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Thread: sheep hunt made me sick.

  1. #71
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: sheep hunt made me sick.

    Quote Originally Posted by rimfire View Post
    Someone shooting a Tikka would think that! So Jim, where were you the evening of the incident? /s
    My one and only Tikka is a 338 Federal so it weren't me ! RJ

  2. #72
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: sheep hunt made me sick.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bchunt View Post
    Good day folks. I made an account just to respond to this thread. Long time lurker here - as in many years. I have lived all over the north and have had many interactions with native hunters and guide outfitters. What has been described is quite odd. Not saying it is impossible, just odd

    Ask yourselves - when was the last time you had an encounter with a native who had flown in by float plane? When was the last time you had an encounter with a native who had a Tika rifle? When was the last time you had an encounter with a person who back packed all the meat and horns to a lake and then just left it? The hard work was done by that point

    Now go back and re-read the story and see where the allegation that it was natives first came from. Now, what does your common sense interpretation of the facts (as described) lead you to

    Just a thought, maybe it wasn't a native hunter.......
    I was told by the Atlin CO that it was Natives hunting there traditional Territory and there was nothing he could do. He met them off of the plane and questioed them in Atlin. Why would I make up a story like this? Also a fellow HBC member is gonna post some pics. I shoulda taken more now that i think about it. But I took enough.

  3. #73
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: sheep hunt made me sick.

    Quote Originally Posted by pro 111 View Post
    So My son and I and a friend of mine head out for a well planned fly in sheep hunt in region 6. We went in a couple days early to hike into the areas we know the sheep are usually in and to get set up and maybe locate a good ram for opening day. We meet the outfitter before we go and make a plan with him . tell him where we want to hunt as not to cross paths. The first day we run into goats running around the side of the mountain out in the open on gentle slopes. This would be the 29th of July. The next day 30th . we glass a wolverine down in a gully slinking along. Somethings up but we just keep hiking. Same day we run into a pile of human shit and an emty jet boil canister. Shit was fresh. We think OK maybe the guides been up here and scouted out the area before time and they just didnt want to tell us. No big deal as we never thought anything would have been shot at. we make camp. Next day we move on up the valley slowly glassing as we plod along. My son is 13 so were in no rush , although he seems to be suprisingly not tired . lol. Day before opener . No sign of an animal period. Fresh boot track in the mud though by some water. We make camp early and go up high and glass until it gets dark. Nothing to go on for the opener. No big deal this has happened before and turned out good. were up at 4;30 and packing up camp to keep moving along. Mid day we set up in a well hidden spot not to far from some good sheep hills. We hike outa camp around 3 to get set up for some afternoon and evening glassing. We are making our way through the rocks believe it or not and wouldnt you know it. another pile of day or two old shit with paper all around. Now we are getting a little discouraged. Shit seems to be getting fresher but still two days old. We have a bad feeling. Someones in here hunting ahead of opening day. Saw 3 sheep and there jammed into the cliffs and in a panic when they see us. Two small ewes and a banana ram . Our experiance tells us that somethings not quite right here for opening day , but we stay positve. Next day scout and glass some real nice ground. Nothing. We are discouraged and decide to hike back to the lake and try another valley.
    We get there mid next day. Kid wants to fish , I want to swim and clean up. Something catches my eye in the bush. Its camping gear. I go to check it out. Wow , two sheep heads. One legal one an inch short 6 years old stashed in the bush. Beside is a bag full of meat with baseball size fly egg clumps on the bag and a rotting smell. Also a rifle . Tika t3 300win mag. Clip in unatended with bullets. Ok you assholes can come outa the bush now I yell . we Know you guys have been hunting early . No reply. I cant resist as I look in the bag of meat. Its heavy . Lots a meat. Put in orange garbage bags . Gross stinking crawling sheep meat. I show my partner and he starts to gag. Literally its slimy and green.

    We call up the outfitter. He is furious. Our plane shows up. We leave. Outfitter flys in and has called Atlin CO service. I touch base with the outfitter later that night. He sais you wont believe this . Stewards of the land had beat us to the punch. They flew out of Atlin many days early. CO sais theres nothing he can do. I wonder if the pilot let that rotten bag of meat on his plane.

    OK heres my opinion. U wanna hunt early because its your right. Fine . Take care of your meat and your Capes . Those guys showed total disrespect for those animals as well as ruin a legitamate sheep hunt. I hope there band has the balls to deal out the right punishment to to these ass holes . Our government is to chickenshit to do anything about it. Always whining theres no game left and blockading roads and access trails. Start practicing what you guys preach. Everyone who has had similar experiances should write letters and start flooding the internet with there stories and writing to our local MLA. This experiance made me and my hunting partner sick. Basically this looked like they were trying to screw over the outfitter and any other hunters that were going to be hunting this area. The nicest Ram that was legal had one inch of hair all the way around the base of the horns. The illegal one was perfect. One guy knew his shit, the other was a rookie. The Airplane services should also grow a set of nuts and refuse to fly this type of bullshit in and outa the bush. This goes for Native and Non Native.

    Until next time, Thats my rant for the year.
    I would of taken that rifle...abandoned IMO...also what band was this? I would be inclined to contact them and complain
    WSSBC Monarch
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  4. #74
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: sheep hunt made me sick.

    Quote Originally Posted by pro 111 View Post
    I was told by the Atlin CO that it was Natives hunting there traditional Territory and there was nothing he could do. He met them off of the plane and questioed them in Atlin. Why would I make up a story like this? Also a fellow HBC member is gonna post some pics. I shoulda taken more now that i think about it. But I took enough.
    why would he meet them off the plane if there was no incident yet, or were they still in hiding in the bushes when you left?
    WSSBC Monarch
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  5. #75
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Re: sheep hunt made me sick.

    Quote Originally Posted by pro 111 View Post
    I was told by the Atlin CO that it was Natives hunting there traditional Territory and there was nothing he could do. He met them off of the plane and questioed them in Atlin. Why would I make up a story like this? Also a fellow HBC member is gonna post some pics. I shoulda taken more now that i think about it. But I took enough.

    this is a weird story. So they clearly flew out, as the CO met them. Did they forget the firearm in the bush because they made it on the plane. Did they forget the meat and horns? When you spoke to the CO did you tell him about the meat and firearm? Any CO worth his salt knows that First Nations are allowed to hunt for sustenance and ceremonial purposes but are not allowed to waste edible portions of wildlife. That CO, if he knows the facts that you described should have been all over it.

    I am not doubting you Pro111. As I have said many times, this story is quite odd and there seems to be parts of it still unknown.

    What did you do with firearm when you left?

  6. #76
    Join Date
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    Re: sheep hunt made me sick.

  7. #77
    Join Date
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    The Ville, B.C.

    Re: sheep hunt made me sick.

    Should be enough pixels to backup what was encountered. Discussed hanging a pic of the Tikkas serial number with Pro 111, but figured it served no purpose here. I will however verify that said picture does in fact exist and was at the scene as stated by Pro111.
    Last edited by RiverOtter; 08-15-2017 at 10:51 PM.

  8. #78
    Join Date
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    The Ville, B.C.

    Re: sheep hunt made me sick.

    Couple more of the short sheep.

  9. #79
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Standing in a storm

    Re: sheep hunt made me sick.

    Any updates from the CO ?

  10. #80
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    West Kelowna

    Re: sheep hunt made me sick.

    So...... Any updates on this? Or is it all hush hush?????????

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