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Thread: Biologists seek clues to B.C. moose deaths

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Re: Biologists seek clues to B.C. moose deaths

    Quote Originally Posted by Fisher-Dude View Post
    Wolves have not, however, been around moose for thousands of years with the habitat altered by pine beetle logging. That's the difference. And wolf populations are not dropping due to the alternate prey species like rapidly-expanding whitetailed deer in new habitats.

    Unregulated hunting is exactly what it says, hunting without regulations. To have a poacher, you'd need regulations to be broken.

    Finally, you missed the important part in the article which says it is imperative that if you're hunting cow moose to shoot a cow with or without these collars. That data will help the bios determine all causes of death.
    I saw that. In the regs though it says that the meat may not be safe to eat because of the use of tranquilizers and immobilizers they use to sedate them. That's the only reason I wouldn't shoot one.

    I agree that the deer and beetle kill forest have a roll to play, but we can't possibly control the whole ecosystem. I think it's best to let it find a balance. Removing too many wolves at the wrong time will allow the deer to explode even more and cause higher birth rates in the woves. I don't have a problem with wolf culls, but in the long run a balanced ecosystem is the only thing that will work.
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  2. #12
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    Re: Biologists seek clues to B.C. moose deaths

    Balanced ecosystems exist only in the Disney storybooks.

    With human influence on all populations, it's imperative that we also take responsibility to manage said populations. We can't have it both ways.
    Quote Originally Posted by chevy
    Sorry!!!! but in all honesty, i could care less,, what todbartell! actually thinks
    Quote Originally Posted by Will View Post
    but man how much pepporoni can your arshole take anyways !

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Re: Biologists seek clues to B.C. moose deaths

    There is NO ...balance... in any ecosystem, they are in constant flux and change due to the biogeochemical cycles moving in them and the energy inputs flowing through them.

    This is basic Ecology, not some fantasy from the leftist "greenies".

    I will gladly post professional, scientific sources for my post, as I always do when making factual comments here on the small knowledge I have gained in 63 years of reading and study.

    FD is correct, the popular media, ie, Larry Pynn and Steven Hume, are almost always wrong about these issues and there is an agenda happening here in respect of environmental management.

  4. #14
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    Re: Biologists seek clues to B.C. moose deaths

    Hmmm. The report states that the majority were killed by wolves. That can't be true. Wolves only kill the sick and old. The one report also indicates that the one moose was being eaten while still alive. That also can't be true as wolves are such noble animals.
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  5. #15
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    Re: Biologists seek clues to B.C. moose deaths

    Will not the 'beetle kill' result in new growth and browse for deer,elk and moose?

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: Biologists seek clues to B.C. moose deaths

    In 10-15 years the beetle cut areas will be ideal moose habitat, the issue is where do they go to survive in the mean time.

  7. #17
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    Re: Biologists seek clues to B.C. moose deaths

    Moose can survive wolves....Moose cant survive our natives

  8. #18
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    Re: Biologists seek clues to B.C. moose deaths

    Quote Originally Posted by Salix View Post
    In 10-15 years the beetle cut areas will be ideal moose habitat, the issue is where do they go to survive in the mean time.
    "Pimpin' aint easy"

  9. #19
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    Re: Biologists seek clues to B.C. moose deaths

    The growth will be good, but the roads that have been created are not and never will be, even being deactivated. They will take years to grow any brush/trees and mean while the 4 legged preds will continue to run them, covering twice the country they used to in a short amount of time. Roads are just not used by 2 legged preds.

    The only way to really control them is aggressively with a mix of everyone shooting any one they see, trappers concentrating on them like CH does and the gov conducting a wolf kill. It needs to a concentrated effort.



    Quote Originally Posted by 358mag View Post
    "In spite of what some members of this site choose to BELIEVE, None of our opinions are any more important than Dog Shit"!

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Re: Biologists seek clues to B.C. moose deaths

    Quote Originally Posted by Bugle M In View Post
    yup, pissed me off too...
    the none hunter, most of LM's, will now take that as us, the ethical hunter, killing off all the Moose.
    And if it was a whitey problem, it would have been stated as a Poaching problem.
    But "Unregulated Hunting", is just someone in the government, spinning the term from Native to Unregulated!
    We are really starting to get shafted by our politicians, and there is no end in site!
    And sadly, wildlife is just as much the loser in all this, as we the resident hunter.
    Moose populations are dropping, and due to political correctness, everyone is making circles around the real problem.
    Yes, great, we the taxpayer are paying for all these studies, but in the end, the wrong fix will be implemented to correct it.
    More closures on the way I suspect, and meanwhile the problem will continue to operate behind these closures, and due to that,
    Moose will still continue to get s*** kicked.
    Sad and Infuriating, at least for me.

    Nailed it...hard
    "Forty yards n closin"

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