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Thread: A Bad Shot - Advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    A Bad Shot - Advice

    I know no one ever likes to discuss when things go wrong because it is a matter of pride and not causing suffering.

    Here is the scenario:

    I had a nice blacktail lined up at 100m and and when I squeezed the trigger something spooked it and it bounded. I caught it in the spine right where the rib cage meets the spine and it went down hard and began to spaz with its aft section paralyzed. I couldn't get a clean shot with it moving like that.

    I made my rifle safe and ran forward to the deer. I jumped across its chest pinning it to the ground and reached for my knife with the intent of slitting its throat but I looked back and saw my knife with my gear 100m away. I thought of shooting it but it was rocky ground and dangerous. I thought of bludgeoning it but that seemed like it might not work and smothering it was impossible. I twisted its neck to the limit of its natural turn and then crushed it with the weight of my upper body. It was dead instantly.

    Why I am telling this story is two fold:
    1. Always have your knife
    2. How would you suggest handling an unclean kill like this.

    I want to learn and be the best hunter I can be and my only other kill was super clean shot so what are the best ways to deal with this type of scenario?
    Last edited by sailpunk; 01-18-2017 at 03:04 AM.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Cranbrook BC Where The Elk Are..

    Re: A Bad Shot - Advice

    I would had backed up 20 feet and put a bullet into its head..
    Hunting Elk Is All About Finding Them ,If You Can't Find Them Keep Trying ..

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: A Bad Shot - Advice

    I wouldn't have left my rifle behind when approaching the deer. Walk up to it and put one in the back of the head or neck. We've all had a shot go not as planned but owe the animal as quick and clean a death as possible.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: A Bad Shot - Advice

    I would have just shot it again form 10 or 20 feet
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  6. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Changing diapers

    Re: A Bad Shot - Advice

    Every kill shot scenario is different, sounds like you did alright although a little WWE style but you got the job done. I agree with the above posters if possible to back up to safe distance and finish with the rifle. Oh and yes never be without a blade when hunting, see if you can find a sheath that works for you or have one made so that it can always be on your body, even if its not your game processing knife in particular. Good eating!

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Re: A Bad Shot - Advice

    Perfect time for a handgun, but nooooooo says justine

  8. #7
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: A Bad Shot - Advice

    Way to go caveman all over

    As mentioned, back up a bit and finish it off with another shot. Too much can go wrong getting that close to a wounded animal with just a knife.

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: A Bad Shot - Advice

    Did this really happen or just a scenario. Head moving too much to get a shot so you decided to run over and jump on it?
    ive spined animals before and the last weapon I'm thinking for finishing the job is my knife.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: A Bad Shot - Advice

    agree with the above; in my experience, all animals will settle enough for a kill shot from 20 ' away

    even if you need a couple; a shot would always be preferable (to the deer) than the stress from wrestling

    and an antler in the eye usually ends poorly

    thanks for asking, 'living and learning' makes us all better hunters

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Re: A Bad Shot - Advice

    Quote Originally Posted by hunter1947 View Post
    I would had backed up 20 feet and put a bullet into its head..
    I would be affraid to get poke by an antler or kicked with those sharp hoofs. My friend got kicked by a deer and it was painful.

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