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Thread: Story and a few questions about Moose in 5-1

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Story and a few questions about Moose in 5-1

    I have the bull draw for 5-1 from Oct.1-14. I was up early scouting and got the first 7 days in before I had to get back to other responsibilities at home - begrudgeonly! Good news is I am able to get back from Monday evenings hunt thru Wednesday afternoon.

    I found an area that has some swampy spots down in a bowl that had cows in the area for at least several years that I know of. I saw three cows together one night early on too. I called morning and night and on the third afternoon when I got in and called I had an answer! We called back and forth for almost two hours with him getting ridiculously close! I thought he was going to come over the ridge at any minute! At sunset he seemed to have veered off but was still answering. He continued to move away and I tried moving in his direction calling to get him turned back but it wasn't working. I am fairly confident that he followed the real cows scent back into their bedding area?!?

    The next morning my son had a chance to get his doe tag filled about 2 mins into the fsr. He had to head home the next day so I told him to take it even though I was itching to get into my spot and start calling the bull back in. Unfortunately the deer went down and then got up a few minutes later and walked towards the back of the cut. He was confident he hit her and we had to give it some time so we didn't push her farther. We started circling for blood about 20-30 mins later and there was none. Nor where she had bounced off to and gone down after the shot. Eventually we found her and he had hit close - but anticipated the shot and hit a bit farther back and missed the heart. It was a hot day and we just cleaned her up and got her to the cooler. Wolves started howling (close in, in my estimation) as we loaded her up and on the short way out we saw deer scattering.

    I got back into my spot by 1:00 and started calling. Nothing. And that's how it went until dusk. I was back in there for the next day with no answer from the bull. That evening I decided to drive out and use the last hour to look for deer. I saw two cows in seperate locations on the way out. I glassed those two real hard but couldn't get them to grow some spikes for me! And then that was it and I had to go.

    Questions - Considering I'm getting back after 4 days away should I go to the same spot and call or has the bull moved through and I should try somewhere else? I'm new to moose hunting and the use of estrus scent makes sense now but is there enough time for it to help - basically I'll have it out 24hrs before my last calling session? Does the cows splitting up mean they've been bred and dismissed by the bull? And do the wolves factor into trying the same spot vs going somewhere else - I haven't heard them again?

    All the hunters I spoke with were really helpful, gave advice and even suggested areas they had seen cows or knew to be good in the past. Thanks again guys! They also all said that they weren't seeing any bucks or bulls yet in the area. I'm not sure if that matters much?

    If if any of you moose savvy hunters can help me with my dilemma about sticking with the same spot or moving on with a limited time (48hrs) available now for my last chance on this tag I would really appreciate it!

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Story and a few questions about Moose in 5-1

    Would start with what you know, if no response or sign after the the first couple hrs move on.

    Good on your boy for sticking with the deer.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Williams Lake, BC Canada

    Re: Story and a few questions about Moose in 5-1

    Imo go back..reason moose where in that area.. hang the scent yes..even if it pulls in a small bull unable to mate so far..don't cover so much ground cover the area loud and proud ....then listen hard..they are still rutting"
    Anything I can add..send pm I will call..

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Moose country

    Re: Story and a few questions about Moose in 5-1

    They were still rutting in 5-1 when we were there on the weekend. Had a couple small bulls come in but ofcourse no LEH this year. I would head back to the spot you had the response from and work the cow call. If he is in the area (which he should be if the cows are still around) he should still be responsive. Especially if he is a younger bull as Srupp mentioned. Find a spot with a good vantage point, get in there while its still dark and call that sucker in! I would spend the first full day in there

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Region 0-1

    Re: Story and a few questions about Moose in 5-1

    and here I am still skunked in to no sign in any of my spots and just lifeless bush it seems. I've called...yelled...and maybe even cried a bit....changed spots...drove the roads...walked...nothing is working for me. If I didn't have a draw I would of saw 10 bulls by now. Its to the point now where I know I will see nothing each day I go out...You better go back to that spot I would say!

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Re: Story and a few questions about Moose in 5-1

    I've hunted that 3-30 and 5-1 area a lot over the years and the moose are certainly on the rebound. This year we saw a nice bull ( for that area) and we'll go back and see if by brother in law can get it for his draw.

    id stick with the plan boys...( Cyrus and shotty shooter) the moose are there it just takes excruciating patience... Call and wait. Then wait.... Wait... Then call . I've had them answer back when I've given up hope and started switching religions

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