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Thread: Alberta Bow Association Allocation Policy Survey

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Port Alberni

    Thumbs down Alberta Bow Association Allocation Policy Survey

    It appears the ABA has decided they are in the business of managing hunting programs over there

    They have a new survey out, wherein they propose:

    - Doing away with Landowner Tags for Mule Deer

    This program has been effective in keeping gates open for other hunters, rewarding landowners for maintaining wildlife habitat, and helping keep crop depredations down a little. The vast majority of landowners I know over there very much like the program, and will be ticked off if it disappears. On the surface, it would seem the ABA desires the 1200 tags be returned to the general hunting fold.

    - Doing away with Non-Resident Canadian access to special draws (LEH)

    This one personally effects me, and a lot of other hunters I know. We spend a good chunk of change over there every time we draw, and our impact is not very significant (300 tags overall!). Will 300 tags make any real difference to the success rates for Alberta only? Or is this simply sour grapes or greed??

    - Create a Special Draw for Archery Seasons

    Obviously self serving. This has in fact been done for most western Mule Deer WMU's, leaving those to the east still general tag. That has had the undesirable effect of concentrating increasing numbers of bow hunters into the remaining general season areas. While they suggest this will be a potential solution to increase opportunity for bowhunters while reducing competition in the special license draw, many simply see it as a self-serving mechanism that will direct more tags in the direction of archery hunting (taking them away from rifle hunters).

    There follows a series of questions and suggestions focused on the Outfitter Guide operations over there, and how to deal with them.

    The survey is open to any one, however their final question will separate out the answers from those who are not an ABA member.

    I strongly suggest anyone with an interest in hunting in Alberta give consideration to filling out the survey.
    Your future hunting efforts may well be effected by the eventual findings.

    Survey can be found on this page under the link Very Important SURVEY:

    Apparently the results will form the draft of an Allocation Policy that will then be put out to the general public for comment, then final review and possible acceptance by the AEP minister. I will try to keep my finger on the pulse, and report back findings as this develops...


    Egotistical, Self Centered, Son of a Bitch Killer that Doesn't Play Well With Others.

    Guess he got to Know me

  2. Site Sponsor

  3. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Alberta Bow Association Allocation Policy Survey

    Thats a crock of shit. No one group should get special privileges. Doesnt matter if you are bow hunter, rifle hunter, quad hunter, horseback hunter. Only focus should be ensuring plenty of game for every group to enjoy!
    Originally Posted by olympia
    if your worried bout ticks than you aint never been bit by a snake while pissing...try gettin your hunting partner to suck the poison out

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Port Alberni

    Arrow Re: Alberta Bow Association Allocation Policy Survey

    The sense of self-entitlement among the ABA runs strong...

    Some will agree with them. Especially those among the protectionist Me First camp. Fits well with the vast majority of the personalities I have met from the ABA...

    Regarding the removal of the NR draws - For those that like this idea, all you are doing is taking away the ability to hunt with family and friends, to hunt together, for the sake of scapegoating and greed. NR Hunter Hosted licenses account for less than 2% of special licenses issued.
    This will do Nothing to help resident opportunity.

    In the case of the recommendation to establish a new archery allocation and archery exclusive draw, this is being done to directly limit hunter participation. The ABA noted in private their concern that there are now too many bowhunters, and that their ranks are swelling every single year.
    The recommendation is directly intended to exclude those who are not as serious as others (ABA membership).

    The other thing they fail to mention in their proposal is that those tags will have to come from somewhere. The so-called management authority there is apparently not in the business of creating additional habitat nor wildlife numbers. All they do is further restrict access every time a change is being made. The rifle hunters who were hoping to draw that special tag in any zones this is implemented WILL be waiting a few extra years to do so. For the tags the ABA want for their exclusive club draw will come from the general Special License pool, further limiting the possibilities of any individual drawing within a reasonable period of time.

    Self serving obviously, guess since they are being duplicitous throughout their "survey" it should not be surprising they are not willing to be truthful regarding their intent in this matter either...

    In the case of landowner tags - taking those away from the very folks that grow and feed wildlife is a fool's errand. Watch just how fast those No Hunting signs come up in response in many many areas.

    Eliminating NR hunter host special licenses, making NR use a resident's tag, and removing less "serious" bowhunters hunters from the archery draw are ALL in the direction of exclusion and limiting opportunity. Period. Very poor practices for a supposed management authority to support. Hunter restrictions rather than game / habitat management. Sad. One can hope that there is a level head or two at the table when it comes down to decision time...

    Never thought I would live long enough to see such self-centered greed and sour grapes becoming the focus of so called wildlife management in Canada. Sad days...


    Egotistical, Self Centered, Son of a Bitch Killer that Doesn't Play Well With Others.

    Guess he got to Know me

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Cobble Hill

    Re: Alberta Bow Association Allocation Policy Survey

    Thanks for posting this! I filled out the survey. I just got back from a successful Alberta antelope hunt; most years I make a trip to Alberta to hunt moose and deer with family members and spends lots of money in the process. I guess some people do not care about the economic benefits.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Port Alberni

    Thumbs up Re: Alberta Bow Association Allocation Policy Survey

    Thanks Gab, Appreciated!

    I am in the process of drafting a letter to the relevant Minister over there.
    Will post that once I've fired it off.

    Let's hope saner heads prevail in this matter...


    PS: Let's see the antelope pix!!


    Egotistical, Self Centered, Son of a Bitch Killer that Doesn't Play Well With Others.

    Guess he got to Know me

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: Alberta Bow Association Allocation Policy Survey

    I don't agree with a lot that has come out of the ABA in the last few years but I will give them this they are active and offen achieve results. Sadly they have succeeded in getting things to pass that myself and many others view negative

    if only they they pushed better agendas

    Give them hell Nog

  8. #7
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Alberta Bow Association Allocation Policy Survey

    Am I reading it wrong or would you not still be able to hunt with family and friends for anything that is on a general tag? Just draws would be out for a non-resident Canadian.

    Is this not the way it is for an Alberta resident that wants to come to BC to hunt with family and friends? I'd sure like the option of putting in for the Roosevelt lottery each year. 27 years for me and I never did get one.

    For the record, I don't agree with what the ABA is proposing as they are only looking out for their interests.

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Port Alberni

    Thumbs down Re: Alberta Bow Association Allocation Policy Survey

    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzybiscuit View Post
    Am I reading it wrong or would you not still be able to hunt with family and friends for anything that is on a general tag? Just draws would be out for a non-resident Canadian.
    More or less correct.
    But then figure this into the equation - Those of us who like to bow hunt will now see that pursuit go to draw if these Idjuts get their way.
    And, again, NR Canadians who have hunted with a bow over there for decades will now be cut out of the loop as they will no longer be allowed to apply for the draw.

    For the record, I don't agree with what the ABA is proposing as they are only looking out for their interests.
    That is downright for certain! The more I learn about them, the more I have this feeling of distaste towards them.
    Had it with this action...
    Pulling out the stops. Bringing my my rancher and outfitter buddies over there.
    Yes, we are coming. And HELL is coming with!


    Egotistical, Self Centered, Son of a Bitch Killer that Doesn't Play Well With Others.

    Guess he got to Know me

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Alberta Bow Association Allocation Policy Survey

    If I'm not mistaken there would still be general archery tags but that in current draws there be separate rifle and bow draws/seasons rather than just one all weapon draw. This done currently with antelope although with their proposal I don't believe you could apply for both weapons as is currently the case with antelope. Basically you'd have to choose your weapon for hunts that are on draw but not for general tags.

    I suspect there are a lot of rifle hunters on side with keeping Non Residents out of the draws as well...basically identical as to what's done in BC.

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Alberta Bow Association Allocation Policy Survey

    As I explained on the Alberta Outdoorsmen forum.

    This is NOT a survey of ABA recommendations.

    This is a survey of recommended policy changes from AGPAC (Alberta Game Policy Advisory Group), a provincial consultation working group.

    The stakeholders such as ABA, APOS (Outfitters) and AFGA (Fish and game association) have ALL been asked to bring this AGPAC survey to their membership, results will be reviewed by AGPAC before writing a final draft of Allocation Policy changes that will then go to the general public for comment.

    While I DISAGREE with the proposed change to NR being excluded from participating in the draws,

    This is what BC is already doing to NR hunters....

    Where is the effort to have BC be more like Alberta in allowing NR participation in LEH hunts?

    It is a shame that individual jurisdictions seem to only like making access to hunting more restrictive and exclusive....

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