Another point...Lead shot has be banned for waterfowl hunting for a number of years and upland use is extremely spread out. Now, all of a sudden we have 12 cases in a concentrated area and automatically lead shot is the culprit?

Something smells here.
I completely agree! I think it is irresponsible to suggest a suspected source without any solid proof. I am not saying lead shot is not to blame but there are plenty of other potential sources of lead contamination that should be ruled out as well. They should look to see if there are any industrial sources for lead contamination in the area as well as testing marine life to see if it is bio accumulating. At least they could perform autopsies to see if there is lead shot in their systems before saying lead shot is to blame. I know here on the Island Bald Eagle populations are very healthy. I've lost two my chickens to them this spring, which leads me to suspect it is a localized problem.

I'm curious to know what this "device" is that they are using for testing the lead. I thought you had to do blood tests to get proper lead level readings. That is how it is done in humans, why would animals be any different?
The device they bought is probably a thing that tests for lead levels in blood.