Quote Originally Posted by cpwrestler View Post
Oh I get it. To you it's not about wastefulness, it's about what you and the ndp/greens believe is morally acceptable. In this case, you all believe any killing of grizzly bears is morally wrong. I don't share that opinion. I believe in evidence based management of our wildlife and sustainable harvest.

I also believe that preserving the hide, paws and skull commemorates the experience of the hunt, the memory and the respect for my quarry that only a hunt can provide. Out of respect for the animal, I can get behind a keep the meat approach. I can't get behind your emotionally based ideology that passes judgement on others without any evidence that my practices and beliefs harm the overall ecosystem.

I dont ever ever expect you to understand what it means to experience a hunt like this. The deep connection to nature that it provides. I just wish you and the NDP/greens would respect what it means to me and those on this forum.
I'm pro-grizzly hunting. I don't like wastefulness. Maybe hunters should have had a louder voice re: meat retention in the past, so there wasn't a need for this policy.

Grizzlies are a public resource. The public has a say in the use of their resources.