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Thread: My 2017 Elk

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    My 2017 Elk

    Disclaimer: Unfortunately I’m terrible with pictures so I let my partner take video and pictures, however his SD card shit the bed and all of the scouting pics and video with him are non existent anymore. So there isn’t a tonne of pictures to go with the thread as I’d hoped and you can only write and read about aimlessly pushing bush and devils club so many times. So apologies for all the writing with lack of pictures and I’ll try and be descriptive as I can without dragging on and on.

    So bear season 2017 rolls around and comes to a finish and untilthelastbeat (Joel) and I are impatiently awaiting for the LEH results to show their faces to start planning our year. We both were really hoping for our goat draws as they were the best odds and I know the area fairly well. Moose we got drawn last year so little chance. Just forget about Rosie elk or the sheep pipe dreams. Thursday June 15th comes and I look at HBC as I do everyday looking to see a thread saying draws are out and what do you know, draws are out! Now we all know that feeling of anticipation when they come out, it could be the best day of the year in my opinion. I’m trying to log on the the website to check before it gets bombarded and crashes. I get through right away and hit draw results…..something is seriously wrong they’ve made a mistake…Indian Arm what?...uhhhh yeah right....ROSIE DRAW IN MY BACK YARD. Now it’s pretty awesome being born and raised in Squamish and getting to see the herds grow, shed hunt for them and just see them expand into town and beyond so to get this particular Rosie draw was awesome.

    Immediately I text pretty much everyone I know whether or not they are a hunter, because they need to know. A couple buddies had this draw 4 years earlier and had some awesome tales on top of the monster that came out of there the year before so planning is set in motion immediately to meet for beers, get some info. Saturday June 17th I wake up and pack up the day gear, load the dog and girlfriend into the truck and head up Indian Arm hoping the snow has cleared at the summit. Two weeks previous it was impassable with anything but a snowmobile when I went for a check for bears. Start hitting the summit everything seems fine and then snow. Shit. Well I’m to pumped to turn around even though were about 20km from where the elk start hanging out. Screw it I’m walking in, the dog needs a walk and I need to start bugling. Finally Emily starts questioning how far we need to go to get into elk….”uhhhh a little ways”. We got to an area about 5km in where I’ve heard of them hanging out but I knew that isn’t where I wanted to be neither then nor on opener so we let the dog run for a bit while I’m pointlessly screaming bugles and cow calling like I’m a moronic herd of elk and start walking back to the truck.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Williams Lake, BC Canada

    Re: My 2017 Elk

    Breaking out the popcorn...epic...
    Thank you for sharing.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Re: My 2017 Elk

    ooh ya buddy stoked! remember to try data recovery on the card should be able to get the info off

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Re: My 2017 Elk

    Fast forward a few weeks later into July. I had planned to go for an overnighter after work on Saturday so I had driven up a couple nights before to make sure the snow was passable and it was. So I finish my day at work on Saturday and go home load up my overnight gear and grab the dog and start heading up. I then realized well what if I get past the snow and there is a washout or something. So I decide I’ll rip to my parents and see if they still have my bike from high school, The Mongoose, just in case. Go digging through the boat house and find it in the back, flat tire, air it up and hit the road. I get to the summit and start heading down past the snow and hit a minor washout. It was easily passable but the creek was flowing through it and looked like it could washout worse over night. Out comes the old trusty piece of crap Mongoose and down I start riding along with my pooch Vito. At this point it is all down hill so I’m covering ground pretty good until I realize that it’s entirely up hill to get back. Well eff it, I could use the exercise anyways so I kept going about 13km in and decided thats where I would start pushing bush for sign, new or old, to maybe start setting up some cams. By the time I got there I didn’t have long before last light so I just hiked around for about 45 minutes and spent the last half hour sitting on a transmission line and had dinner and read my book. The next morning Vito and I zig zagged from the transmission lines to the Indian River for about another good 5km and spent most of the day doing that, only coming up with old sign and old chewed up sheds. So we start making the hike back to the bike to head home. Jesus Christ did I wish that I didn’t bike so far in, I could hear vehicles going by so I knew the creek was fine which pissed me off but oh well. Vito and I started are long jaunt back which for the most part was just pushing the stupid mongoose and finally reaching the truck and head home well after dark.

    thats the piece of crap mongoose

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Re: My 2017 Elk

    driving up with buddy

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In paradise on the Island

    Re: My 2017 Elk

    everyone has been waiting for this monster to be revealed, lookin forward to reading this amazing story and seeing all that bone once again!!
    Their steaks, roasts and burger to me! Tom

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Williams Lake, BC Canada

    Re: My 2017 Elk

    Lol good choice for Co pilot...
    We know it's well worth the wait. .don't rush it.

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: My 2017 Elk

    ok where the frick did you go????!!!

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: My 2017 Elk

    It's about time.......!

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Re: My 2017 Elk

    Heard a lot about it but still have not seen any pics!...

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