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Thread: Do you Know Why Trappers ( and hunters) Are Being Kept Secret MORE AND MORE?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Re: Do you Know Why Trappers ( and hunters) Are Being Kept Secret MORE AND MORE?

    All Canadian Tire Stores took up selling not just hunting gear but guns within the last couple years. I get about 5 hunting and sporting goods flyers in my junk mail and technically I live in the lower Mainland. Camo is now mainstream clothing. Hunting numbers in BC increase year by year. Several mainstream TV channels have reality shows on at prime time including alligator hunting and several types of trapping and other wilderness lifestyle shows.

    Hunters and trappers are hiding all of the sudden? Um, no. Yes there's work to do but the sky isn't falling FFS. Why don't you guys go out and get some fresh air, maybe hunt some coyotes and wolves. It appears cabin fever has taken hold with some. Not jabbing at you PG you're doing something. Just the sky is falling comments from others. ps your local BCWF club needs some hunters to show up by the sounds of it. All good out this way and every other club I've had the pleasure of belonging to.
    its gonna take a life time to hunt and fish all this

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Do you Know Why Trappers ( and hunters) Are Being Kept Secret MORE AND MORE?

    Cause there is always one ****tard who shows a totally fuccked up killing/gory hunting video or picture

    How many cool hunting/trapping pictures & stories are out there - there is a lot. How many fuccked up hunting videos/pictures are out there, very very few. Which one does Global News seek out to play at 6:00?

    I can't remember which ones, but some of the Canadian networks refused to play any hunting shows a couple of years ago, even the Canadian Tradition. Outdoors people don't control the mass media.

    You can not force people to consume the good stories, but I argue hunting rights anytime I hear some crap in person. I refuse to on social media. The the anit's come across as "compassionate" even though I would say the loud ones have serious mental problems.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Metchosin area

    Re: Do you Know Why Trappers ( and hunters) Are Being Kept Secret MORE AND MORE?

    You’re right there are very few videos that are in my opinion “bad press” but that’s all they air. Because it sells. Just like pit bulls hunters are judged by the image we have on mainstream media. This is why I think it’s very important to Try to present the best image we can. The worst part is when ever there is a video of somebody doing something really messed up to an animal it usually has the tag hunting attached to it somewhere or another. I recently watched a video that was tagged somewhere along the lines of hunters torture and mutilate deer with a knife the video showed a group of what looked to be drunk idiots swimming out into a river and grabbing a deer that was swimming in the same river dragging to the shore been taking turns stabbing it to death and laughing. Nowhere in this video did I say anything to indicate that these people were hunters. Unfortunately these are the videos that I believe are hurting us the most. Videos of non hunters doing terrible things to animals or videos that are just too violent for most of the public to see

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Port Alberni

    Arrow Re: Do you Know Why Trappers ( and hunters) Are Being Kept Secret MORE AND MORE?

    Quote Originally Posted by Drillbit View Post
    Who's the VI trapper guy that needs to be outed for not supporting legal trapping?

    From your other post, that'd be a place to start.
    This is currently being dealt with. Head On.
    Do not inundate my pm box regarding this matter, I simply will not answer.
    But rest assured, some of us here on the Island are active in this very matter.
    And in due (short) course the response will be tabled here for all to see.

    Keep up the Good Work Steve.
    You have a lot of support on The Rock as you know...


    Egotistical, Self Centered, Son of a Bitch Killer that Doesn't Play Well With Others.

    Guess he got to Know me

  5. #25
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    Re: Do you Know Why Trappers ( and hunters) Are Being Kept Secret MORE AND MORE?

    Quote Originally Posted by IronNoggin View Post
    This is currently being dealt with. Head On.
    Do not inundate my pm box regarding this matter, I simply will not answer.
    But rest assured, some of us here on the Island are active in this very matter.
    And in due (short) course the response will be tabled here for all to see.

    Keep up the Good Work Steve.
    You have a lot of support on The Rock as you know...

    Why not post his name for all to see?
    Why protect him?

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Port Alberni

    Thumbs down Re: Do you Know Why Trappers ( and hunters) Are Being Kept Secret MORE AND MORE?

    Quote Originally Posted by TexasWalker View Post
    Why not post his name for all to see?
    Why protect him?
    There is ZERO "protection" going on here.
    There are some private interests on our side that must be considered, and so the matter will be handled somewhat delicately.
    For now please accept that there are some looking into, and directly dealing with the matter...


    Egotistical, Self Centered, Son of a Bitch Killer that Doesn't Play Well With Others.

    Guess he got to Know me

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Do you Know Why Trappers ( and hunters) Are Being Kept Secret MORE AND MORE?

    Quote Originally Posted by TexasWalker View Post
    Why not post his name for all to see?
    Why protect him?
    I would agree with Iron Noggin's post and add that this person was not elected over the internet nor should this matter be dealt with over the internet and of course their side of the story should be heard as well.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: Do you Know Why Trappers ( and hunters) Are Being Kept Secret MORE AND MORE?

    Well I choose not to use social media for personal reasons. I let everyone around me know that I hunt to harvest meat ethically and sustainably. I let them know what I see on the ground I tell them how there are wolf and coyote tracks behind every set of deer tracks that preds are simply that and try to remind people that nature is not a disney movie. What happends? People will question your ethics. they will make statements like why would you hunt bears? They talk about how we shouldnt kill wolves without any idea about the history behind our efforts here in BC and why things got so bad its a clear drawn picture that has been stashed in a safe and hidden from the public eye. People need to be informed they need to be taken out to an fsr show them the story on the ground explain what we see. Be prepared to use your words and stand up for your love of nature. Being a hunter fisherman or trapper all bring you closer to the outdoors show people dont just let them sit there in a group and make up an opinion based on mob and media mentality ask them why really explain yourself you would be suprised how people change their tune when you are willing to speak pasionately about it.

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    Jordan River

    Re: Do you Know Why Trappers ( and hunters) Are Being Kept Secret MORE AND MORE?

    Good post 604 stalker, i think when one is in the bush, be hunting, scouting or just plain hiking, take the phone/video camera and document what you see, post it up, put it out there so that it just isn't hear say. Show them exactly what is happening out there, instead of all the bs from the anti's social networks from the city folk.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: Do you Know Why Trappers ( and hunters) Are Being Kept Secret MORE AND MORE?

    And thats my point alot of these people never see whats going on they have strong feelings about protecting what we have they see its beautiful out there and say they care about it but they don't know anything about conservation at its core. You can try and tell them that it was started by hunters but judging from the latest media hunters and concervation dont mix ask people what their ideas are ask them if they understand holding capicity or the differences in numbers of people actively trapping not just the number of hunters. Ask about how they feel about the use of a harvested animal if I take the meat and leave the hide but had a use for it am I paying the best respect to the animal whos life I took? Talk about the fish returns ask people if they know how bad its been. Where Im at people know that the fraser is in trouble but know nothing about the returns elsewhere or just dont seem to care. Put it in peoples heads that we need to talk about it

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