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Thread: PINT NIGHT - BC Backcountry Hunters & Anglers - Trail, BC - February 21

  1. #21
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Re: PINT NIGHT - BC Backcountry Hunters & Anglers - Trail, BC - February 21

    Quote Originally Posted by Island Idiots View Post
    I am not here to deride any real attempt to help our wildlife. I offended some and I apologize. I agree with brownmancheng.
    I am a member of the BCWF. I don't agree with everything they do, and I don't agree with the stuff they DON'T do.
    I am greatful for all those efforts that have a positive effect on wildlife.
    There is a void in this province. There is no one organization that is political, and represents hunting and conservation in its purist sense.
    Its unfortunate. I hope one day an organization that will be political, stand up for the rights of hunters, All Hunters, and will promote and persue wildlife conservation based on science, not emotion. An organization that will post it's Mission Statement, and stick with it. There is no room in such an organisation for anyone not willing to abide science and proper conservation, tied to hunters rights.
    Are you at all aware of the Kootenay Wildlife Coalition (KWC)? This is a coalition of EKWA/BCWF, BC Trappers, SE Guides, United Bowhunters BC (UBBC), EK Big Game, Wildsight and BC BHA, that have come together with the purpose of working together, trusting each other, setting aside difference with the intent of lobbying Government for more attention to Wildlife. For action. Sounds like what you are looking for. This group has delivered statements and expectations to the Minister, held local round table and town hall meetings, has met with local MLA's, FN, and operational FLNROD staff. The objective is to bring the various voices into a single plan of action. There has been a lot of progress made by this group. Think about it... differing opinions, 'respectfully' coming together, for a single objective.

  2. #22
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    Re: PINT NIGHT - BC Backcountry Hunters & Anglers - Trail, BC - February 21

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryo View Post
    If the organization was called Wolf Hunters United, sure. But it's not. It represents multiple interests, and thus is obviously going to contain differing points of view. If this person was declaring themselves not a board member, but Fearless Leader on a Crusade of saving ungulates through ONLY XYZ , I'd have reservations. But again, it's not.
    Why would you have reservations about an organization being of a single goal? It would achieve the same end that all want dont you think?
    If not why not??

  3. #23
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    Re: PINT NIGHT - BC Backcountry Hunters & Anglers - Trail, BC - February 21

    Quote Originally Posted by Island Idiots View Post
    Any organization should post Exactly what they will stand for, no ambiguity. Before I go to such an event I want to know if they will support back country access for me and my UTV.
    Do they support the North American Conservation Model?
    Is this organization some of the same group that put out the Whitetail ads earlier? There are a lot of selfish, ignorant, folks in the kootenays that want to keep others out, and its all about the antlers.
    If this organization has a wolf lover on their board, then I don't want any part of it. I am with Texas Walker.
    If you want broad support then you have to support a broad range of hunters.
    Any board member should have to sign a memorandum supporting a wolf cull, proper wildlife management. If they won't. they aren't worth pigeon shit.
    What they stand for is easily accessible on the net...if you are willing to look. Who is a part of it and their views can be learned from attending the meetings or contacting Bill Hanlon. He is an upstanding guy and will be honest with you. What you believe and what you believe you are entitled to is up to you. What our province can manage for may be a different story. If we band together to lobby the government for our future benefits then we can move forward. If not, we may be contributing to the downward spiral of our wilderness and wildlife resourses. And "Yes", I personally do not equate wilderness with unfettered ATV or other motorized vehicle (snow mobiles) access...just so that is clear.
    "Target archery is seeing how far away you can get and still hit the bull's eye;
    Bowhunting is seeing how close you can get and never miss your mark."

    "A man's got to know his limitations"

  4. #24
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    Re: PINT NIGHT - BC Backcountry Hunters & Anglers - Trail, BC - February 21

    Quote Originally Posted by TexasWalker View Post
    You're deflecting.

    Is there or is there not a board member that is against killing wolves?
    I already know the answer so I will do everything I can to stop any hunters from joining or donating money to the BCBHA.
    Bad apples can be culled. We proved that in the BCWF. To throw the baby out with the bathwater is just stupid. Changes are best facilitated from within.

  5. #25
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    Re: PINT NIGHT - BC Backcountry Hunters & Anglers - Trail, BC - February 21

    Quote Originally Posted by Steele Shot View Post
    Bad apples can be culled. We proved that in the BCWF. To throw the baby out with the bathwater is just stupid. Changes are best facilitated from within.
    Proved what?
    The BCWF is rife with rotten fruit.

  6. #26
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    Re: PINT NIGHT - BC Backcountry Hunters & Anglers - Trail, BC - February 21

    Quote Originally Posted by TexasWalker View Post
    Proved what?
    The BCWF is rife with rotten fruit.
    Seriously, for someone who likes to pretend he knows everything, you sure make some very poorly thought out and unfounded statements. If you are going to accuse the organization you really have facts to back them up, so convince us, who are these rotten fruits of which you speak, or is this just more pot stirring??
    I shoot a "Girly Gun" a lil' ol' 45-70
    "I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and the pig likes it."

  7. #27
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    Re: PINT NIGHT - BC Backcountry Hunters & Anglers - Trail, BC - February 21

    Quote Originally Posted by TexasWalker View Post
    Proved what?
    The BCWF is rife with rotten fruit.
    So is this web site. And I can prune with impunity. Get it!!
    Take a kid hunting its more rewarding than shooting an animal yourself!!

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: PINT NIGHT - BC Backcountry Hunters & Anglers - Trail, BC - February 21

    Was thinking of joining,but know not so sure now.I see JT mentioned Wildsight in his post,that brings up vision of Jumbo wild and the bongo pounding hippies and a-holes in Nelson that protest but couldnt find it on the map.Im all for saving some wild places and for more wildlife,but as a logger I have no use for some of these types that will piggyback on hunters and anglers just so they can lock up the bush from everyone.Maybe Im off base but BC backcountrys site is vague about how they stand as far as where industry fits in.If someone can enlighten me great

  9. #29
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    Re: PINT NIGHT - BC Backcountry Hunters & Anglers - Trail, BC - February 21

    Quote Originally Posted by #49 View Post
    Was thinking of joining,but know not so sure now.I see JT mentioned Wildsight in his post,that brings up vision of Jumbo wild and the bongo pounding hippies and a-holes in Nelson that protest but couldnt find it on the map.Im all for saving some wild places and for more wildlife,but as a logger I have no use for some of these types that will piggyback on hunters and anglers just so they can lock up the bush from everyone.Maybe Im off base but BC backcountrys site is vague about how they stand as far as where industry fits in.If someone can enlighten me great
    Glad some people can see the truth.
    You're not wrong.

  10. #30
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    Re: PINT NIGHT - BC Backcountry Hunters & Anglers - Trail, BC - February 21

    Quote Originally Posted by #49 View Post
    Was thinking of joining,but know not so sure now.I see JT mentioned Wildsight in his post,that brings up vision of Jumbo wild and the bongo pounding hippies and a-holes in Nelson that protest but couldnt find it on the map.Im all for saving some wild places and for more wildlife,but as a logger I have no use for some of these types that will piggyback on hunters and anglers just so they can lock up the bush from everyone.Maybe Im off base but BC backcountrys site is vague about how they stand as far as where industry fits in.If someone can enlighten me great
    It doesn't much seem to matter where they stand. If you are in logging and you want access to every tree out there, they are not for you. If you are in mining and want to dig out every mineral out there, they are not for you. If you are into AVTing and sledding and want to be able to climb every hill and rip up every basin out there, they are not for you. If you are in the ski industry and want to put a lodge and bring chopper or cat people onto every powder slope out there, they are not for you. I won't go on.
    Now if you are concerned about the degradation and loss of wildlfe habitat and wildlife itself and want to participate in doing something about it, then maybe they are for you.
    "Target archery is seeing how far away you can get and still hit the bull's eye;
    Bowhunting is seeing how close you can get and never miss your mark."

    "A man's got to know his limitations"

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