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Thread: FIGHT, do something .......

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Prince George

    Re: FIGHT, do something .......

    I’ll be the first to admit that I spend too much time on the internet. For me it’s such a deep rabbit hole of info and learning, that I have a hard time staying off of it. I’d rather be on the internet learning about things I like than watching TV. But, having said that, I f#cking hate FB. I don’t have an account, my wife and family do, but it seems like just a big rabbit hole of nothingness. Endless cute videos, and people posting pics of every minute of everything they do in life. Anything that is interesting is full of horrible comments and threats with no repercussions or consequences because it’s not face to face. It kind of disgusts me that there is so much power (political influence I guess) with this kind of social media. So easy for people to have a big influence on things they have no knowledge of or involvement in.

    If I want to help get our hunting word out there and defend our lifestyle, I guess I’ll have to get involved in FB. It probably has lots of good content, I’ll just have to learn how to find it.

    Sorry for the rant, I know being negative doesn’t help anything.
    Last edited by mod7rem; 01-25-2018 at 02:42 PM.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: FIGHT, do something .......

    I joined FB just a couple of months ago for exactly these reasons.
    Thanks proguide for the excellent post!
    Last edited by Greenthumbed; 01-29-2018 at 07:16 AM.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Aldergrove, BC

    Re: FIGHT, do something .......

    Quote Originally Posted by mod7rem View Post
    I’ll be the first to admit that I spend too much time on the internet. For me it’s such a deep rabbit hole of info and learning, that I have a hard time staying off of it. I’d rather be on the internet learning about things I like than watching TV. But, having said that, I f#cking hate FB. I don’t have an account, my wife and family do, but it seems like just a big rabbit hole of nothingness. Endless cute videos, and people posting pics of every minute of everything they do in life. Anything that is interesting is full of horrible comments and threats with no repercussions or consequences because it’s not face to face. It kind of disgusts me that there is so much power (political influence I guess) with this kind of social media. So easy for people to have a big influence on things they have no knowledge of or involvement in.

    If I want to help get our hunting word out there and defend our lifestyle, I guess I’ll have to get involved in FB. It probably has lots of good content, I’ll just have to learn how to find it.

    Sorry for the rant, I know being negative doesn’t help anything.
    Facebook doesn't do sh** unless you are actively trying to become a "public figure". Most aren't. And you definitely don't sound like you do. Which is fine. Neither do I.

    I have FB. When I started posting hunting pics I know several people unfriended me. You can't reach people that don't want to be reached ..... unless you are prepared to go "public". That isn't for everyone, nor can everyone do it successfully.

    Guys like proguide and dana spend considerable time outdoors and have considerable content to share.

    What I can do, however, is support them. Likes comments and shares DO help. As does staying informed and following suit ... for example, without FB (and this site) I wouldn't have known about the survey.

    I don't think you're being negative just realistic to your own situation.

    I do really like the Trapper initiative we have going and will continue to support that with the gift of a tank of gas every now and then. Thankful we have people like proguide to step up and lead a movement like this.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Re: FIGHT, do something .......

    Quote Originally Posted by Ltbullken View Post
    "I can't because I work..." That is the first excuse to facilitating defeat. Most anti's work too. And it is a preconception, myth, etc., to think otherwise.

    Social media strategies don't require an 8 - 4 timetable. We need to be flexible and creative in our approaches.
    This is what I was thinking. same excuse everyone had not to attend the BCWF presentation. thing is if you can make time to hunt you should try to make time to do your part!

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: FIGHT, do something .......

    I only signed up on FB cause my buddies said there was a decent hunting page to just see stuff without all the bs.
    But then, I have my wife on there, and now I get to see postings of her Anti friends.
    (not what I wanted to see, but it's all over out there on FB)
    Other then that, I don't use it like some do anyways, nor would I want to.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Kamloops, BC

    Re: FIGHT, do something .......

    Some ideas:

    - F&G clubs commit to regular habitat and conservation projects and do media and social media releases about them
    - raffles and other fund-raising activities for give-away 'dream hunts' to support sick kids or individuals who would never be able to hunt or hunt again - splashed all over media
    - stock posters and images that convey conservation, pro-hunting messages
    - talking points and conversation strategies that all hunters can use in the public when questions or challenges arise
    - advocacy with politicians done by the backing of organized hunting groups so that politicians know there is money and votes that are on the line
    - develop strategies and talking points that assert why hunting is a noble, valuable and healthy choice (i.e. - clean food, you eat store meat - I eat clean meat, we all have a choice about our food sources, our ancestors went hunting to survive, circle of life, etc.)
    - develop a list of sensible hunting-related practices that don't draw the ire of peta-sensitive social media (i.e. we need to behave in a way that doesn't give anti's ammunition)
    - develop programs that target opportunities to grow hunting like women in hunting, children's programs, activities like that. The biggest growing group in hunting right now is coming from women. What is the hunting community doing to support and promote that growth?
    - how are the hunting groups cooperating and communicating with each other: BCWF, GOABC, F & G clubs, WSS, DU, First Nations communities. This fight will all land on our door step one day.

    This may challenge some status quo, old time hunter crowd. But we need to realize that we may be embarking on the 'battle of our lives' here in defending our heritage and we need to adapt, be conscious of our actions and be way more savvy and coordinated in our response about how we promote our actions and image.

    Freelance Wildlife Population Manager
    Animals - If you can't eat 'em, wear 'em!

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: FIGHT, do something .......

    I believe that FB and instagram are excellent formats for spreading positive info regarding hunting life, and being on top of the zeitgeist of society. I follow many positive hunting figures who give me insight and new tools to combat the negative news and false beliefs uninformed people have. The term Trophy is such a loaded word as "anti hunters" hear only one thing in their heads. Killers for sport and heads. A detailed thoughtful argument can be difficult at times but many can see some positive aspects of hunter gathering once informed respectfully.
    I know there are way to many kill glorified "hunting shows" and not enough ones that take a thoughtful respectful informative approach to hunting and harvesting game.
    One show which does a GREAT job at portraying hunters and hunting in a very good light is MEAT EATER by Steven Rinella.
    A few excellent sources for inspiration should include Jim Shockey, Steve Rinella, Meat Eater, Cameron Hanes to name a few. They are all on Instagram and are huge advocates and are very well spoken and informed.
    Believe it or not, Joe Rogan is a strong force in bringing awareness to uninformed millions and is doing a great job in breaching the gap between hunters and hunting and the general uninformed individual. It astounds me how many intelligent people have very little understanding of conservation and actual hunting practices. Joe"s podcasts are some of the best there are.
    That's my 2 cents for now. I am inspired by the people I follow in Instagram who hunt and there is a growing community of hunters and conservasionists who are stepping up. Late as it may be.

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