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Thread: First moose!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    First moose!

    I am back from my first LEH moose hunt and I want to share my story and give credit where it is due! I chose a sub-region of 5-2 for my draw based on some initial research & proximity to home. I reached out to SRupp for advice and he was enthusiastic and willing to help me with area knowledge and the art of finding & calling a moose. Me and my friend started our hunt on Sept 21 by going to swampy areas I had chosen on google earth and set up pee soaked tampons. We called for 45 min in each spot and didn’t see or hear a thing. By end of day 2 we hadn’t seen a moose but had seen tons of sign and even found a complete set of huge shed moose antlers. We got discouraged one evening and decided to give Steve a call and he told me to stay in one spot and call all day. Well we sort of did that. We lasted about 3 hrs in each spot after getting bored / discouraged. In one particular spot we called moose hotspot because we say tons of trails/ bedding areas and fresh poo with a meadow and some water. We set up tampons the day before and went in at 5 am and set up some chairs and started calling. After about 2 hrs we hear urgh urgh urgh urgh urgh in fast succession ever so softly and that happened 3 times. My friend looked at me and said did you hear that?? I think it was a moose!! We then heard it in the bush to our left. After 20 minutes we never saw that moose and we think he worked around us in thick bush and caught our smell because he took off. So I gave that spot a day to calm down and tried different spots on Sunday. My Friend had to go home so my dad came with me to moose hotspot again at 5 am but this time we set up on a higher ridge overlooking the meadow. After 2.5 hrs of calling we hear urgh urgh urgh urgh urgh again and we both wait. All of a sudden a moose walks between tree islands and disappears! I thought crap did I miss my opportunity? Then all of a sudden the moose appears at the tip of one of the tree islands staring in our direction looking for a date. I took aim and fired. He didn't move so I shot again. This time he disappears into the bush but I felt my shot was good. I wait 45 min and go look for him. I found his blood trail and eventually him. I was so excited and a bit remorseful for taking this great beast! He was huge! The next 8 hrs was gutting, quartering and packing him out which was tough as he was 500 m from the truck down a hill and across a swamp. I did this with a small cart and Cabela’s Alaskan pack frame (lifesaver!!). I had to do this mostly by myself as my dad is 70 and has health issues.

    My trip would not have been successful if I didn’t receive advice from Steve. It was those little details that made all the difference. Big shout out to him and his generosity of sharing his years of knowledge. It’s a big temptation as hunters to hoard all our hunting knowledge to benefit only numero uno and those close to us. But this man is a legend in my books for all the help he gives hunters like me! I am forever grateful! I am now a moose hunter!

    Go to see picture:
    Last edited by Cdog; 09-29-2017 at 12:17 PM.

  2. Site Sponsor

  3. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Langford, BC

    Re: First moose!

    WOOHOO.. pics are needed though!!! Congrats

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Re: First moose!

    Why cant you attach pictures and why do need a link for a different site? Seems lame! Photobucket sucks what other sites do people use?
    Last edited by Cdog; 09-29-2017 at 12:18 PM.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Coquitlam BC

    Re: First moose!

    That's a great story and great that you were able to share it with your dad. Congratulations. I don't think you are the first that MR Rupp has helped out in the past. Enjoy the rest of your season.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: First moose!

    Great Story, Congratulations!

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Williams Lake, BC Canada

    Re: First moose!

    Hmmmm Congradulations Colin...our lives are fast and hectic..slowing down..sitting..calling..Listening. ..takes effort..we always want to see what's over the next hill..more hills..
    Congradulations. .it's not so much when..2 moving objects may never find each other..and in moose hunting.lif you only get laid once a'll be there..on time..when called.
    You guys did great..Congrads again.


  8. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Re: First moose!

    Congrats on your success.

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    North Van

    Re: First moose!

    "I reached out to SRupp for advice and he was enthusiastic and willing to help me"

    And now we know who's responsible for the moose decline! Kidding aside, congrats, and Srupp stays true to form with helping people. Good guy.

    I love it when you get a bull grunting back repeatedly. Lots of fun and once you experience it you're hooked! Get the pics up!
    Rob Chipman
    "The idea of wilderness needs no defense, it only needs defenders" - Ed Abbey
    "Grown men do not need leaders" - also Ed Abbey

  10. #9
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: First moose!

    Congratulations. Terrific job. Patience is a hard trait to aquire some times but you proved it

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Re: First moose!

    Congrats on your moose. I hope to be doing the same this this week

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