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Thread: Forget your spring bear hunt: Horgan pushing gas to $2 - $3/L

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    In my traditional territory

    Forget your spring bear hunt: Horgan pushing gas to $2 - $3/L

    British Columbians could be facing gas at $2 to $3 per litre without Alberta oil

    By Richard Zussman

    Global News

    Alberta Premier Rachel Notley is upping the ante in the dispute over the Trans Mountain pipeline, threatening to block oil and gas shipments to B.C. Keith Baldrey has the details.

    If you think British Columbians have it bad at the pumps now, imagine if Alberta shuts off the oil tap.

    The Alberta government announced on Thursday that it will put legislation in place to block the shipment of oil to B.C. if premier John Horgan’s government takes ‘extreme and illegal actions…to stop the pipeline.’ Alberta is concerned that any move to stop the federally approved Trans Mountain pipeline would cripple it’s economy.

    “In the past, when workers in our energy industry were attacked and when the resources we own were threatened, Premier Peter Lougheed took bold actions,” read the Alberta Throne Speech. “Your government has been clear: Every option is on the table.”

    The Alberta government blocked the shipment of B.C. wine into Alberta in February because of concerns the B.C. government was breaking provincial trade rules by looking at restricting the flow of bitumen through B.C. The Notley government has since lifted that ban.

    Energy commentator and blogger Blair King has broken down what sort of impact a restriction on Alberta oil would have on British Columbia. In a recent post, King uses Natural Resources Canada numbers that show Edmonton refineries provides 50 to 60 per cent of the petroleum products needed in the Vancouver market.

    “If a minor cut from the producer that supplies 20 per cent to 25 per cent of B.C.’s gasoline and diesel results in gasoline priced at $1.60/L imagine what shutting down 60 per cent of our supply for a week or two would do,” said King in his post. “We would be looking at gas in the $2/L – $3/L zone.”

    “Ultimately the challenge faced by British Columbia is that our geography conspires against us in the transportation of fossil fuels. With mountains and water bodies in the way, getting fossil fuels to market is particularly challenging.”

    Alberta UCP leader Jason Kenney has also announced if he is elected premier next year, he would restrict the flow of oil to B.C. if the Trans Mountain pipeline is blocked.

    On Tuesday, gas in Metro Vancouver hit $1.50, making it the most expensive in North America. B.C. Environment Minister George Heyman said he doesn’t believe that Alberta actually would take the action of shutting down the flow of oil.

    “I see no reason for the government of Alberta to take any action when all B.C. has been doing is standing up to our interests in proposing some regulations that are well in our jurisdiction,” said Heyman. “We are determined to defend our environment, our economy and our coastline. We have tried to be the adults in the room here.”

    The B.C. government is still working with a legal team to determine a reference question for the courts around the discussion of restricting the flow of bitumen by rail or pipeline through the province. Heyman is adamant that the courts should settle this case, and not a neighbouring provincial government by restricting the export of a natural resource.

    “I see no reason that Alberta will take an unlawful action against the province,” said Heyman. “We have refer an issue of contention to the courts, we believe that is where legal issues should be determined.”
    Quote Originally Posted by chevy
    Sorry!!!! but in all honesty, i could care less,, what todbartell! actually thinks
    Quote Originally Posted by Will View Post
    but man how much pepporoni can your arshole take anyways !

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: Forget your spring bear hunt: Horgan pushing gas to $2 - $3/L

    Hope Alberta does it the maybe some dumb hippie types will learn

  4. #3
    Petros65 Guest

    Re: Forget your spring bear hunt: Horgan pushing gas to $2 - $3/L

    I'm guessing that you don't know both BC and Alberta are NDP ? --- Liberals lost in BC (but we could hunt grizzly - under their leadership) and the Liberals have never had Alberta. So yup the dumb hippie types supported the pipelines and grizzly hunting. Now looks like bag limits are going to reduced further (under the NDP) --- Let me know how things work out for us?
    Quote Originally Posted by Wild one View Post
    Hope Alberta does it the maybe some dumb hippie types will learn

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Region 7

    Re: Forget your spring bear hunt: Horgan pushing gas to $2 - $3/L

    I absolutely hope Alberta follows through on this threat. If Vancouverites don’t want pipelines to be built they can quit Using the products currently being shipped as well.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Kamloops Country just south of Heaven

    Re: Forget your spring bear hunt: Horgan pushing gas to $2 - $3/L

    Bear that's a hellava good point there I dig that. Quit using the products if yah don't want to help out!
    Jel -- hey sounds cool bear

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: Forget your spring bear hunt: Horgan pushing gas to $2 - $3/L

    Quote Originally Posted by Petros65 View Post
    I'm guessing that you don't know both BC and Alberta are NDP ? --- Liberals lost in BC (but we could hunt grizzly - under their leadership) and the Liberals have never had Alberta. So yup the dumb hippie types supported the pipelines and grizzly hunting. Now looks like bag limits are going to reduced further (under the NDP) --- Let me know how things work out for us?
    Well aware both are NDP

    It is the public that complain about the pipeline but want the benefit of oil are the ones that need to experience the price hike

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Kamloops Country just south of Heaven

    Re: Forget your spring bear hunt: Horgan pushing gas to $2 - $3/L

    There's so much pressure building over this pipeline why doesn't someone with authority put an end to this and start building?
    -- these people using gas and oil and products and expect others to pay with high prices.
    -- I don't use a vehicle I'm retired and walk and ride.
    -- I can use city bus if I want or need too
    It's going to be built one way or another so might as well grow up and start the work ,,
    -- I hear the work is going on already anyways but not in certain areas.
    Jel -- hoping we all get satisfaction out of this whole great big thing -- it's pretty huge but eh (when started officially), taker slow Joe
    Last edited by Jelvis; 03-09-2018 at 10:29 AM. Reason: All of us will be happy with oil and gas available

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    North OK

    Re: Forget your spring bear hunt: Horgan pushing gas to $2 - $3/L

    I have a fuel card, who's wants to go bear hunting?

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Forget your spring bear hunt: Horgan pushing gas to $2 - $3/L

    You’re witnessing NDP incompitence at its finest, (on both sides of the provincial borders)
    the Notley government hated oil as much as Horgan does, the difference is they got shitkicked by a dose of
    reality when they took the reigns of power,and to their horror,discovered that oil revenue pays for their
    toys,like public sector union employee wages and benefits. Horgan will see the angry Vancouver suburbs that kicked the Liberals to the curb, turn on him and incinerate the NDP If the cost of fuel goes beyond the already ludicrous rates. Peoples livelihoods are at stake here, and they tend to be sensitive about that sort of thing.

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Forget your spring bear hunt: Horgan pushing gas to $2 - $3/L

    Quote Originally Posted by Jelvis View Post
    There's so much pressure building over this pipeline why doesn't someone with authority put an end to this and start building?
    -- these people using gas and oil and products and expect others to pay with high prices.
    -- I don't use a vehicle I'm retired and walk and ride.
    -- I can use city bus if I want or need too
    It's going to be built one way or another so might as well grow up and start the work ,,
    -- I hear the work is going on already anyways but not in certain areas.
    Jel -- hoping we all get satisfaction out of this whole great big thing -- it's pretty huge but eh (when started officially), taker slow Joe
    Because your “blood” won’t let it happen also...

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