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Thread: What kind of hunter are you?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Re: What kind of hunter are you?

    What kind of hunter am I ? A lousy one. Oh, that's not the question. I use to really love still hunting. Still do ,but with a bum knee, I'm lucky I can still walk, it doesn't happen any more. More often I park the quad in an inconspicuous place , put my feet up and lean back and try not to go to sleep.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    region 9

    Re: What kind of hunter are you?

    Quote Originally Posted by snipersights View Post
    I love calling black bears in clear cuts. Sit on the edge with a rabbit distress call and pull them in. I also like to quad from cut to cut and hike in. Then I usually sit on the outskirts of the cut and glass for a while
    I still haven't had luck with a distress call for black bears yet in the spring, is that when you've had your success?? I have heard that due to their lack of energy after hibernation, that they don't come in near as well as during the fall, don't know 100% if that's true or not..

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: What kind of hunter are you?

    My favorite way to hunt these days is to find a nice little ambush spot, a sit quietly for a few hours until the sun goes down.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: What kind of hunter are you?

    Quote Originally Posted by HarryToolips View Post
    I still haven't had luck with a distress call for black bears yet in the spring, is that when you've had your success?? I have heard that due to their lack of energy after hibernation, that they don't come in near as well as during the fall, don't know 100% if that's true or not..
    Works best during mid to late spring when they target fawns. Even better if you know areas does stay with young fawns

    Works spring and fall but depends on the bear some are less predatory and some actually run away

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: What kind of hunter are you?

    A locked out hunter.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Victoria BC & Alberta

    Re: What kind of hunter are you?

    I love it all! There's something to be said about hanging out warm and cozy with a friend or two, coffee in hand, slowly scanning the cutblocks out of the warmth of the truck. However, I also love putting boots to ground. Maybe hiking 5 - 15km in a day. I especially like walking through old timber on Vancouver Island. It's amazing how much darker it can get under the tree cover and how quiet it can be...and what you end up finding! Maybe a shedded antler...or a pile of old and bleached bones. Maybe it's sitting in your spot and the sky begins to open up with a torrential downpour, if you have adequate cover or the right gear it is actually kind of fun.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: What kind of hunter are you?

    Should of added....when it hits close to (minus 15 or below), that's when the boots stop.....truck only these days

  8. #38
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Re: What kind of hunter are you?

    Well, I think defining 'what type of hunter' I am goes some distance beyond how I like to hunt.
    Respectful - If I come upon another hunting group, I like to talk to them, find out what their plans are, give them first option, and then go some where else for myself, knowing I won't be in their way.
    Contributing - I've always felt a need to give back, raising money for wildlife, sitting on committees, carrying out burns, thinning and counts
    Lifestyle - hunting is not a sport, it's a way of life. I enjoy watching, following and documenting animals all year. That's why, when I say ungulate numbers are at all time lows in the EK I am incredibly frustrated by some who may question that.
    Flexible - Each animal pursued requires a different approach. Bears (spot and stalk), Turkeys (set up in a logical location and call), Mule Deer (hike, spot and stalk), Goats (Spot and Stalk), Elk (run call & chase and tree stand), Whitetailed deer (tree stand feeding bedding scenario)
    Up close pursuit - Archery tackle only
    Prepared - I hunt with sufficient gear to address any situation which might arise.
    Inclusive - I enjoy taking new hunters out, and ensuring they get a great wild experience and do it frequently
    Share the Bounty - As I harvest, all my neighbours and family recieve meat. I also gift meat to many of my wife's friends and anyone that might come over to assist with a home renovation project

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: What kind of hunter are you?

    Horseback as far as I can go, then the shanks pony up the mountain.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Kamloops Country just south of Heaven

    Re: What kind of hunter are you?

    -- I don't like shooting doe deer that are mothers already and have fawns. Dry ones fine, yearling one-
    ---------> I won't shoot a cow moose either, like to leave the cows, spike fork only. I won't shoot a big bull moose I let them breed.
    Jel -- just my way in kammy -- I take the liver out and home too --
    Last edited by Jelvis; 02-16-2018 at 07:56 PM. Reason: KNOW YOUR ROLE

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