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Thread: First Nation rights

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Abbotsford, B.C.

    Re: First Nation rights

    Quote Originally Posted by edgar11 View Post
    The whole argument reminds of the little kid who picks up his Tonka Truck and goes home because he doesn't want to share with the other kids in the sandbox. With the process of evolution in over a hundred years and most likely contact with another immigrant over those years, they would most likely introduce different technologies (through trade and barter for e.g.) so the whole argument is moot.

    "little kid", well, about what 50+ years of contact/experience with your ilk have taught me to expect.

    The actual source of "gunpowder" is generally considered to be the "Grecian Fire" used by the various city states and peoples of antiquity, EUROPEANS, although there were probably Asian formulae of a similar nature in the same era.

    I absolutely favour total disarmament of ALL of the minority persons of the contemporary "status" groups. There is NO valid reason to share with them in view of their violent, aggressive and extremely racist behaviour.

    That, is all I have to say on the matter as I must mount a scope on my No2. Dakota 76-.338WM.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: First Nation rights

    Quote Originally Posted by edgar11 View Post
    Sorry to say BgBlkDg that your "true democracy" is what built these laws in which these Aboriginal Person(s) are following. That is why the RCMP and Co 's are doing nothing about it. What you should be asking yourself is why your democratic system has done nothing to amend or improve this ruling after this many years? Don't you think they are a little outdated and that there is room for improvement? I disagree with harvesting females too but I seem to get grouped in with all other FN's saying that we hunt anything without any regard for conservation. Why don't they implement a system where if you have legit reasons to harvest an animal(sustenance purposes) then why can't you apply for it so it can be monitored? Then those who abuse it can be penalized. The problem is that you and me are not decision makers and this system that we must live under makes it difficult to get through to. People need to stop ranting and start looking at constructive ways to solve the problem if we want change and blaming the FN people is not going to help or change anything.
    Some valid points edgar11 about stereotyping FN and their hunting practices and simply playing the blame game.
    Bitching fixes nothing.
    Having said that, there are some big BUTS, and I mean some BIG BUTS in your comments.
    Every effort to regulate FN hunting rights with some form of regulated harvest and accountability HAS BEEN FAUGHT TOOTH AND NAIL BY FN!

    Firstly, no person has the right to trespass on someone else's property.
    No one has the right to discharge firearms on someone's private property.
    No one has the right to kill wildlife on someone's private property.
    (Guaranteed if anyone showed up on FN land and killed an animal royal shit would hit the fan with legal repercussions!!!)

    The reason there is no enforcement is because FN HAS PUSHED AND FAUGHT THIS ISSUE TO THE LIMITS!!
    Despite the fact that science is the basis for controlled harvest for sustainability, FN wants no part or accountability on this issue.....trumping the fact it is their "rights".

    There are efforts being made for regulated hunters to have their harvest reduced in support of FN's "rights" for the best chunk of the pie with unregulated harvest. This is not democracy, this is exploitation.

    When less than 3% of the hunting community becomes responsible for over 75% of the harvest in some areas, on some species .....problems will arise.

    Bigger picture.......
    They are taking a natural resource outside of regulation and law.
    If a group of people are allowed to kill wildlife on posted private property with no repercussions .......
    What's next..... they want the timber....they want the minerals.....they want the water.

    Not being chicken little here but there are members within the FN community that are pushing for just this.
    The line in the sand keeps getting erased.

    Sad part is the wildlife resource we both cherish so much is taking the brunt of it.
    Truly sad.

    I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's start with keyboards and forums. - F L Wright

    Try and be kind to everyone but fear no one. - Ourea

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: First Nation rights

    Quote Originally Posted by jassmine View Post
    Where's the redirect?
    I was simply responding to posts that posted before me or in response to me.
    not addressing specifics in this case but rather focusing in on irrelevant history of who invented what and when

    can you answer my 3 questions directly pertaining to the case at hand

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Re: First Nation rights

    BgBlkDg, Those are your beliefs and you you are absolutely entitled to them, however, I am sure not ALL of them are doing this. Even though I do get upset at events like these, blaming an entire particular group or any similar extreme measure of that sort is not going to sit well with any group, let alone in the media. Especially in today's day and age. Politicians are just not going to touch that.

    In my opinion, more regulations around hunting in the winter/off season, regardless of who you are, would help. One set of regulations for all. Not sure if that going to be possible though.

    If some one really needs food that bad, they can get a job and go buy it a grocery store. They wont starve.

    As wideopenthrottle mentioned, to me, its about this:

    Q#1 Do you think FN hunting rights should extend to private property?
    Q#2 Do you think FN should have the right to kill any animal anytime regardless of sex, population health numbers or during the hardest part of winter
    Q#3 Do you think that this case should result in charges under existing laws
    Last edited by DeepJeep; 01-30-2017 at 12:32 PM. Reason: added another thought

  5. #65
    Join Date
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    Pemberton BC

    Re: First Nation rights

    Quote Originally Posted by jassmine View Post
    Well the point I was making was in reference to BgBlkDg wanting to ban FNs from having firearms.

    Then you chimed in, to indicate that the propellant currently in use is not chinese.

    So being the moderator and all, I believed that you would be following along in the conversation that was happening who's topic was FN rights (or what turned into a removal of rights to own firearms).
    Being a moderator, I assumed that you would not be posting something off-topic or extraneous (key elements of the definition of an Internet troll), and believed you joined this particular discussion outlining the origin of propellant to stay on topic, hence, being more targeted with the ban on key technologies only to particular people.

    But if not, and you simply wanted to post something extraneous or off-topic to the conversation at hand, sorry my mistake.

    So basically, you just "decided" I said something that I didn't.

    You could have just come out and said "sorry, I made a mistake, you didn't actually say that, I was wrong"

    Would have saved lots of time.
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  6. #66
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    Sep 2014

    Re: First Nation rights

    Quote Originally Posted by Ourea View Post
    Every effort to regulate FN hunting rights with some form of regulated harvest and accountability HAS BEEN FAUGHT TOOTH AND NAIL BY FN!

    The reason there is no enforcement is because FN HAS PUSHED AND FAUGHT THIS ISSUE TO THE LIMITS!!
    Despite the fact that science is the basis for controlled harvest for sustainability, FN wants no part or accountability on this issue.....trumping the fact it is their "rights".

    The primary reason is, is because FN often have little say in the formulation of laws or policies involved with the harvest.

    We see the same thing in Conservation Biology all the time. We make decisions and formulate methodologies to protect particular species and then try to force them upon these communities, saying that we know best.
    What we forgot are these communities have a Nation to Nation relationship with Canada (being proven increasingly in courts), and as such any regulations and laws we try to force upon them often don't hold up to the tenets of treaties and FN rights which allow FN self-governance.

    I believe we are going to make very little progress until we FN into the decision making process at all levels (enforcement, public service/policy analyst, government decision making). We are only now beginning to do this in our conservation work and through these types of partnerships we've managed to secure better protection and potential increases in land for some species.

  7. #67
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    Re: First Nation rights

    Quote Originally Posted by Gatehouse View Post
    So basically, you just "decided" I said something that I didn't.
    I decided based on you being a moderator that you would not be posting something extraneous or off-topic to the conversation/response that was taking place, yes.
    Sorry, I was wrong, I assumed wrongly that you would follow normal internet forum protocol and stay on topic.
    Again, my mistake, apologies.

  8. #68
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    Pemberton BC

    Re: First Nation rights

    Quote Originally Posted by jassmine View Post
    I decided based on you being a moderator that you would not be posting something extraneous or off-topic to the conversation/response that was taking place, yes.
    Sorry, I was wrong, I assumed wrongly that you would follow normal internet forum protocol and stay on topic.
    Again, my mistake, apologies.
    I guess it was too much to expect that you wouldn't just simply admit you made a little mistake. All this effort just to avoid that. That's pretty interesting, and says volumes about you.
    Knowledgeable shooters agree- The 375 Ruger is the NEW KING of all 375 caliber cartridges. ALL HAIL THE NEW KING!

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Re: First Nation rights

    Dont neccesarily think law enforcement and govt are "gutless" on this issue, really caught between a rock and a hard place. Consider what would happen if they are charged/convicted and the court system in some level of appeal overturns the conviction?? Now suddenly it is above the board legal for fn to tresspass to hunt. ..not charging them may be an attempt to keep such rulings from ever getting on the books. I believe some fn people do this sort of thing purposefully hoping it will result in a day in court that may deliver them a favorable ruling.

    "Do not go where the path may lead,
    go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Re: First Nation rights

    Quote Originally Posted by Gatehouse View Post
    I guess it was too much to expect that you wouldn't just simply admit you made a little mistake. All this effort just to avoid that. That's pretty interesting, and says volumes about you.
    I apologized on post #54, as well as my last post.
    Attempting to characterize me in a particular way, by saying I didn't apologize also says just as much about you.

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