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Thread: Looking to get into Bowhunting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Looking to get into Bowhunting

    Looking to get some advice on where to start with a decent compound set up. I have many friends that are in to it and have gone on a few hunts with them. As a long time trigger puller I feel its time to test the waters in another area. Not looking to start out with top of the line but don't want bottom of the barrel either.
    Makes, models to consider as well as the ones to stay away from.

    Info and advice is much appreciated.


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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Re: Looking to get into Bowhunting

    I just picked up my nephews Matthew Mission Craze 2. Seems to be shooting really well. Got it dialed in from 20 yards to 60 yards. Will give it a try durian moose bow season this year. Just wanted a different challenge from rifle hunting.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: Looking to get into Bowhunting

    My recommendation is ignore speed and pick a bow with a smooth draw and solid back wall. It will be more comfortable to draw and hold at full draw. Pick a bow that feels nice in your hands

    With form being a huge factor in archery having a bow that feels comfortable is huge. You are going to have guys tell you fps and the force it puts out but it means little if your grouping sucks.

    I will not recommend any bow but instead tell you to test as many as you can. All major brands make good bows just find your fit

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Looking to get into Bowhunting

    My opinion.

    Cry once buy once.

    I got into it a few years ago and I am now itching for an upgrade. I bought a good bow at the beginning but at the bottom of my price point and although it's a good shooter it has left me wanting more.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: Looking to get into Bowhunting

    I'm new at this also...
    But I agree with buy once cry once. It's a lesson I wish I applied to other hunting purchases.
    Buying from an archery store is well worth it, this way your bow is setup properly from the start. I spent about $1300 on my setup and don't feel the "need" to upgrade anything yet. For me this is important because I have limited time so I'd rather be practicing and learning my equipment rather than making upgrades and changes and losing out on consistency in my practice time.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Looking to get into Bowhunting

    Recommend any makes or models?

    We don't have a any bow shops around here so my research will be done online until I can get to a bigger center to actually hold one

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quadra Island

    Re: Looking to get into Bowhunting

    Second to WWBC -- it's worth the expense early on to go thru a small archery store, unless you're really good friends with an expert who has his own press. All modern bow makers turn out good product and a good archery store guy can really help with that, as well as with fitting. Having said that, most smaller stores concentrate on a few brands so you'll hear about what they have. I've shot Matthews for 15 years, and the same Drenalin for 10 with great results all over North America. I love the Matthews and I'm going to get a new bow this year or next but the local store is Hoyt/PSE so I'll probably go with their suggestions. Once you get settled in, post some pics.

  9. #8
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Looking to get into Bowhunting

    Bought a used Hoyt Charger, lots of good accessories, sight, arrow, rest case heads and points.

    Learning how to shoot the new toy. First hunt with it in the morning.

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