all the bitchers and complainers that have nothing else to do with there time then slam those trying to make a differance with our Fish and Wildlife.

    It it may be hard for some or several to wrap your head around, BUT ........ It's not all about you..... It's about Fish and Wildlife for generations to come, for all to enjoy ........ And the fine line walked for its use, and its future.

    If you think you can do bigger better things ....... Take your head outa your butt and get involved.

    I say again, thanks to the BCWF for all you've done in the past, and continue to do.

    The self righteous attitude of many never seems surprise me.

    You are correct the BCWF is not a hunting organization or the voice of hunters or defending hunters rights. Unfortunately many gave support to the BCWF thinking they were the voice of BC hunters and here to defend our hunting rights

    Maybe you are correct it is time for an actual hunting organization in BC

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: BCWF gives hunters the middle finger

    Quote Originally Posted by Wild one View Post
    You are correct the BCWF is not a hunting organization or the voice of hunters or defending hunters rights. Unfortunately many gave support to the BCWF thinking they were the voice of BC hunters and here to defend our hunting rights

    Maybe you are correct it is time for an actual hunting organization in BC
    A louder voice supporting hunting heritage is always a good thing.
    More messaging, one that reflects respect for the resource, the sustainability, the need to invest, the need to protect habitat....delivered on a professional platform. Put a bow on it and sell it.

    I have said this before and I will say it again, you have to bring resources to the table in today's world if you wish to implement awareness and change. The "because it's right" expectation simply doesn't work.

    Nor does blaming the Fed, wildlife bio's, FN, Gov, or anyone for that matter.

    Complaining for change without a clear plan, or the resources to make it happen...well, you have nothing more than a tall ladder without steps (it gets you nowhere).

    Fracturing a community into tribes is not a viable solution in my opinion.
    History has proven this time and time again.

    I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's start with keyboards and forums. - F L Wright

    Try and be kind to everyone but fear no one. - Ourea

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